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  1. #141
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Shit off from the world

    Don't worry about Peter though.
    Peter is the big tough muscle hero type, like Rambo.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Rambo
    I have been lonely most of my life
    Friday at 11:40 AM
    I know how you feel. I have been lonely for years as well. It makes you feel shit off from the world, even when people are close at hand. So I spend a lot of time posting on forums.

    Online though, I think some people just aren't very nice. It depends on what sites you use. I had issues with being stalked, and sometimes it can feel like you're being discredited or mocked if you're hanging out in the wrong type of communities.

    I haven't really had any relationships worth speaking about either. They were all very brief, and chasing after one ex years ago proved to be a fruitless pursuit.

    Maybe you could join websites where you can find a local group with similar interests to your own. Like if you liked art, there could be a group that is about art as well.

    I feel it already helps if you have a common interest, as opposed to being in a group where attendees just talk about anything. I don't like that. I don't even know how to hold a conversation. People that have spoken to me feel surprised at how knowledgeable I am about old music, for example. I reckon they would expect me to know more about current media, giving my age. But you also need to know social cues for fear of rambling a bit.

    I also have pretty dire anxiety. It's so bad that I don't even use buses. It's quite upsetting, because then if you don't get over the anxious feelings, you remain feeling hopeless. There's no miracle cures either. I think medication could help, but it can cause you to feel dependent on using pills. Nobody wants that.

  2. #142
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - It's a hard life

    It must be hard for Peter, having everybody hating the hideous cuntflap.
    Even 'little peter' needs to be coerced.
    where do ya get the good stay hard pills now?

    Posted 18 January 2019 - 03:01 PM

    Can't you join a genuine pharmacy, but one that does online delivery after answering a few questions? In the UK, you can sign up and this is useful for myself, because you don't need to see your GP first. Mine requires that you call up in the morning, wait on a doctor calling you back, and then hopefully you can get a prescription the same day, which is not likely.
    Poor Peter.

  3. #143
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Failing to rise to the task, yet again

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    It's nice to see that linked image is blue, just like your balls.

    At first, I didn't think you had any.

    My bad!
    What the fuck is this, a 1950s sitcom?
    Watching Peter try to be witty is like watching a dog trying to do quantum physics....

    Peter, you're literally an incel shut-in with erectile disfunction.
    You're not even a wanker, because you're literally not up to the task.
    I'm not sure you're qualified to throw around misguided sexual inadequacy jibes, you putrid anal wart.
    Fucking hell, when Tania had you excised, they threw away the wrong bit, didn't they?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-27-2022 at 06:54 AM. Reason: typo in fucknut's name

  4. #144
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2022
    Peter Ross Anderson is a demented criminal who needs to be beaten up. Here is its full address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

    Go there and kick it in the face.
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  5. #145
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - I think this might be 'peak Peter'

    I can almost see this as the Star Wars opening text crawl - it has as much bearing on reality.
    As usual, Peter is just a passive victim in all this.
    I particularly like the distancing quotes around 'and so I said I was "gonna kill them"'.
    Death threats, schmeth threats - It's just banter, innit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    How can this be done?
    30th June 2022, 09:22:AM

    A long time ago, I had these support workers with a company in Edinburgh. They're called Autism Initiatives.

    I had two women removed during 2013 and 2014 because they overreacted to me liking them. After they were removed, their bosses lied, got the police on a few occasions to arrest me, and even lied about that. But the police said it was them. The seniors even said they were just busy. So that's pretty much lying...

    Even years before that, a guy at the same company sent me abusive emails, saying derogatory things about music and also a pro wrestler I was a fan of, who sadly died, and naming my former girlfriend's schools. Then he left in 2010. It was all incredibly bizarre and scary, but they never employ trustworthy people at these care outlets. My diagnosis was giving as being something referred to as PDD-NOS. So I have mild autism.

    Anyway, I got these orders put in place and ended up in jail on remand on many occasions, and then sentenced, when I messaged them to either offer an apology, or ask what their problem with me is. Including one of their ex boyfriends, who I ran into in a pub one time with her.

    It's a very convoluted story, to be honest. But it broke my heart when I couldn't work with them again. Many people believe they were deceptive and that the problem needed better professionalism to be handled correctly. Went to 3 different prisons over 3 years because they told lies. And I got assaulted in a holding cell once by a crazy guy.

    In all the years I had the same solicitor, he never spoke up in court. In fact, I tried to get him replaced, because I didn't like his service. Then he got cross and raged at me for calling people he knows from the various legal firms throughout Edinburgh. This is all one big sham, it seems.

    My sister claims a service user of a place called Number 6 owned by Autism Initiatives had sent my key worker messages, basically admitting to saying something to this Spanish lady who was my key worker at the time. That must have came between us. She still has this evidence from him sending this on Facebook years ago.

