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  1. #201
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    Howdy guys & gals ! I miss talking with you all but life is getting in the way and I am happy to see some of my friends still kicking it. I'll get back on later, just wanted to say hi and keep fighting the good fight
    JOHN .... BUDDY!!! How the bloody hell are ya!!! Please do come back and talk about anything you want. How's the freezer going? Packing any meat!!! I regrettably sold my hammock.

    Man we have missed you. So glad to hear from you. I just woke up from a weird dream because of my wayward bedroom door not being shut fully. 2:44am now.

    I best get back to sleep.

    I say hello to you in my next Vlog sometime today when I wake up. you inspired me more than you probably know. Time to push on through and regain control of said troubles in one's life. I hear ya on that score!

    What's been happening and what's the plan for today?

    Missed ya heaps buddy!
    Please stay a whiles.
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  2. #202
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    John I just thought about you , and your struggling with smoking . We miss you a lot, I do
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  3. #203
    I ran a 10 K recently and found having a challenge to work towards is a great motivation tool for my fitness. So i'm gonna try a swim challenge next!

  4. #204
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    Oct 2013
    Sounds like a plan ... slow and easy wins the race.
    Please be sure to keep us posted. Would love to hear more about that!
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  5. #205
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    Oct 2013
    Man oh Man I am bushwhacked tonight. I've spent the last three days straight trialing out different forum software. I bit the bullet and ended up buying a domain name, subscribing to a paid web server optimized for phpBB3 and getting support from the lads over at https://www.phpbb.com/support/

    There software is free but trying to go the free route with web servers is a nightmare and reportedly asking for trouble further down the track. Especially if you end up creating something successful. Anyways the platform is very similarly to the one good ol Anxiety Forum here uses. anxietyforum.net/forum/forum.php

    Looks something like this:

    I've got a while to go before I get into the design phase. Still waiting to the domain name to be linked to the web server than after that upload through an FTP client - yadda yadda. All stuff I am learning as I go. At the end of the day though once it's up and running, I will have full control. LOL ... there goes that control need again. But this is a little different. Just ensuring I am not invested in someone else little scheme as typically happens with most of those free forum sites. Once I learn more about it I will also develop advance skills in forum building and possibly web site design as well. One step at a time.

    I actually can't wait till I set up the basic structure so then I can work on what matters ... content and all that fulfilling stuff my proposed audience will want. Want not being a prime word for my intended crowed.

    So whats the forum going to be about. Like I alluded to before in my recent posts - Meditation. Simple as that really. Just plain old meditation. I might be clutching at straws in the seeking for such an audience - BUT I think I can pull off a nice welcoming community like this one over time. Time being the key word there. This is not the sort of project I want to start up just to drop next week. I'll be investing real money into this one as well as building up new skills. Looking at it like that I don't suppose I can lose.

    I'm going to need more than just a fancy looking layout though. Forum promotion will be the final stage not withstanding all the checks and balances in between. I'll be sure to share how the layout progresses as I go along before final promotion. Anyone here is welcome to given my advice and what they think my help and or not. It may sound crazy that I don't fell comfortable working with others in support forums, but the truth is that this place has been my home for years now and its here that I feel most comfortable especially when I am working on projects like this. Our PEERHAPS charity is still going strong. Thats thanks to my wife who as come a long way in status doing most of that.

    Whilst that website is looking old and shabby ... it's a good example of the content being what matters. We have actually found a niche with that charity, but mostly because most organisations have their hand tied and don't want to work so hard for Zero dollars. None the less it's done good enough to receive funding here and there to keep it in service. The passion driving that comes from lived experience and know too well just how stigma keeps so many of us down.

    So it is that I want to spread the message of meditation as a form or healing that can be used along side medication, if not replace it completely for those whose anatomy is not severely affected and or responds well to such a practice. There is not a great deal of meditation forums out there and those having a crack at it seem to be lacking in the structure side of things. That said it may be more a case of not overloading their site with more categories and board to the member ratio kind of thing, which in that case is actually a smart thing. I think the trouble with some is making them too spiritually inclined, although that's actually going down my tack. Thing is the internet has way more than enough spiritual forums as is. That said ... it would be nice to have one like so that's not full of so much gobbledygook. Like going from Gandhi to Eckhart Tolle and then out of nowhere ... the Reptilians!

