I was wondering if someone could help me take revenge against a few arseholes online!
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07-15-2019, 07:31 AM
First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter, a big survival horror games fan. I'm well known (and really infamous) in the online Resident Evil fan community.
Basically, what brought me here is that I've had a lot of hassle for the past 16 years, because of morons on message boards that also happen to be fans of these type of video games. They caused me to have major anxiety issues, and it has really not did any wonders for my mental health. I just wanted to let you know, that I don't consider myself a 'bad person' in the sense that I'd want to murder somebody or physically attack another person over some silly dispute. However, I have been after some measure of payback for a long time, because of all these douchebags that have been making me miserable since the age of 17.
Over the years, I tried my damndest to be an honest contributor to these websites, by being regularly active, posting my opinions, helping others whenever I could, and whatnot. The same boring cycle always came about in the end. The trolls who populated the forums would double down on their abuse, and I ended up getting banned countless times, and they didn't just leave it at that. They made this page about me on this satire wiki, and you know? Essentially, they made a horse's ass out of me and put my e-rep through a wringer. Only once did I ever get that article "removed" online, but as you know, it's not as simple as tearing up a piece of paper. During the heyday of the forums, I could never really enjoy the positive aspects of them due to being outed. Even if I used a proxy and returned with another account, they were just used to my way of talking, so they'd ban me again.
In fact, I was diagnosed rather late in life with a form of autism. The doctors weren't sure if I had ASD, but they said I had PDD-NOS, which I assume is the "shit category" for when so-called professionals don't know what the heck you are supposed to have wrong with you. But I guess trolls don't care about that stuff. I've not really got a social life, and I even find it hard to travel on buses because of this anxiety problem I have. Social services messed up my life years ago too, and what happened was, I just got a petty crush on my key worker (or support person) and after her and this other woman got removed, the bosses lied, and constantly made out they were still my support workers. But I saw through the bullshit. At the time, I was in a supported flat. They got me in trouble with the pigs over and over again, and I even got remanded in jail for sending them apologies, but when the cops were called, they would try to say they didn't know anything about that. My own lawyer told the sheriff last year that I require support, and they screwed me over again by sentencing me to jail for over 2 months. With less than a month to go, they screwed me over again, just because I sent money to a guy that I fell out with on Twitter, who was a singer in a band in the 80's, and I coudn't do unpaid work in the community, and I even provided evidence of this. Sounds sad, is sad. In addition to this, another support worker emailed me years ago, with a false name, pretending that he knew my ex. I'm not even sure what happened to him. He either just left, or was sacked. When confronted, he claimed it was wrong what he did, but that he was only trying to help me get over my ex. Anyway, that's pretty pathetic that a caregiver was doing that.
The last straw occurred last year. These guys on YouTube were picking on a nerd called Nemesis. Yeah, that boss from one of the Resident Evil games, from when they were STILL good horror games... unlike now! But I digress. The point being is that they were ganging up on this dude, who was just stating his opinions about Capcom, and expressing how Capcom lied to the fans, made fans pay for DLC that wasn't worth the wait, and screwed over and disrespected key personnel that worked on the franchise some 15 years ago. He made tons of similar videos, complaining about how his favourite franchise was all but destroyed. Just subjective criticism from a fellow fan. Trolls with bigger channels that should know better, accused this no name person with a modest 2K followers at the time, of 'spreading misinformation' about the RE Engine developed by Capcom, and other things, then made videos ranting about his demeanor on-air, and mocked me as well after I made an attempt at sticking up for him. In the end, it backfired on me massively, because I said something out of line just over being mad, so the guy I was trying to be a white knight for stabbed me in the back. They deleted the videos about Nemesis several months ago, and posted a video explaining that they did this because he changed, but in the same video, they said they were keeping the videos about me online, because they 'enjoy roasting my bitch ass' all day long.
Months later, one of them got doxxed by me, because he had his real name on PayPal. I mean, I don't usually state that anybody deserves to be doxxed, but yeah. He deserved to be doxxed. The reason I did that is because he made categorically false remarks against me, saying that Nemesis was my senpai, then turning it up a notch by calling me a potential paedophile, just over my choice of nickname, and mentioning all this shit talk about my acting career with stolen clips, slagging me off, plus going on about my autism, and then making videos about other random YouTubers, like this Suzy Lu person. Both himself and another guy that he does podcasts with, as a part of "The Infinite Ammo Syndicate" on YouTube.
Then to make it worse, this psychotic guy, who I suspect ran a site about Capcom once, and who may live in either Australia or New Zealand, has been spamming on a dead relationships forum. Which I mean, it ain't annoying me as such. However, there's a lot of folk there that replied to old threads I posted when I was going through a bad period, and they don't deserve to be going through that shit. The reason he does this is because the administrator left the forum a boneyard, with no moderation team anymore. So all he does is flood the forums with vile images, or calls me a retard, and he also went to Wikipedia, and some acting related wikis, just to start shit there too. He obsessively signs in all of the time to see if I've posted, and when he notices I'm not posting, he even makes accounts to post, either pretending to be me, or people he knows I've had issues with. Now, if that isn't nuts, I don't know what is. But this has gone on for way too long with these idiots.
In closing, I just wanted to email bomb them, or do something spiteful to get back at these jerks. That's it. I have never used that one guy's address in an illegal manner to really intentionally mess up his life. I'm not actually a fan of causing people to develop mental health issues themselves, even though they have shown zero respect for what's wrong with me. I've asked them nicely to delete the videos on YouTube, and they blatantly refuse, then proceed to submit tweets about me, and Google hasn't removed them despite all the times I've flagged them, and stated how it is breaking the terms of service. Per their harassment policy, I think they ought to be removed. But after so many years of putting up with this bullshit from Satan's spawn, I decided that it's time to fight back. Otherwise, I'll just forever be remembered as their bitch.
Anyway, the people I wanted to take revenge against are these three YouTubers, and also the ex of one of my former support workers. He has a website to do with his fitness business. I tried to be rational with him years ago, but he was super arrogant towards me, and I ended up with a criminal record for essentially just getting inappropriate feelings on a support worker, then lashing out because they started to mistreat me during my support shifts. It has practically ruined my life.
All the best, Peter.