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  1. #251
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - One potato short of a sack

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    How would you know if I smelled bad? We've never even met.
    The same way we know about things like your impotence and weird foreskin - you've told us about them.
    In this case you've reported Tania and assorted sex workers repeatedly complaining about your stench, and god help us all, when you post a video we can all see the rotting food and plaque on your teeth.
    It's not fucking rocket science.

  2. #252
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 08-11-2024 at 06:31 PM.

  3. #253
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - I am potato; I contain multitudes

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Please stop saying "us" in your posts, as we both know you intentionally created all these impersonation accounts to spam up the forum.
    I am intrigued by just how much difficulty the piss-stain has wrapping its tiny shrivelled potato brain around the concept of there being more than one person posting here.

  4. #254
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    WOW, what a rabbit hole.

    I've encountered this guy through Adultwork a few years ago, but after seeing all this... I'm glad my screening process KBed him!

  5. #255
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - the stench that lingers

    Quote Originally Posted by ScotsLass View Post
    WOW, what a rabbit hole.

    I've encountered this guy through Adultwork a few years ago, but after seeing all this... I'm glad my screening process KBed him!
    You've certainly dodged a bullet there - sometimes even if you don't even respond to the scumbag, it can become fixated on you; If herpes was made into human form it would probably be something akin to Peter.
    Stay safe.

  6. #256
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 08-13-2024 at 01:40 AM.

  7. #257
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - As stupid as it is smelly

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Stop making more accounts, and talking a lot of pish to yourself, James.
    Sorry, still not James, and this is still the only account I use to post from on here. You're the only one talking pish and smelling of pish.

  8. #258
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Simp el Tonne

    And Potatoface is at it again...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Attack

    Yesterday at 10:44 PM

    I have been single for like forever. I was going about with a teenager 3 years ago before my mother became ill and sadly passed away nearly a year ago. I'm 38 now.
    Great opening. The Scottish Paedo continues...

    Well, her mum got her to leave me due to me being way older. And I really liked this girl.
    I think what it means is that it was chasing a teenage girl (with learning difficulties) until her mum found out and threatened to batter the shit out of the shitstain

    Years beforehand, I chased after a woman who basically mucked me about. I hadn't seen her in years. It was a real disaster because she was just out to scam me.

    She met up with me again after 7 years, and took the Mickey. Had me paying for goods on credit while she mistreated me, told lies, and acted so-so before being triggered again.
    Nice bit of poetic justice - Spudanus stalked Laura so she decided if she couldn't get rid of it, it might as well make itself useful.

    So I have went online and seen escorts sometimes. This is what annoys me, though. You want to get laid, so you feel glad the Internet is there to make searching for an escort relatively easy. You begin to message women who say they do this, that and the third, but it is all make believe. And then your brain feels like it has been in a blender.
    Spudanus has a brain?

    There's a particular website for finding local escorts. In my case, those in my city. But a lot of them are shallow and highly ignorant. There is the odd sane lady you can meet, but it's usually a lot of sifting through fake profiles that don't always get quickly removed. Then if you gain a meet, cool. But it seldomly happens.

    Many of the genuine users also rarely update their pictures, as I guess they know men may not find their current look attractive. And like I said, many of them have a bad attitude which is already a libido killer from the jump. Or they rush you through a session of very robotic sex, instead of even trying to give a decent hour. You then come away from it wishing you hadn't even bothered seeing them at all. It really amazes me how cold they can be.
    In fairness, I suspect any of the sex workers that failed to screen out the cuntwomble out before arranging a meeting also end up deeply regretting meeting up with Spudanus.

    Then there's these ones into BDSM, which is not for everybody. You know?

    They work in dungeons. I think they are often pretty messed up in the head, going by the things they do. At the very least, they are not very approachable, and enjoy promoting misandry under the guise of it being some kind of fetish.

    I went to a sauna once. They get you to shower for obvious reasons.
    Particularly in Spudanus' case. Honestly it should try showering more often.

    Well, one time I could have sworn a lassie had been nicking money out of my trousers while I was washing up. I knew what I paid at the front desk, then to her. So what a sneak.

    So you may turn to dating sites and boy, are they just as awful? Again, dummy accounts run rampant. Data collection parasites want your info to log things about you. And you go to message someone, only to find out upgrading is mandatory to send emails. Oh, but you fork out the fee, to find she's not interested. OK. It happens.
    Nobody that isn't getting paid to pretend be interested is going to be interested in the cumstain.


    You know? Does anybody else feel like these type of sites are just a waste of time? Unfortunately, some people like me don't have the courage to go to social events, being mildly autistic and not particularly good looking or interesting to talk to. I'm also more of a one-to-one kind of person, who prefers not being in a large group. I cannot stand loud noise or busy places either.
    A one-to-zero kind of potato, I think...

    But yeah. I don't like sex workers any more, as so many of them are nasty. In fact, just people in general are snooty today. Technology definitely has a lot to do with it. Instead of bringing people together, it makes men like me feel more lonesome. That can affect one's self-esteem.
    It staggers me that such a waste of oxygen can have any self-esteem. What aspect of self is there for it to have esteem about?

