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  1. #1


    I'm editing this post, because there doesn't seem to be a way to 'delete' it.

    I haven't posted on here for years now. A lot has changed in that period, and when I read my old posts I don't like what I see. It reminds me of the more anxious me - the me that I hated.

    I'd prefer to use this account as a way to start replying to and helping others, rather than it being a reminder of sadder days - not to mention the potential career liability that I feel it is now.
    Last edited by Dave G; 01-22-2019 at 08:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Too bad you are so stressed because of the meetings! I can immagine that it's hard for you to do, but on the other hand.... you are doing it! And you say you feel like the little voice in the room, but hey...if you wouldn't do your job properly, they would notice. So you are important.
    I understand it's hard, but try not to focus on what others might think about what you have to say during these meetings. Who knows...you might not be the only one who is stressed out. Lots of people hate to speak in public. Try to do breathing excersices as well. Maybe it helps a little. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2011
    Florida, USA
    Yes social anxiety for which I use propranolol 20mg-40mg(great for tremor/racing heart/shaking) but if you can keep at it, you will likely become more calm. Ask your doc about propranolol of you really are at and 8-9.
    I'm in IT as well and your bosses and coworkers understand you may or may not have tons to say all the time. I would concetrate on what support needs to be aware of to faciliate business. Take notice of changes, etc, that would need more or special IT support, identify and outline how you would like to support them for given cases. Try to anticipate IT needs those in the "field" will need. Some days you'll have a few things to talk about and that's OK. Others more.
    You are right, you expect a great deal from yourself and that can be bad if you are very critical of yourself. You are likely being way too hard on yourself and think everbody is at least as hard but are not. It's OK to be that way until it starts to take away from your performance and quailty of life. Throttle back and and try to understand they don't need a miracle worker but a reliable and upstanding chap in the job who is "with the program". PM me any time. Alankay

  4. #4
    Thanks for the input guys. What you say makes sense - it really does. I think next Monday I'll try to go into the meeting with a different mentality. I usually start every Monday dreading the meeting, which is dooming me from the get-go. If I go in with a different mindset and expect a little less from myself, maybe it will be less stressful for me. Also, I started Zoloft last week - maybe that will help down the road. I will keep you all posted and maybe create another thread Monday to talk about my progress, or lack thereof. Thanks again for your time and comments.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    I think trying Zoloft is a good thing to try. That should help you worry a bit less and feel better that way. It will take some time though so hang in there. Alankay

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Good to here you are trying a different mindset! I think it's the best thing you can do at the moment. Hopefully the Zoloft will help you!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    I can tell you from video's of myself, you feel it way more than others see it. For sure. Alankay

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Great to hear that the stresslevel was lower this time! Always a good thing. Little steps. People will not recognice or your anxiety. People call me a relaxt person, even when I suffer anxiety. If you try to breath slowly and say what you have to say, without trying to speed it up, people will not notice. Good luck. Remember yourself that you are able to do it!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2012
    I think it.s perfectly normal too be nervous in a work meeting, but I have gad, so...that's why! Work is its own animal to tame because, I'd toy think about it, you sort of are being judged. If you are doing everything you can to be a productive employee, then think about that...only. "I am doing everything I can to be a valuable asset to Initech. I really am striving to produce the best product I can and be a reliable resource and teammate." I mean, what else can you do, really? Actually being laid off did wonders for my work related anxiety. it taught me that my job is temporary and i.m ok with that now!



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