Peter tried to show me a tiny thing, but it disappeared, so let's have another couple of golden oldies.
Yes, you can't be aggressive to your mother when she visits you in prison, Peter.Originally Posted by Anonymous37919 (Peter Ross Anderson)
Silly judges, punishing you for 'crimes' and locking you up 'to protect the public'.
Still, some free advice - maybe save your money up for legal services rather than blowing it on pointless shit:
Originally Posted by Peter A
Clearly hit a raw nerve.
Ah, primary school level sodomy jokes. How refreshing.Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro
Potatoface really loves reporting posts though, it seems.
Especially weird, given the absence of moderators, but impotent, angry, and delusional are pretty much the cockwomble's watchwords.
Again, as someone once said:
Originally Posted by Cure Zombrex
So the good news is that Peter is finally clearing up the legacy of bile and hatred that the cunt has scattered across the internet since Tania's ill-fated decision to buy a computer in late 2002. This seems to be a mixture of deleting accounts and using privacy notices to get pages delisted from Google. So long as the end effect is to slowly erase Peter's shit from the internet, I don't care how it gets done.
The bad news is that Peter is continuing to play the victim on other sites, so here's another one from the archives.
At least the fucker doesn't have to worry about being thin any more.
You should probably not read this while eating.
Originally Posted by Peter A
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-05-2022 at 04:08 PM. Reason: fixed link
Oh absolutely not, Peter seems thoroughly resistant to remorse or redemption, but persistence does seem eventually to be having some effect.
Even a slime mold can be trained through appropriate application of stimuli - I'm not sure exactly where Peter stands in terms or intelligence, relative to slime molds, but it's worth a try.
I have no sympathy for the little shit at all. Various people have tried over the years to help Peter and have usually ended up the worse for it. Peter is entirely the architect of Peter's problems. Peter likes to try to blame others, or hide behind Peter's clear cognitive developmental issues, but most of folks in similar situations are perfectly decent people and, frankly, it's insulting to all of them to imply that. That's one of the reasons Peter gets such very short shrift on mental health and autism forums, and something I have absolutely zero time for. It's just lazy blame shifting on Peter's part, but unfortunately something that works often enough that it has become a reflex for the cuntwomble now.
I'm pleased with this tidy up, but I'd be very surprised if it is in response to the court, as Peter has shown nothing but contempt in the past. the fucker was banned form the internet entirely for a couple of years while on bail and continued business as usual regardless (including unironically uploading a video of a phone call to the court complaining that they wouldn't send paper forms out, stating it was impossible for Peter to fill them out online given the internet ban).
I totally understand your Peter fatigue. Good luck to you wherever you end up.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-07-2022 at 01:54 PM. Reason: missing close paren
Quite right, Peter. Nobody wants stalkers hiding themselves in order to avoid detection. You're not very good at the avoiding detection though, are you?Originally Posted by Google user
TL;DR. Funny how you say the Gimpy Movement is gradually losing your attention, but here you are with more of your idiotic rambling. You are a fool and a total failure, Peter Ross Anderson.
Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