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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Can you email me those?

    [email protected]

    I don't see why not.
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  2. #12
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Can you email me those?

    [email protected]

    Moron (shakes head)
    Make sure you CC constable whatsisface

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Attached Images Attached Images
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist
    Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

    Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

    No, it's some weird cultural thing with humans when they're faced with some nasty person hiding behind a keyboard getting all up in their face for no reason. Like you're the poster boy for mature behaviour..
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  5. #15
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    narcissists going to narcissist

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post


    Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist
    Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

    Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

    No, it's some weird cultural thing with humans when they're faced with some nasty person hiding behind a keyboard getting all up in their face for no reason. Like you're the poster boy for mature behaviour..
    Really not got the hang of this ignoring thing, have you? But its all about me Literally have no interest in you hon.

  6. #16
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Hey, there's a proper name for it, in fact.
    methamphetamine psychosis?

  7. #17
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    BTW Peter, you need to do some work to get your streaming box to use the vpn, now that you're using your broadband and not piggy backing off your phone.

  8. #18
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    You're a knob. I'm using Opera.


    ASN AS9105 - TalkTalk Communications Limited
    Hostname 88-108-73-221.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com
    Company Tiscali UK Ltd
    Hosted domains 0
    Privacy False
    Anycast False
    ASN type ISP
    Abuse contact [email protected]
    Geolocation Data
    City Edinburgh
    State Scotland
    Country United Kingdom

  9. #19
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Oh, wow. Studying useless IP address information is seemingly your thing now. You're that weird though, that you JUST have to find out a person's real IP address... ON THE INTERNET!

    Well done, sir.

    Allow me to direct you to the room where, NOBODY FUCKING CARES!
    Nothing says not caring quite like ALL CAPS!

  10. #20
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson feels sad inside

    Poor Peter (from the archives)

    This may sound like a weird story, but it's 100% true...

    Anyway, back in 2003 when I first started out on message boards, I was banned from these Resident Evil forums and the members kept insulting me, etc. They gave me a bad reputation so that my membership would be declined on any site related to the same topic. Well, it got increasingly worse after that.

    I kept sneaking my way back in using different names, trying to stay anonymous. I later found out about proxies and disposable email accounts. But the same muck occured again...They would figure out it was me and ban me again. I got as far as maybe 3 posts and then the account was banned.

    Well as the years went rolling on, I soldiered on under the "Grace Saunders" banner, never once trying to hide myself, or start anew. Then I got banned from even more forums because they didn't share my common interests and I complained too much.

    They got inside my head and gave me psychological torment. You see, they insulted my grandmother before she died. They made all my online buddies turn against me. Last year, they found out I made my own Dino Crisis site and forums and they got it deleted. They also broke into my email accounts and deactivated my accounts on dozens of forums. I got banned from over 80 different forums, although most of them had the same admins and members, so it doesn't look as bad as it sounds.

    This year I tried to start fresh with a new name and I had some people fooled for a while. But on Silent Hill Heaven I forgot to edit out my birthday and when it came to the 26th of January, the main admin discovered my new account on the Happy Birthday menu and banned it. Unfortunately, if they ban that name, it's sure to be banned from everywhere else as well.

    My mother says it was my own fault for playing into their hands. I let it go on for years instead of laying low the first time they kicked me off the site. Now this garbage is located everywhere and it's seriously a bunch of non-sense. I also made these "Cyberbullying" threads and my enemies got to know my posting habits. Now they laugh at my expense and log it all.

    Now I have to take occasional trips to see a psychologist because people on forums make me feel sad inside.

    Ever had anything like that happen to you!?
    Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:


    I joined TotallyRE using the alias zombiefied. I acted like a newbie and did not use spacing or proper words, just because I was new and newbies are generally airheads. No offense.

    I made stupid threads. A few members ganged up on because they knew I liked Pokémon. They made sick posts aimed at me, etc. I retaliated by slagging them off and I got banned by Marco (the founder of TotallyRE).

    I also got banned from Serebii.Net because I made weird posts and their rules were quite tight. I kept arguing with a mod called Hanada Tattsu (now seemingly AWOL from the Internet).

    I then went to Resident Evil Horror, the self-proclaimed greatest Resident Evil fan site around. Things started off pretty normal til a mod named Alexander Ashford (we met on the imdb.com boards) told the staff to ban me (he found my private messages annoying). So they did. I kept re-registering and they banned my accounts and kept removing my posts. Although the original ban was somewhat unjustified.


    A few months of this went by, and they let me rejoin after they got a new board. I was very active so I ended up with over 1200 posts and got to #1 on the highest posters chart.

    Marco from TotallyRE allegedly told DaMa I was a 'problem poster' so I was banned again and threatened by the regular members. Again, I didn't know what I'd done to get this kinda treatment and a few people were also confused by the unruly decision to rid the community of my presence.

    Then I started using the password recovery feature to spam their inboxes (cos they deserved it).

    Shortly afterwards, I went to Resevil.com and was banned for posting a "death threat" towards DaMa (though it was more or less just trash talk). I kept re-registering there too, because I liked Resident Evil too much to just walk away.

    I then befriended a woman called Lucky and our friendship soon became a partnership. I got a bit emotional at the things she told me, so I went nuts and tried to demot her from our boards. Then she banned me and got me banned from other boards, including the official ForumFlash support forums, and Bio-HQ, a Resident Evil fan site run by BHXtyrant.

    I made a Silent Hill forum called the Room 312 Boards and Lucky deleted them. Then she deleted my Dino Crisis boards after I let her and another woman called Ada, become admins.

    My grandmother died in August that year, and I got my Internet suspended a month later. Although this only lasted a week.


    I got banned from loads of forums that year. Some guy insulted my favourite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. I spent a great deal of time trying to piss people off because they were making my life hell.


    I went on a website and sent Ł80 worth of pizzas to blackannis, the owner of RECommunity. She reported me to my ISP.

    During the summer, I thought about making a website based on Dino Crisis because I was bored and it seemed like a good idea. I stole the basic layout for my site from Resident Evil Uncut, but it was only the HTML coding for the tables.

    BHXtyrant from Bio-HQ/Neo-WU/White Umbrella found out about it and asked me to remove a link I had which lead to White Umbrella. So I did. In the process, he accidentally emailed Mike from Resident Evil Uncut because I forgot to edit out his contact information.

    In October, an admin called Dot50Cal hacked into my email accounts and stole my log in details so I couldn't post on any forums again. He got into dozens of my accounts and caused a great deal of damage. He rendered my accounts inactive on multiple message boards and the admins refused to reinstate me. Reason being I had no proof.

    In December of last year, I started to bring personal problems about the Internet into my work. I left suicide notes in a bag one afternoon, and a few days later I returned to the shop and assaulted a girl, because I had a crush on her and she ended up reporting me for asking my sister to pester her about giving me her contact details. She was in a relationship, but I still wanted to stay in touch because I knew she was leaving after Christmas.

    After the police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity because I used a WHOIS to get her phone number. This phone call was actually many years in the making, because I was repeatedly banned on RECommunity.

    She told me she had sympathy for me, but I should stop looking for e-sympathy from people online, because people on forums are very mean-spirited to people who won't acknowledge your posts.


    I started using the alias Alice Johnson to register on forums, but the name was exposed through a mistake I made on Silent Hill Heaven. I forgot to add a fake DOB so when it got to my birthday, I was banned. The owner of the site is called Vixx and she also posts on Luminescence.



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