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  1. #181
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Potato of the world

    While we wait, unfortunately, we can still expect to see insightful gems of geopolitical analysis such as this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    14 minutes ago

    Osama bin Laden was a black bastard. He never shaved. He was always in his jammies too.

    Well, 9/11 was sad and people shouldn't mock that dark day for Amerians. But I half blame the shite security in U.S. airports for how it played out, as well as the FBI for ignoring prior warnings about the hijackers, how they got visas and were able to blend in, etc.

    How did these Sambos get on four jets with mace and box cutters anyway? I keep thinking that if items like this had been disallowed on commercial airliners, maybe they couldn't have gotten away with seizing the aircraft to begin with. But meh.

    The sad part is, fags nowadays probably don't even know what the fuck the Twin Towers were to begin with. Outside of 9/11 articles, they used to appear in a lot of movies and games set in New York City. Then they got removed from things made after 2001. Stamped outta history, almost. So I guess bin Laden work.
    Poor Spudanus can't even do racism right...

  2. #182
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - the time is now

    Why procrastinate? Never put off to tomorrow, that which can be done today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Library Ghost
    6 minutes ago

    I'm gonna be giving up forums at the end of the year, because there's not enough activity on them thanks to garbage like X (formerly Twitter) and similar social media platforms being what people mostly use. I've also been dealing with this idiot for years, as he targets me online, following me about and posting abusive comments.

    This guy on this abandoned anxiety help site: http://anxietyforum.net/

    He took it upon himself to register using my usual username thesaunderschild, as I signed up there as The Scottish Pedro. But PeterAndersonIsARacist, takealookpedro and various other handles are all his accounts as well.
    Again we see the failure to comprehend the simple notion that different users are different people; Compare and contrast:

    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Chocolate Crunch
    Oct 27, 2023
    For a few years in a trot, if I happen to go somewhere with my younger sister, she incessantly believes people are, for example, spying on her (or us), watching her, recording her, laughing, and so on. This happens practically everytime we go out somewhere, regardless of where we end up. She makes up stories about how they know her ex partner, or somebody else who apparently did her wrong somehow. Yet they are strangers.
    Yes, nothing at all like the perfectly sane belief that everyone who dislikes Spudanus is the same person.
    No, that's not delusional at all.
    Totally different.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-19-2023 at 12:54 PM. Reason: missing word

  3. #183
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Fruit of a rotten tree

    They say that blood is thicker than water, and surely none can be quite as thick as the Andersons....

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 12:00 AM

    Well, it's looking like I won't get justice for my mum's cruel death, since my sister had to be a cunt last month.

    She was acting awfully weird in public over the last few years, claiming people were watching her and so on. They just had to so much as laugh near her (at something unrelated to her), and oops. Anyone doing that in her presence automatically means they "know" her ex, who she got pregnant to last year, by the way. Then about three weeks ago, she went mental and accused me of pretending to be her, and making up stuff in general. I did already mention that her text messages were out of line on the day of the funeral, which caused me to talk to the guy in the parlour when I arrived that morning. But she's turned into a real skitzo, I swear.

    For some reason, she thinks she can get into the real estate business and get the income needed to sue the court for her three kids being taken away. For a start, she has no qualifications for real estate. I understand it ain't nice to lose your children, but civil cases cost thousands of pounds. Thousands. So there's no hope of her gaining anything without the funds. Even then, I reckon she'd be wasting her time and money, because of how she behaves. These bright ideas are exactly that. Bright ideas. The court would simply whitewash her.

    She got that bad with her paranoid delusions, she was thinking people were hacking into her WiFi, and then she was wanting to waste money on mobile data, to access the Internet that way. She definitely needs help. Because one time in the kitchen, she said an outline of something on the wall was our mum, or she said she was playing with her hair, and she mentioned wanting to blow money on seeing a medium. Blooming radge pot.
    Radge pot indeed.
    The Spudsister is clearly delusional: Next she'll be proclaiming she's an actor, thinking everyone is Australian, and trying to sue everyone including the police, the court and her own lawyer.
    It's the last line that slays me though:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    If she's gonna be a mess about and mistreat people who have supported her ass, that's it. Fuck the bitch.
    Well, quite.

