He is talking about your sister's kids, idiot.
I just enlarged it and assume it is. I've been online since 1997 and you are actually the most vicious troll I've ever encountered. You're up there with the likes of those who troll Facebook memorial pages for children who have died. Seriously, the law is cracking down on on this kind of behaviour.
You've got some sort of sociopathic/sadistic personality disorder. You aren't funny at all (a redeeming feature of many trolls) but you're damn vicious. Forget Pedro for a second -- you were aggressive toward me from the get-go, using anything you could lay your hands on that might hit a raw nerve (and went for my age). That's not unusual for trolls but it's indicative of your nastiness. You're sticking around here because you know a moderated forum would ban you quick smart.
You're not very cluey though.. That guy Kwambe who you said was "obviously" Pedro yesterday, that was me. If you can fuck up like that, your bullshit can easily be traced back to your real name. It's just that Pedro's been dealing with this on his own and he's on the other side of the planet. I'm not. So watch your fucking back and pull your head in.
"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer
Show us the edivence, The Scottish Pedo.
The idiot uses dodgy methods because he isn't supposed to be using the internet. He is a registered sex offender and his access is restricted.