    Apart from that, I think a lot of support workers there just snitched on me in general. I used to tell them about my sex life and ramble on about my woes overall. My mother said, "You don't let your mouth rumble!" with people like that, as they log everything you say and do. But sometimes my nervousness just made me get too anxious being around them. So it was a case of me not thinking before I spoke up. Plus, I have no social life because of how I am with my anxiety. So I was rather chatty and open with these so-called support workers.

    Besides that, I was trying to be in films as an extra and had people in this acting sector talking about me behind my back, trying to cost me jobs, because an actress blocked me on Twitter in 2016. But I got mad after 3 years of this blackballing crap going on, and so I said I was "gonna kill them" because they got YouTubers to harass me (but just because I was annoyed). So the court messed up my life again. In fact, they bailed me in 2019 for over 2 years, because of the pandemic causing problems. So I mean, what was the point in just screwing me over again anyway? Obviously they must enjoy that...

    Again, my legal representation said nothing. Nothing at all. He even asked me what to say, but he didn't do it.

    Just recently, they were meant to have me appearing via WebEx for a court hearing involving some woman who messaged me on a mental health forum, who does BDSM content for OnlyFans. I sent her tons of emails. Gave me just 2 weeks to get a lawyer. I said I rang people, but nobody could take on the case. They sent me a letter discharging the court hearing, and giving me a 3 years non harassment order regardless, when she contacted me after I messaged her on AW, and Twitter. So technically, she was just as bad. She also told me her address.

    Then in 2020, the police returned and arrested me the same week a no contact order ended for one of the ex support workers. My mother believes it was a ploy so she could get a new one. Then they made it 10 years, which means it is twice as long as the original order, and they only did that because hers ended while others are still in place. And their brilliant excuse was that I posted a video the previous May, just talking on camera about her wrecking my life. That was it. So why wait from May of 2019 to May of 2020 to charge me!? The original order ran out around that time. This makes me believe it was potentially staged. At the station, they didn't say why I was arrested either. They also accessed my flat when I refused to open the door, and they had civilian clothes on.

    I gave that lawyer proof on a USB stick at least 2 years ago about this actress who was slandering me. He claims he lost it and laughed with someone on the phone last autumn, which was totally disrespectful. Calls to other legal firms, the NHS, the police or even the Scottish courts gets me absolutely nowhere each time. They pass me from pillar to post all of the time. In the court they also keep saying stuff about me being a sex offender. Then the sheriff corrects the PF and says I am not one. Or vice versa. This is just because I got mad once and said I would sleep with a model. So what!?

    So what else may I try next? They're all mucking me around, quite frankly. I'm really at a loss of what to do nowadays.

    I feel like my life sucks now. I feel lonesome and incredibly depressed. My agoraphobia is really bad now as well. It's awkward even using public transport to go from A to B.

    Sorry if this post makes no sense. A lot has happened.

  6. #146
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    I can almost see this as the Star Wars opening text crawl - it has as much bearing on reality.
    As usual, Peter is just a passive victim in all this.
    I particularly like the distancing quotes around 'and so I said I was "gonna kill them"'.
    Death threats, schmeth threats - It's just banter, innit?
    Here we go:

    (needs a much longer piece of music though)
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-29-2022 at 01:36 PM.

  7. #147
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Fixated on regions down under

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    It's Kaffeine Monsta you were meant to list as a user name, and not Monster.
    Of course it is. Sorry, how remiss of me.
    We wouldn't want people missing out on the contributions of your corpus to the forwarding of human knowledge such as I've always wanted to shag an Australian.
    Some select quotes from that thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaffeine Monsta
    How long does it take to fly to Australia or New Zealand anyway? I hear it's 48 hours.
    You should probably keep that in mind more often...
    Oh, and this gem:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaffeine Monsta
    I'd love to see her again. But unfortunately, it's probably not a good idea to get too attached to anyone you have a paid relationship with, whether it's your care personnel, your boss at the office or yes, an escort. Yes, we can have favourites when it comes to the opposite sex and all, which may be taken out of context if you are outright vocally admitting you are fond of them, but they will sadly move on with their lives. I do think it's easy to get quite interested in people you have a close proximity with, including hookers, provided you don't engage with others socially. I doubt you guys are like this, and I wouldn't judge anyone who was.

    I find I get lonely a lot due to being socially inept in a way, and having a soft spot for the wrong sort of people can be problematic. I kind of latched onto my support worker a wee while back, but it's just a job to her to look after me. I was a chancer with one other lady who is also a support worker, so she no longer works with me as I got discontinued from working with her. I have a condition. Won't say any more than that, but you have to watch and not make it obvious you like someone if there are rules and consequences to breaking these rules. So what I'm trying to say is, while I do like Eva, I will be sad when she goes, but life will go on.
    Rules and consequences, indeed.

