Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1

    New and looking for some help

    Hello to everyone. I have been struggling with what I have been told is anxiety and/or panic attacks for about 4 years. There is a history in my family. I can remember the night it first happened. At the time I was smoking marijuana pretty much all of the time and had been for about 6 years. I smoked a joint and then got in the shower. As I was shaving my legs I realized there was a numb sensation in my left leg from the knee cap down. I instantly felt as though I wanted to pass out, my heart raced and I felt aweful. (a few years previous to this my younger step brother had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 4 months later, his first symptom was numbness in his left side.) I know where that anxiety came from. The next day I went to the ER because my leg was not any better. The doc said that I must have injured it somehow maybe playing with my 2 year old daughter. After spending 5 minutes on me, this was his conclusion and it did not seem to satisfy me. I was back a couple of days later to the ER because it was not any better, still nothing. I was feeling very bad by this time, dizzy, fatigued, withdrawn. This turned into months of ER visits and staying on my couch. My hair was falling out, I lost 66lbs in 3 months, I physically felt aweful. Now 4 years later I have good days and I have bad days. My good days I feel, "normal" and my bad days I feel like I have a hangover, my head feels foggy, I feel I am on the verge of passing out. My daughter is now 7 and I need to be there for her. I quit smoking cigs 5 months ago, I don't drink. I need to talk to someone preferably my husband but he just gives me that look that says "not this again". What am I to do? The docs want me to take zoloft but I have been on ativan for 4 years. I just am so lost. I have good days and bad days. On my good days I feel"Normal" and on my bad days I feel like I have a hangover or on the verge of passing out. It comes out of the blue, pins and needle through my face, weakness and then feeling like crap for days.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Indiana, USA :)
    Welcome WTFB,

    Yup, definately got some fixin up to do here. Please explain the hair loss, weight loss period and also the (lorazepam) for 4 years thing too please?..That in itself may have alot to do with the up and down, good days, bad days....Quit smoking 5 months ago? CONGRATS!!!


  3. #3
    The weight loss was not intentional, I did not want to eat, the only time I did eat was after I had taken the ativan. I take .5 in the evening to help me sleep. The doctor wants me to take .5 in the morning as well but I am scared of "well I don't really know" The hair loss is a mystery as well. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease as well but find myself wondering if I have that. And yes I promised my daughter I would quit smoking before her birthday and I quit on March 12th and her birthday is March 15th.
    Last edited by Wishtofeelbetter; 08-21-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  4. #4
    The doctor has also given me zoloft to start taking I am scared of new medications and I def. do not want to take both at the same time. I don't want to feel, "funny" from the med either, I already feel weird all of the time.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Indiana, USA :)
    I can see your concerns, and also the Dr's concerns as well. Obviously there is a more sinister underlying issue here and that is depression. The (ativan) will only amplify the depression, and may also create more anxiety as this med has been proven to do in people with high anxiety already. Hair loss, weight loss kinda go hand in hand when you say you just didnt want to eat. No nutrients, vitamins, essential oils, fats, proteins, carbs=weight loss=hair loss. I'm not a huge fan of the (zoloft, sertraline) A/D...I'm just not. I would suggest another visit to the Dr and BEG to switch out that (lorazepam) for (alprazolam) and also say that if he wants you to take an A/D then you would like to start with one of the first BLOCKBUSTER A/D MEDS EVER CREATED BY ELI LILLY and that was (prozac)...now that patent is expired...(poor Eli) you can get generic (fluoxetine) for about $4 a month...Thats what I would do in this case.. The prozac generic tends to make lethargic, groggy, lack of energy types of people more energetic for some reason..without the head tingle zap headache holy shit it feels like theres a giant invisible clamp on my head kinda feeling....

    Just some thoughts friend...


  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Northampton, UK
    Deleted what a dumb reply I made
    Last edited by jhunter89; 08-22-2012 at 04:23 AM.



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