    But these tarts block you over the least little thing. I also hate it how on OnlyFans, you cannot ask for hook-ups. Their constant spamming for you to keep shelling out for videos and so on is also annoying. I'd rather just subscribe to be able to look at everything, and Bob's your uncle.

    They block it out of a well honed instinct for self preservation. The only good thing about the cunt its that it being a psychopathic misogynist cunt is so very overt.

    But there's more...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Attack
    Today at 10:30 AM

    Some of them were asking for a deposit too, then blocking me. While I try to give women the benefit of the doubt, my patience just wore so thin when they were behaving in such a pompous manner. Then they kept gloating on X about themselves, talking about all the high class dinners they had "simps" paying for.

    Yeah, I get that "the job" sucks. They'd rather not be doing this, as it's degrading. I get that. But respect works both ways. So I think I'd rather pay £150 for to be treated nicely for the hour, even if it's superficial as all hell.
    Then maybe, if you don't want to be a sub, stop chasing after dommes you braindead cuntweasel! Jesus fucking christ, it's like listening to someone complaining about not liking tomatoes or cheese in food, but insists on constantly fucking ordering pizza. The knobcheese clearly has a humiliation kink and just can't admit to it.

    Speaking of Spudanus enjoying being a simp...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Attack

    Speaking of respect, there's a YouTuber called Michael Does Life. I used to be one of his channel mods. I used to enjoy donating through Super Chat for to have a highlighted message, like during the lockdown days. It started to go to his head, though. Like if people weren't pledging enough cash or listening to his repetitive sounding rants on video games, he was referring to his followers as fake fans, and demanding higher payments, and acting rather daft. So I quietly moved on.

    Once, he timed me out. And I was like, screw this crap. Even his ex friend Dillon called him out for saying I was a loser. So I was like, sod it. I'll go watch someone else's content for a change.
    Well, if it's on the lookout for a YouTube channel, I can think of a couple to recommend...
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 08-19-2024 at 07:30 AM. Reason: Unlike X, you can edit your posts here for free

  9. #259
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Why is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Awesome reporting. Just imagine living Scottys miserable life. They spend all their time writing about it. At least it gives those on the internet something to laugh at.
    It's not really living though is it? If spudanus was proposed as a fictional character it would almost certainly be rejected for being too repugnant and one dimensional.

  10. #260
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Going to seed

    A late heatwave in Scotland, with temperatures reaching double figures, has the recidivist potato's sap rising again. We all know how much the fuck-knuckle likes to be humiliated, and the denizens of dreamindemon.com did so well last time, it decided to suckle once more on that teat of shame.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cider

    Yesterday at 10:22 AM

    So as usual, I went to book an escort on AW for a meet that was meant to occur yesterday.

    Yeah, I know, right? When will I ever learn? Probably never at this rate.
    Learning would require intelligence. At this point the rancid cockwomble is just a collection of copy-paste rants, habits and smells; there's no thinking going on.

    In 19 degrees heat, I walked all to the way to the area she said she resides at. I think it was another piss take, as she text me when I was there, making out there was a "family emergency". One of their typical excuses when they want to politely put you off, so they don't run the risk of you getting confrontational.
    Such compassion: "Never mind if your mum's popped her clogs, I need to dip my wick!"
    It's a wonder no ladies have snapped up such a prize.

    You see, I got a new SIM-card, but I never realized there was no credit. Wasn't near any WiFi hotspots to log into the EE site to top it up with my bank card. So I called from my regular number, which to be honest, I'm no longer keen on providing. Had to remove the tray with a pin. That was when she made up that excuse.

    I got semi-stung, too. She asked for a deposit with a voucher on Amazon. Why not take PayPal instead? So she makes out she bought me a voucher as a refund. I've no idea why it never arrived. She said she did it last night with the email address I told her to send it to. Well if so, where the hell is it?
    Jesus fucking christ, not only a moron, but a tedious moron. Is there any aspect of modern life that it can navigate without help?

    Overall, AW is full of weird cunts with a real snooty nature about them. I've totally gave it too many chances, hoping these women will wisen the fuck up. But you need the patience of a saint, as it's a bore trying to find a member who isn't just being an idiot.
    "Snooty cunts" - for a potato that spends all its money and time chasing women, it really doesn't act like it likes them, does it?
    They have wised up - that's why the misogynist scrotal wart is blocked as soon as they realise who it is they are dealing with.

    Just like a lot of non-sexual sites, really. Most people online are just bullshitters, making being online a rather mundane, or secular experience. :meh:
    Eh? Secular? Any guesses what it thinks that word means, because it clearly doesn't know.

    Although I didn't know James Berich was in this movie. :smuggrin:

    Some movies are funny. And some are scary too.
    I think it is trying to be funny.
    Either that or it has some weird sexual fantasy about James running around, wet and half naked.
    Possibly both.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 09-20-2024 at 05:03 AM. Reason: typos



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