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  1. #561
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Amino complete by now foods might also be worth trying.

  2. #562
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    So, Lets try this - For an all anti anxiety cocktail :

    Amino 2222, vitamin b complex, magnesium, multivitamin.
    On an empty stomach with a big glass of water.

  3. #563
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2018
    Vitamin b3 (niacin) is needed for tryptophan to efficiently convert to serotonin. Tryptophan is found among the amino acids in a good amino complex.

    Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine - both are found in amino 2222 and they generally provide a well Being when Being taken. Jim Carrey used those two instead of ssris. Getting all the amino acids is probably most beneficial though.

    To make things easy;
    Amino 2222 and a multivitamin on an empty stomach should do the trick, amino acids are best absorbed on an empty stomach.

    If anyone has a suggestion of another amino supplement im all ears, but so far amino 2222 seems to Work!

    Last edited by 2018anx; 09-14-2018 at 12:02 PM.

  4. #564
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2018
    Im feeling great... my deeply troubled state of mind has easened up significantly.
    Its as if i can finally start to heal, to recover.

    "amino 2222" was a bit sketchy for my stomach so ive currently switched to "mutant amino 300".
    and a multivitamin with food, thats it.

    ive taken whey protein regurarly, but that has not helped me.

    a good amino complex in tablet/capsule form and a multivitamin is what has made the difference.

    Will not take victory for granted, but it feels better and better, and ive been taking it for about 5 days.

    best regards

  5. #565
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2015
    Hello Dahila

    I think I got your name right at last.

    Nope, I am not proud of myself. Ashamed would be a far better word.

    I ask your forgiveness. It's obvious you're a highly esteemed member of this forum. This forum doesn't deserve you.

    All the other MH forums I dabble in are really decimated too. I have no idea

    Peace to you


  6. #566
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    BooBass all good, all good, I mixed you with someone else, now I remember that you have limited access to computer, I hope that you will survive the containment, Peace to you too BB
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  7. #567
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 2018anx View Post
    Im feeling great... my deeply troubled state of mind has easened up significantly.
    Its as if i can finally start to heal, to recover.

    "amino 2222" was a bit sketchy for my stomach so ive currently switched to "mutant amino 300".
    and a multivitamin with food, thats it.

    ive taken whey protein regurarly, but that has not helped me.

    a good amino complex in tablet/capsule form and a multivitamin is what has made the difference.

    Will not take victory for granted, but it feels better and better, and ive been taking it for about 5 days.

    best regards
    Hey I have been using Amino fuel with great success until the recent change in ingredients. They call it a new formula but it’s actually lost loads of ingredients and it now sucks. I need an alternative as I am feeling bad again after so much progress. Anyone recommend a good way of getting the correct amino’s along with what b supplement to take?

    Help please


  8. #568
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    It's a radical approach, but way more effective → Consider eating less junk food, get more outdoor exposure, get in some regular exercise/activity, try sleeping to the beat of a regular routine and above all ... on occasion ... be sure to eat food that's not beaten to death, pulverized beyond recognition, cooked to a crisp or comes in any form of packaging. Doing so is way more efficient when it comes to both sourcing and absorbing vits and mins.


    Don't beleive all the studies you read online when it comes to the selling off sups.

    I take some Vitmin Bs during those time I eat plants only, however that too, is now debatable.

    I really don't know ... to think most of us are confused. Probably best to experiment for yourself - is all any of us can do with such things. Asking people what supps work and do not is as fallible as asking the same question regarding medication. Way to many variables to consider from one individuals perspective. Generally speaking though, you can't wrong with with avoiding toxic lifestyles and or making healthier decisions. Especially those based on natural living.
    Last edited by Ponder; 04-22-2019 at 11:47 PM.



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