    See, this is from nearly a decade ago, when there was at least some passing recognition of responsibility for your own actions.
    I guess this is not so much evidence that you've failed to learn anything in the intervening period, but rather that you have actually become even more stupid - who would have thought such a thing was possible?

    Also, I had to add, from elsewhere on that charming site, this amusing nugget:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaffeine Monsta
    I hate foreigners too and I'm not that xenophobic.
    I think you need to look up "xenophobic".

  8. #148
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Poor little potato

    Ah, good; I see Peter has started deleting posts again, both here and elsewhere.
    Is this a sign that finally the blighted potato has seen the error of its ways, and is trying to undo some of the poison it's spread across the internet over the decades?
    Is that too much to hope for?
    Unfortunately it's probably more likely the fuckwit is trying to tidy up in advance of extra scrutiny.
    I'm guessing it means the cunt is due back in court soon, or the cuntwomble is worried the case worker assigned to supervise the fucker is able to use Google.
    Either way, here's a wee Throwback Thursday instalment, to remind us all of the arsehole's past form.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    I cannot stand women who are money grabbers!
    Nov 5, 2017
    I was doing a course way back in 2005 which also involved doing a work placement for a few weeks in July of that year. By chance, I met a girl when I was 19 in some charity shop. She made my life hell thereafter.

    On the first day, we were giving tickets by a customer to see Live 8 (the show where Pink Floyd reunited in Edinburgh) and we never went, because of the weather. We went to see a film, and when I hooked up with her at the weekend, she had these younger pals with her who were wild and called me names. Just about every time I went to see her, they were there. It eventually put me off of going out there alone, so sometimes I had my sister go with me. We broke up that summer, after she lied. We didn't even announce we were breaking up either. It just happened.

    She lied about her mates being grounded, because when I arrived, they were there again. Same thing commenced. Just a mouthful of cheek ensued.

    After I lost my job in 2006, I became fixated on finding her, and I've never really understood why I was so obsessed with someone I knew for like only a month. I was very lonely though, and I don't know where or how to meet women for a proper relationship, and I'm not very good looking either, or witty with others anyway. I ended up paying escorts for intimacy over the years, and I swear, about every 1 in every 50 attempts was 'good fun.' I wasted hundreds of pounds and I find I can't get an erection, so it made me feel like a moron, and even my doctor would not prescribe Viagra, after I was accused of being a woman abuser. Some prostitutes even treated me like trash and that did my mental health zero favors. It got to a point where I was intentionally spending all my cash on other things, just to downplay the idea of blowing another £150 or whatever, on a fruitless bit of adult entertainment.

    So anyway: I actually persisted in my pursuit of my first ex for many years. We got back together in 2012 and she announced she was seeing this other guy, and denied all these people I contacted had informed her I was looking for her, but she used to twist her stories around, and make excuses. Even a male support worker I had abused me and pretended he knew her, and sent me emails claiming he dated her, and admitted all of this to me.

    She didn't sound like she enjoyed being with this boyfriend of hers anyway. After a week, she bullied me into buying her an iPod, on credit from an Argos store, then split up with me at some point, and wanted us to remain being friends. Some of my benefits abruptly stopped, and I had quite a hard time paying up the iPod. She broke its connection dock (she claims it was someone else) when I was paying it up. She jammed the USB lead in the wrong way. I know she was headstrong that way; I seen her break a USB port on my Xbox 360 once by putting the cable in wrong. Then to surprise her, I got it fixed in a shop and she had sex with me for a few minutes, then made out she was tired.

    Apart from that, she treated me like crap for months and never showed me any affection at all. Once, I went along a canal, and she told me to wait around, then went into a friend's house and never appeared. She says she fell asleep. After more on/off garbage, I broke into her Facebook profile once and just got a load of cheek from people that know her. She was talking to me once by phone and sounded like a banshee (a mystical creature that is loud). She threatened me with the police, then after I told her my benefits were reinstated, she had me coming up at hers. Her stepfather made fun of me once because I wear glasses, and he asked me if I was "deaf as well as blind." Other times, when my ex's mother didn't like me pressing the buzzer, he came down to threaten me. Yet whenever my ex was okay with me, they didn't say a thing, but I heard her mother saying to get money out of me. Well, she announced she didn't want to see me again, so I went to her house to see her as her nasty ways disturbed my mindset, and all she did was toss a DVD I gave her out of her window, then said I could pick it up as it's "not broken."