    I guess drama is what fills the void hey. The question is how much does one want to sell out in order to make some fame. No fear of that happening if you've ever seen a vlog of mine. Like averages 3 to 5 hits with me doing the revisits. (Not that I have promoted it or bothered to spend too much time on it) - That's actually been a good confidence builder and I am overdue to do another one. Truth is I really struggle with the cognitive side of things when not putting thoughts to keyboard and even then it takes me a lot to get any kind of structure going. Perhaps this forum building can help me with that.

    I think now's a good time to go source out a little guided meditation and wind down myself.

    That concludes this little evening rant.

    Thanks for listening.
    Adios until next post.

    PS JOHN ... I hope you find your way back. Life is too short my friend. Would love to know how "Your" doing since your visit here last night. Tell it like it is ... all good man. Whatever you feel like talking about is good for me.
    Last edited by Ponder; 07-02-2017 at 05:44 AM.
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  6. #206
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Howdy D and Ponder. i missed talking with you both and a lot of others on this forum.
    " it is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt ", Mark Twain.

  7. #207
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    Apr 2014
    i am still off the cigs and fat as hell ,( i gained so much weight since i quit ) and still in my high stress sales job. Kids are doing well and my oldest will have surgery next month to try and correct her leg so that she can walk more like you and i.The freezer only got one deer this year and we have only a few packs left but i am still grateful for the one.
    I must be honest and tell you both that i have not read anything so i have not caught up on anything in the forum. I will spend some time looking through the AF and see whats been going on. I have some bulging disc in my back so its got me down momentarily anyway. I truly hope you both are doing well.
    " it is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt ", Mark Twain.

  8. #208
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    John that's ok I had not read anything either, only Ponder posts. I started to lose weight when I went of any wheat products, it was cause I got diabetes type 2 so I had to finish eating sugar, bread, potato, rice no grains of any type. it is Keto Diet kind of keto it is high fat low carbs. I lost a lot I am eating this way from last August , ten months. I lost weight and gain a lot of energy )
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  9. #209
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    Oct 2013
    Vlog Update ... Vlog 16 Parts 1 & 2 ... Yea! Dahila has done really well with her diet. Congrats on that D because I know how hard it is to come off the damn BREAD. The truth is though that the longer you persist with those hard core changes, the easier it gets. I'm betting you know that secret now John having given up the smokes for quite some time. It really is the same with food once you make the decision to make the next move. Nonetheless it can takes years when transitioning from things like drinking and smoking to eating clean. I know it did me. I'm honored that some of you guys have been a part of that process. You have even seem me come off the meds.

    So anyways JOHN BUDDY ... I got around to making a new Vlog since you hit the scene. It's an a new channel I don't think you know of mine. I beleive you are one of my few friend on my other channel though. Anyways I link this new Vlog and you can decide if you want to subscribe. It really is only meant for a "very few" close friends. I make no real attempts to promote this channel. It's just a confidence practice thing I am doing. Hence ... Vlog therapy.

    As usual the battery went flat of the SD card became full. I also had some technical issues with the setting regarding frame rates so apologize that I was not able to sink audio in Part One. So please excuse the sound in the first one and also that I was unable to join the two videos into one. One was shot in 25 frames per second and the other in 30. Combining the two and sync audio was a headache so I just link the first one now ... above the embedded part 2.

    Vlog 16 Part One - G'day John - D & anyone else from the Anxiety Forum:
    Click → HERE ← to watch.

    Vlog 16 Part Two - Continuation of Part One:

    Righto ... now time to see if I can upload these phpBB3.2 install files up to a web host server. This process I am not enjoying so much, but cant wait to get content mode.

    Take care John ... I will keep your daughter in mind re the upcoming operation. Please do keep sharing. What kind of hobby do you have or could start that's more for D-stressing/unwinding and wont tax your body so much? You play chess? I cant remember asking you that? You still got that camera. I messed up my Flikr account ... could you link me to yours ... I understand if you don't have much on it, however it would be great to see a few more snaps of the ranch. You remember how to embed them?

    Srry for all the questions. I leave you guys to it and keep moving myself.

    Adios until next post.
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  10. #210
    Senior Member
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    I have recently cut all soda of any kinds and only drink unsweetened green tea and water. I know the low/no carb diet works I just actually have to stick to it. I really need to get my physical activity up. My body is revolting against the extra weight, my knees and ankles back are all hurting.
    I went back and watched a few of your blogs so to get somewhat caught up and I had to laugh when I saw that spinner you had , hell there's gotta be 10 of them thing here still got the camera but my daughter has really excelled with it. My dad also gave me an old Minolta 35 mm with lots of lenses and filters but I have done nothing with it. I'll catch up more with you in next day or so. Peace
    " it is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt ", Mark Twain.



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