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  1. #291
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - (Still) Not Going Out

    So it seems that the cumspiggot's latest non-compliance with court orders has been met merely with a four month curfew order.
    Even assuming that the jizz-juggler intends to comply with the court this time (which it almost certainly will not), how exactly will this impinge upon its day-to-day activities?
    In what way can that be considered any form of effective punishment?
    The incel shut-in can't even be arsed with going to the local shops regularly now that it has discovered Snappy Shopper, and the weather in Edinburgh is not exactly enticing at this time of year.
    Still, I suppose it means the local working girls get some respite from the putrid prowler and can breathe a bit easier, for a short while at least.

  2. #292
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Persistent contempt of court

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    We shall be watching for how Scotty deals with this curfew.
    The Court instructing Spudanus to not do something seems to be the surest way of enticing the contrary psychopath to do that very thing.
    This will probably be the incentive it needed to get finally some exercise outdoors.
    It is still going to be spending Valentine's day doing Netflix and chill with the mice and the carpet beetles and a box of Kleenex though.

  3. #293
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - So many socks, so few braincells

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A/Kakapo/The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Using different names to reply to your own uninteresting drivel is pointless, James Berich.
    Sorry, no James' here....

  4. #294
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - The only good potato is a baked potato

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Very interesting how after all these years Scotty still thinks everyone is this Australian James.
    Yes, much like the outflow from a sewage pipe, the excrement-mouthed cuntwart is offensively consistent.
    Also, despite effectively getting off extremely lightly (more to do with the overcrowding in Scottish prisons than any skill from the lawyer, I suspect), the dickcheese is still moaning about it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cooper
    Today at 9:49 AM
    This week, I learned that the only good lawyer is a dead lawyer. LOL.

    I got sentenced in court to 135 days of cozy home curfew for saying to somebody (in 2021, no less), "Just admit it. You never cared about me". Wasn't even a hearing that took place in my local court either. I had to go to Livingston in West Lothian.
    Not sure obliquely suggesting a death-threat towards your own lawyer is a winning strategy, but then Spudanus has never been the brightest potato in the sack, even when it is the only potato in the sack.

  5. #295
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - We need a new word for how dumb it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    The older Scotty gets the deeper they go into recidivism toward chronic criminal behaviour leading to numerous arrests and re-imprisonment. We will sit back and watch the train wreck develop.
    The scrotum-faced turdgargler isn't capable of change or growth because it is incapable of thought. Pretty much all of its behaviours at this point are just conditioned responses. I'm honestly amazed it manages to feed itself at all - presumably it just shoves random objects into random orifices until it hits that vital food-mouth combo.

  6. #296
    Senior Member
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    Not available
    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 02-28-2025 at 02:03 AM.

  7. #297
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - A chip off the old blocklist

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Not available
    Well. thanks for that valuable insight, Spudanus.
    Your input is as welcome as ever.
    Suffering from some sort of post trauma, perhaps?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-28-2025 at 12:30 PM.

  8. #298
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Flaccid and hostile

    Clearly disheartened by the lack of engagement from the incel gamers and online aspies, and presumably having failed to strike up any sort of conversation with the mice it shares its lair with, Spudanus has decided to give the junkies another bash.
    After some chit chat about vomit porn and some wank about its ever-nonfunctional pizzle, it's straight in there with a wall-of-text greatest hits remix:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaori
    These women are taken the piss. Right?

    Yesterday at 8:01 PM

    First of all, I just want to say that, I have ASD, which makes me socially awkward. I have not really had a relationship, apart from one slag I met in 2005, who took advantage of me.

    I have social anxiety, agoraphobia type issues, average looks, and you know. I think I would be the last guy you'd want to date. Basically, I'm on the spectrum. Never go to anything social. The most I do is play pool with a sibling.
    "Average looks"?
    Overselling things a bit there, don't you think Spudanus?
    Average for a medieval plague pit maybe, but don't kid yourself that you are anything other than repulsive.
    On the money though with the last person anyone would want to go on a date with observation.
    Let's face it, even when offered a significant financial incentive most sane adults would rather gouge their own eyes out with a rusty spoon.

    Anyway, I often go online to look for escorts. I was also kind of interested in trying kink as well, as I find it gets me a buzz. You know. But I swear, messaging escorts, pornographic actresses, dommes or that on AdultWork.com and whatnot, is a waste of time. OnlyFans is crap too and a waste of money, because I think they get a bot to reply to you. Then they incessantly spam your inbox to ask you to pay to unlock videos, or they forward you links to other users, which suggests they aren't even genuinely responding. Sorry, but if I pay £10 to follow a woman, I want said woman to correspond with this person they clearly view as a twat.

    Now this could, admittedly, be down to me being rude from time to time.
    A bit rude?
    Ya think?
    More like an obvious creepy nutjob, but carry on...

    Like if you send pervy messages off the bat or ramble on about random stuff, they may think you're more crackers than Jacob's. I still think it's down to them being self-focused and insolent to a very big degree, though. But I will get on to it.
    The irony of Spudanus accusing anyone else of being self-obsessed is just glorious, isn't it?

