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  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Oh boy. Pot can actually be very helpful in helping to manage anxiety symptoms. For a person who is too anxious to relax or fall asleep it can be very soothing. And of course as we know, really doesn't harm your body, whereas alcohol is horribly harmful to your body. There is a big difference, though, in smoking to reduce some symptoms of anxiety and smoking so much that you're missing work and not following through on other responsibilities. It sounds like it's causing you to be super unmotivated, and you don't seem to be happy about that. So you need to think about how important (or not important) it is for you to get shit done and whether you're ready to maybe cut back a bit. It can be really helpful to ask yourself what you were thinking about right before you thought, "I wanna go home and smoke," because those thoughts are what's causing the anxiety that leads you to smoke.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Pot is such a funny thing. Helpful to some, but for people like me, it actually set of an anxiety disorder.

    I used to smoke daily, but as I got out of college and started working it just appealed less and less to me. It would usually just make me a little anxious and I couldn't smoke as much.

    I was working a super stressful job and decided to smoke one night. Just two hits. Triggered a massive panic attack that has had me reeling for weeks. Will NEVER smoke again.

    Just be careful with it.



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