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Thread: Anxiety blog

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Riga, Latvia

    Lightbulb Anxiety blog

    Hey, I was thinking - maybe anyone would like to start a public blog on anxiety? Like updating things from daily lives, anything new you've found on anxiety disorder and/or the recovery. Anything. Also - answering other people's questions.

    The purpose of the blog:
    1) Letting people who don't have an anxiety about the disorder and how to help someone with it;
    2) Letting people with anxiety know they're not alone;
    3) Giving advice.

    I've been thinking about this lately since I met with a person who had a very skeptical look on people with anxiety disorder, and how "they shouldn't be allowed to work at public places" - a really mean and stubborn opinion in general. So I just thought - maybe there are some of you who would like and have the time to run this blog with me? Anyway, let me know if you're interested or have any interesting ideas!

    Have a lovely day,

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Haddenham (Cambridgeshire)
    It'd be good to keep a note of how people are progressing. provided the blog stays active I see it as being a positive. There is a section dedicated to news and updates on anxiety research.


    Although it's not very active, so posting info here is probably more worthwhile.


  3. #3
    I think it's a very good idea. If you can find someone to collaborate with you it will be a worthwhile endeavour.

    I have an anxiety blog myself and it's very fulfilling to create and update. If you need any advice then send me a message.
    Visit outsmartanxiety.com to read my anxiety story.



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