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Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 11-01-2023 at 03:22 PM.
Even by the dismally low standards of the Anderson clan (who are, let's face it, clearly paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool and can seemingly barely muster a single digit IQ between them), Spudanus is clearly an embarrassment.
What the fuck is it blithering about now?
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Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 11-04-2023 at 03:56 PM.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-04-2023 at 11:11 AM. Reason: Added gif for shits and giggles
You wouldn’t last a week on methampetamine before being hauled off to psych. Total admissions for me (ever) = 0
"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer
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Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 11-06-2023 at 01:14 PM.
Surely, now we have proof this is satire?
Which part of the following sounded like encouragement?
Then again, I guess that's a redundant question, isn't it?
When has Spudanus ever understood the word 'No'?
Interpreting 'No, Fuck off, leave me alone you fucking creep, never contact me again!' as 'Yes, please, be my boyfriend!' is pretty much the fucker's entire MO.
And what are we counting as a "popular channel"? This one (1 subscriber, no videos?).
Jesus fucking christ.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-06-2023 at 12:08 PM.
Apologies if this is a repost - I honestly can't tell sometimes as the ass-clown has been posting pretty much the same drivel for years.
Anyhoo, down to business.
Well, off to a cracking start, aren't we? Nice touch with the edit comment too - Spudanus has plenty of experience when it comes to sentencingOriginally Posted by Fruit-tella
Well, such a busy, productive potato, it's not like it has time to waste, right?Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
It's almost as if sex workers can spot a wrongun (and in this case smell it too).
"Ten a penny", it says, but still still out of the potato cuntflap's league.
It had never previously occurred to me that fuckface might have ever lived up to anyone's expectations, but when you put it like that, at least in this instance the rancid little onanist tuber can chalk up a success; The floor of that apartment must look like an explosion in a PVA glue factory....Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
A poor first impression?Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Ya think?
With such a genteel, charming demeanour, it's surely inconceivable that she didn't warm the smegstain immediately!Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Must be tough for the rancid little turndnugget, having stalked and harassed so many people over the years that it can't be sure which one it is currently talking to!Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn't it.Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Surely not? That would be a contempt of court, and Spudanus would never....Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Also by 'secretly' does it mean 'posted it on YouTube'? To me, that doesn't seem a very good way to keep something secret, even if you have no viewers.
So it's definitely not this one then?
(As an aside, I take it that's the cuntwart's favourite t-shirt, and the closest thing it has to decent clothes, given it wore it to court and also to visit that escort recently?)
I think Potatoface has far more in common with Wayne than any of the local constabulary, when it comes to proclivities...Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
No definitely not stalking her. Just following her, defaming her and constantly harassing her, whining about her on forums, and making videos about her, but not in any way an obsessive psychopath stalking her. Nope. Definitely not.Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
(Also, "man" - lol!)
No, still not sounding stalkery at all. Perfectly normal.Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
You fucking wot mate?Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Almost as if the nasty little shitstain is a complete bellend and people take an instant dislike to and are repulsed by the obnoxious little fucker - even those with an otherwise very high threshold of disgust. I can't imagine why.Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
What this clearly calls for is some sort of public spirited charity sexworkers' organisation. Like a Salvation Army soup kitchen, but catering to the unmet needs of incel pariahs, staffed by brave souls prepared to swallow their pride and any sense of personal safety or hygiene to serve those least deserving of compassion.
I can practically see the fundraising charity shop now....
You make your bed and you lie in it. And in Potatoface's case, lying is all it does.Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-16-2023 at 07:13 PM. Reason: see if you can spot the difference....