Hello to everyone. I have been struggling with what I have been told is anxiety and/or panic attacks for about 4 years. There is a history in my family. I can remember the night it first happened. At the time I was smoking marijuana pretty much all of the time and had been for about 6 years. I smoked a joint and then got in the shower. As I was shaving my legs I realized there was a numb sensation in my left leg from the knee cap down. I instantly felt as though I wanted to pass out, my heart raced and I felt aweful. (a few years previous to this my younger step brother had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 4 months later, his first symptom was numbness in his left side.) I know where that anxiety came from. The next day I went to the ER because my leg was not any better. The doc said that I must have injured it somehow maybe playing with my 2 year old daughter. After spending 5 minutes on me, this was his conclusion and it did not seem to satisfy me. I was back a couple of days later to the ER because it was not any better, still nothing. I was feeling very bad by this time, dizzy, fatigued, withdrawn. This turned into months of ER visits and staying on my couch. My hair was falling out, I lost 66lbs in 3 months, I physically felt aweful. Now 4 years later I have good days and I have bad days. My good days I feel, "normal" and my bad days I feel like I have a hangover, my head feels foggy, I feel I am on the verge of passing out. My daughter is now 7 and I need to be there for her. I quit smoking cigs 5 months ago, I don't drink. I need to talk to someone preferably my husband but he just gives me that look that says "not this again". What am I to do? The docs want me to take zoloft but I have been on ativan for 4 years. I just am so lost. I have good days and bad days. On my good days I feel"Normal" and on my bad days I feel like I have a hangover or on the verge of passing out. It comes out of the blue, pins and needle through my face, weakness and then feeling like crap for days.