  4. #184
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - say mold say mold

    So Spudanus' latest self-pitying whine about a disappointing daytrip to Livingston wouldn't normally merit a mention, other than adding another data point for Calhoun and Weston:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Yesterday at 11:47 PM

    So 2 days ago, I got arrested. Seems the pigs got the concierge to look out for me coming back to my property and then called them. Was in the police station from noon on Thursday to basically noon yesterday, since I had to be driven to court in another town.

    This is just a summary complaint from December of 2021, so it's just a minor case. No idea why it's being dealt with now, but I always did believe this old drama with my key worker from Autism Initiatives was a right big shit pile. Much like the time they sneakily arrested me in the summer of 2020 so this one other person could get a new order for free, immediately after it ran out. That time, they violated my rights by not even explaining as to why I was arrested. But I mean, meh.

    Anyway, if you think that's bad, there was no lawyer to represent me. Not even the duty one they usually have at hand. So the sheriff seemed surprised that nobody was there, and asked if I had fallen out with my previous lawyer, to which point I explained I did. I said my mother died last year, and I get agoraphobia having to travel around. I ended up having to get a bus back alone, but the court is situated near the bus terminus.

    Fortunately, it's only 14 miles from there back to Edinburgh. If you drive though, you can go along the motorway. The bus route is just various housing schemes such as East Calder, so it's kind of quiet.
    So, just the standard delusional fucknugget whine there. At least it got it out out the city for a while. Livingston is a low-rise suburban mediocrity with nothing much to see, but the trip home would have passed the bings - massive waste heaps from oil mining - which would have been a nice boost for the shitstain: to see that there was at least one thing in Scotland that was a bigger pile of discarded waste than itself....

    Anyway, the bit that made me spit out my coffee and make this post was the follow up comment:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 1:34 AM

    It looks like I'll have to call up old Murray again for my upcoming court appearance.

    Mind you, the lawyer really needs to speak up more.
    Poor Murray. I'm sure that call will be something he can look forward to.

    Perhaps Murray can dig out that infamous USB stick with the mingecheese's Edivence while he's at it?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-09-2024 at 05:12 AM. Reason: "Any chance you can allow editing after 5 minutes? It's just that some phones have auto-correct or no spell checker anymore."

  5. #185
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Some good news, let us hope the incel gets put away for a long time.
    At this point I'm not overly optimistic.
    The legal system seems to be constantly deferring actually dealing with the little jizzstain, perhaps hoping the problem just goes away if they ignore it.
    It's not like Scottish police have a great track record when dealing with complaints and warnings about aberrant shitbags when it's sex workers that they are targeting.
    Maybe the fucktard will do the workd a favour and topple out the window whilst trying to get a better 4G signal, but I suspect nothing will be done until the mingestain does something newsworthy.

  6. #186
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Gollum's more unpleasant sibling

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    It's amazing how after all this time that they still think everyone on the internet is this James person. Omnipresent everywhere.
    It's almost beyond parody, isn't it? It still never ceases to amaze me just how stupid the cuntwomble is. I suppose it is very hard for a potato to have any thoughts at all, so on the rare, once a decade occasion that it actually has an idea, no matter how clearly batshit that idea might be, it clings on to it as though it were the one true ring.

  7. #187
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Travel broadens the potato

    The festering scrotewart continues to increase its travel options. Having had a recent daytrip to Livingston at Scottish taxpayers' expense to waste the court's time, the shitbag seems to have its sights set on a jaunt to Glasgow next:

    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
    Mar 18, 2024

    I've felt kind of depressed and browbeaten for a while. It wasn't easy losing my mum. That made me lose interest in things I used to enjoy, and I am being hounded by the police to go to a court in Glasgow over something I said to someone online. It's ridiculous because I don't go outside of Edinburgh. But they were thumping away on my door this morning.
    It's almost as though actions have consequences... That's the joy of the internet, isn't it? The shitstain can harass people well beyond the range of a Lothian Buses DAYticket.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-18-2024 at 07:08 PM.

  8. #188
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Leave Scotty to his own devices, wait long enough, and he will hang himself.
    Or pretend to, again.

  9. #189
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Home away from home

  10. #190
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Here we go again...

    Livingston Sheriff Court
    Tuesday 26 March 2024


    Accused Details Court Ref No PF Ref No Court Room Hearing Time
    Peter ROSS ANDERSON SCS/2023-066642 LI22000179 Court 4 10:00



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