I mean, Tania's clearly not right in the head, but we can't rule out that this might just be the inevitable consequence of more than three decades of dealing with her offspring's batshit antics, taking its toll.
To me, the little piggy eyes, broad midface and cognitive impairment all scream placental insufficiency, hypoxia or toxicity - which fits with what we know of Tania's heavy smoking, and her vascular and renal issues. Being born challenged like that doesn't make you a cunt though; Plenty of lovely people out there born with cognitive impairments that aren't psycho cockwombles. For that, I'd guess, Kenneth and Tania (and probably the rest of the benighted clan) are probably collectively to blame. By potatohead's own accounts, Kenneth seems to have almost no active involvement in parenting beyond beating Peter up a couple of times. Also from mingemouth's own accounts (and corroborated by her many featured appearances on scroteface's failed youtube channels over the years), Tania has clearly been enabling and even encouraging Marie and Peter's batshit attitudes and dysfunctional behaviours.
To have one fuck-up spawn might be a misfortune, but to squirt out more than one burden on society is a reproducible issue with your fucking parenting (or lack of it).
Peter's planning a cheese board for Christmas dinner.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-20-2022 at 01:53 AM. Reason: fixed typo
Not true, Peter. You've been given legal advice. Repeatedly.
Murray gave it to you last year.
That advice was quite clear: attempting to file claims against your victims (the many women you were found guilty in court of harassing) would constitute further harassment, be seen as a breach of your no-contact & non-harassment orders, and will get you arrested and jailed.
(Literally "Peter, get off the internet, and leave people alone, and don't sue anyone, and everything will be fine".)
The fact that you don't like that answer doesn't make it inaccurate.
You can keep trying to find someone who will give you a different answer, but you won't find one who is a lawyer.
Translation:I cannot get any darn legal advice...
Today at 12:43 AM
It was to do with these shoddy care staff I had an eternity ago, but I don't think it is going to be affecting my career, and that's a good thing.
I talked it over with my employers, and they said you can still work with a record. So provided that's the case, I may as well not plan on being several grand out of pocket over some heartless, awkward, sniffling dafties.
With that said, um, I don't particularly agree that the record is gonna be there, but meh; I know the UK legal system is bent anyway, so challenging it head on may be too stressful and overall pointless regardless.
It was to do with these shoddy care staff I had an eternity ago...
It was regarding women Peter sexually harassed, assaulted and harassed, who Peter is still utterly obsessed with.
...but I don't think it is going to be affecting my career, and that's a good thing.
Peter doesn't have a career, so this won't change that.
I talked it over with my employers...
Peter asked someone on a Facebook group for wannabe extras...
...and they said you can still work with a record.
They meant 'you' in the general sense, not Potatohead in particular; plenty of sex pests and creeps manage to keep working in the film industry.
So provided that's the case, I may as well not plan on being several grand out of pocket...
Peter doesn't have to worry about spending money Peter doesn't have. Might as well just get the welfare checks paid directly to OnlyFans and PornHub and cut out the middle-potato.
...over some heartless, awkward, sniffling dafties.
Again, when stuck for an insult, Peter just reaches into the memory midden to haul out something Tania has yelled at the cunt.
With that said, um, I don't particularly agree that the record is gonna be there, but meh;
Potatohead doesn't like people being forewarned that Peter is a misogynist, racist, psychopathic cunt, but it only changes the timing because they usually figure it out eventually anyway.
I know the UK legal system is bent anyway, so challenging it head on may be too stressful and overall pointless regardless.
I'll give the fucker that one; The fact that Peter is still at large is indeed proof the the criminal justice and mental health systems are failing miserably.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 01-05-2023 at 05:50 AM. Reason: missed a bit.
I've been quiet, as Peter has mostly been a well behaved potato of late - staying mostly on-topic, discussing games, thinking about joining a gym, visiting Tania. Still a psychopathic, misogynist, racist cunt, but keeping it fairly low key, by fuckface's standards - apart from the hilarious car-crash findom thread on NeoGAF. (That said, the asswipe is threatening another instalment of that awful Dulvey shite. Please, God, no!). I was beginning to think the cunt had turned a corner, but no, the moron has found new ways to moron: The 'Black Wesker' affair is clearly still a sore point, and the fucker just can't let it go.
Apparently, you can't be American if you're polynesian - Potato has spoken.Originally Posted by Obsidian Ball
It's apparently fine to play an American if you're born in Chile or Britain, so long as your skin is pale enough, but Hawaii is probably right out.
Hawaii will just have to secede from the Union and be done with it.
We can't have any melanin there, can we Peter?
We should probably just toss passports entirely and start using the Fitzpatrick scale to determine nationality.
Again, Peter, easy rule of thumb: If you have to say "But that's not being racist" then what you are saying is almost certainly racist.
Edit: "waaaaah! waaaaaah! waaaaaah!"
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 01-20-2023 at 10:46 AM. Reason: spelling. Also added "I'm not racist but..." wikipedia link because, lol, Peter, you ARE racist!
Oh dearie me, Potato is getting all mashed up....
Ah, I see, so not intentionally racist, just instinctively racist, or something?Originally Posted by Obsidian Ball
Why on earth Welsh & Korean? Struggling to think of the most obscure ethnic pairing you could?
That would be even more ridiculous than casting someone from Edinburgh to play an Egyptian or something?
(It was his skill in emulating the different accents that really sold those roles. It's not like he was relying on the makeup and hats.)
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 01-21-2023 at 09:29 AM. Reason: forgot link...
Quite possibly the weirdest avatar request I've ever seen.
Not sure what sort of avatar anyone is supposed to produce from that, but full marks to one user for giving it a go:Originally Posted by Obsidian Ball
I still maintain it's very hard to distinguish between potatohead and a spambot!Originally Posted by Maiden Voyage