    The following year, around my birthday, my ex and I were on talking terms again, and she was okay with me, so she went to the cinema. I then got us a PS3 from the same shop I got the iPod from. However, she was supposed to pay half the cost and we would share it, but I signed the agreement, not her. She demanded to take it home...in my backpack! She did, then bumped me, but gave me my bag back. She then had the nerve to ask me to get her a pizza and go to an area of her choice, near that canal she left me at once. Then I was thinking, I ought to sod that idea, and I never seen her for long enough after that.

    Over a year later, we met up just once. I sold a camera and got a measly ten quid. I gave it to her. She wanted me to meet her at the same place she wanted me to meet her at in 2013 and I was like, "Well, I know she may not be there when I arrive..."

    She wouldn't even give me her number. So I went and she wasn't there. She blocked me on Facebook as well. Not long after this, I got arrested many times and remanded in jail, after female support workers betrayed me and made me look like a stalker, and all their bosses had the nerve to say, was that "they could have handled things better."

    I last seen that scrub in 2015 in the middle of the night. The first thing she asked me was if I had any cash, then when she knew I didn't have any money, she wanted me to go away. Since then, she has blocked me on Facebook tons of times, and I seen stuff about her father passing away last year. I'm not sure what I ever did to her to warrant all the abuse and financial scams she subjected me to, but I've never really been in any other relationship. Many people online and in person, have deeply hurt me and even at times landed me in legal trouble, so I feel like becoming a recluse when I move out of my family's absolute tip of a home. I'm due in court this month, because of some singer from a band called Wah! from the eighties accusing me of things. Previously, it was an actress doing a dirty on me, and some of my ex support workers (referred to as J&S), who stitched me up, and made a mountain out of a molehill over my having a crush on them, and the authorities had me imprisoned, or arrested. Maybe I've just got "sucker" written all over my face. I've totally lost all my self-esteem now, and every few minutes, I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown.
    Notice how Peter always says things like "After I lost my job in 2006" as opposed to something rather more accurate like "after I was sacked (and arrested) having persistently sexually harassed, then physically assaulted my female coworkers and feigned a suicide attempt on-premises armed with pills and a potato peeler" (how apt).
    And that's just the first post - the potato continues on for several thousand more words after that, complaining about women, doctors, lawyers, filmmakers, actors, agents, social workers, pharmacists, Facebook, forums, crowdfunders, Frank, and Peter's own recalcitrant little cock....
    Of course, nothing in this saga of woes is in any way Peter's doing - it's always everyone and everything else in the world that's at fault. Not Peter. Never Peter.
    (It's really quite a thread...)
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-01-2022 at 03:49 PM.

  9. #149
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - An epiphany of culpability

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    It's not because of anything other than my own choice, faggot.
    Finally, an admission from the cuntstain that Peter's situation is directly a result of Peter's own choices. The homophobic slur somewhat undercuts it though.

  10. #150
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Special, but not in a good way

    Someone could certainly write a PhD thesis about Peter - both the cuntwomble itself and the systematic failures of the mental health and criminal justice systems in Scotland that leave the prick to roam free.

    Also, I'm curious, how does one "sarcastically" grope a woman's breasts?
    No m'lud, it wasn't assault, it was satire.
    (Had to laugh at the irony of fuckface saying "They do not want to take any accountability for their actions", too)
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous37919 (Peter Ross Anderson)
    Re: Was I discriminated against?
    12-17-2014, 01:15 PM

    Well, I contacted AdvoCard. I got told to ring them back in the new year, but I don't think autism is one of their practices. And I would rather not start off 2015 by dwelling on this stuff even more, but I know it will probably be haunting me for good now. And I know I have a right to be angry, because I have to dispute whether this bull crap was ever necessary. Nobody appreciates being lied to and betrayed.

    I had a shift with this guy today and he said the reason the senior I had asked to come to court is not going on Friday is because I wanted her to be there to assign blame to the agency.

    OK. Fair enough. But it seems they have just gone and ditched me during what is a crucial point in time. They do not want to take any accountability for their actions, so it is much better for them to leave me flat and see what happens on the big day without directly being involved in the outcome. Gee, thanks.

    I know I should not have broken a bottle, sarcastically touched a woman on the chest (I did this smarmy act after being semi-accused of hitting on women) and going to people's houses, even if my intent was just to offer an apology. But I tried telling the higher-ups long ago that had the two aforementioned support people come back to my team, they could have saw progress happen in a positive way.

    Rather, they know I had feelings for them and in their view, that is bad for the boundaries, so they claim they had to pull them off of my team. When I told this guy today that it was becoming a pattern (me complimenting someone and others reporting that), he said not to tell anyone in the future, because it can come across you are overly interested in that person, especially if it is a female, but it may apply to a guy worker too. So that is something to keep in mind, for the future!

    Meanwhile, maybe you can add your two cents to my thread instead of this one, as this particular thread is about somebody else.



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