    So basically, I think it comes down to enticing men through sugar-coating practices. Like if you look at their profiles, they know guys love all the juicy, sexy details and photos of their flesh. Right? Because if you contact them, they don't seem to care to acknowledge what you're talking about, which suggests they made it all up as carrot dangling. Some of their prices I think are ridiculous as well. Some fetch up to £400 per hour, and lots of charges for their listed extras aren't even included in the rate. So you could end paying up to £800. A huge gamble on someone you don't know.
    The only carrot dangling here is the cumgargler's own limp crotch-nubbin.
    I think the issue that the disheveled dickweed is encountering here is that you don't reach that level of the profession without being able to screen out the worst of the predatory scumbags and creeps.
    Honestly, £800 is fair recompense to even have to listen to the mingemaggot's whiney nasal droning.

    There's a woman who claims to be the tallest sex worker in Sweden. She really is huge. I saw photos of her standing next to other women, and you would need a ladder. And since she occasionally tours in England, I suggested she visit Edinburgh, in Scotland. But she emailed me in a cranky way, demanding 3000 euros. This is why I suggested if she was in London, for example, we could like, come to a compromise. And I wasn't trying to dictate anything to her. It was just something I made an enquiry about, because she seems to visit a lot of other cities in Britain. And I could sense she was being sarcastic.
    It's just incomprehensible that Nausi wouldn't be tempted to travel hundreds of miles just for the thrill of Potatoface's scintillating company, isn't it?

    But if you look at their X posts, it just feels like most of them are very pompous and living rent free in La La Land with how they express their business. It seems like they exist in a vacuum.
    What does that even mean?
    Are we sure Spudanus has English as a first language?
    That reads like some AI regurgitated nonsense.

    They talk about themselves way too much. Posts about food, holidays, how much they earned through overnight sessions with high class gents, what they did with their other SW mates, and so on - all the while berating men, who they must reflect upon as being beneath them. Then they expect these so-called "simps" to reimburse them on these cash apps, or buy them things on Amazon, or Throne. They used to use sites like Wishtender too, but that site ended its services.
    Peter still not understanding findom, while apparently still obsessed with findom...

    If they don't take a shine to me either, they block me without hesitation, then try to get me blackballed with people they associate with. There's this slogan that this London escorts collective uses, and they compare themselves to the Pink Ladies in 'Grease'. Like... WTF? times 1000.

    Uh. It's just so outlandish. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. And all that jazz. I don't find that remotely attractive. Nor should anyone else.
    Me thinks the potato doth protest too much; It clearly has a public humiliation kink. Why else would it keep coming back for more?

    But clearly, it's a waste of time. As a person who gets horny and super lonely, however, this is highly annoying, and I dare say, it's making me feel like knocking their teeth out.
    Well that's not at all problematic is it, fantasising violence against women?
    Can't imagine why they aren't queuing around the block to see the shitstain.
    Nobody to blame for Spudanus' situation other than Spudanus.
    Maybe it should consider knocking its own teeth out?
    Fucking hell, Peter, just have a rage-wank while scrolling through Capcom's website and be done with it.

    But I think it comes down to mistresses identifying as sadists. Because obviously if somebody says they worship the likes of Satan and wear bondage gear to reflect their bizarre personality choices, they aren't gonna be very approachable from the jump. Like, I know they seem to believe they're above everyone else in society perhaps due to a mental disorder, but you end up feeling like they could be potentially dangerous.
    There's only one party here with a mental disorder that is undeniably dangerous, and that's the potato in the mirror, Peter.

    I don't like to judge people, because I cannot rule out that they could have dire mental health issues that affects how they conduct themselves. But they may just enjoy trying to take liberties with people's pleasant aura. So why do they seem shocked when a guy replies with relatable hostility? But either way, maybe I ought to just call it quitters.

    P.S. I edited this for a few typos. Many smartphones lack spell checking facilities today.
    Didn't fucking edit it for sanity errors though!
    Lolwot? Doesn't like to judge?
    Fucking hell.

    Anyway, the thread continues on for several hundred more words to complain about the usual victims of the impotent imbecile's ire - Bella, Autism Initiatives, the council, the weather, etc.
    I'm still not sure this isn't satire - surely no real human could be as belligerently stupid and show so little self awareness as Spudanus?

    The rancid tuber's miserable malfunctioning little wang isn't the only thing that fails to stay up, but worry not!
    Archived version of the thread.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-04-2025 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Added archive link

  9. #299
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Keep 'em handy.

    It has nowhere else to go, and nobody else to talk to (or rather talk at).
    Honestly, I think Spudanus (and everyone else) would be happier if it made its own friends - literally.
    Specifically if just drew some eyes and lips on its hand and talked to that.
    You never know, it might even get to second base... but knowing Potatoface's track record, it would probably end up stalking the hand, and then the hand would end up calling the cops on Peter.



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