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  1. #11
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    Aug 2016
    Minnesota, USA
    The book "From Panic to Power' was a real wake-up call. Written by a gal that used to be crippled by it and now she helps run a center that counsels people with anxiety. I had no idea how much power I had over this anxiety issue and how I was causing the problem myself. Good book to get and read! I bought several copies and gave them away to relatives that have anxiety. I had no idea how many folks suffer from this condition.

  2. #12
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    Oct 2016
    I have DP/DR also and I absolutely hate it. I try to just accept it and live with it as I understand that is better for recovery. But it is hard.

    The problem is my brain still can't understand "night". It just doesn't like it. If I go shopping at night for example, I feel strange inside the store. If I watch tv and a night scene comes on I feel"funny" like something "just isn't right". I really can't explain it.

    I was hoping that this symptom would be the first to go, but it's actually proven stubborn.

  3. #13
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    Listen, i have a had a great deal of experience with DR/DP .. not so much DP if I'm honest. The bottom line is that whatever your brain is freaking you out with i.e problems relating to night time, that is all an illusion. As hard as this may sound, you are focusing to much on this anxiety driven side effect. I know it may be all around you and it's the only thing that your brain seems to be trying to understand and make sense of but this is what is driving it to carry on. The derealization is what is feeding your anxiety. You need to get your levels of anxiety down and the derealization will disappear i absolutely promise you this. You are currently anxious because the derealization is all that is on your mind. For a quick fix distract yourself. For a permanent fix lower your anxiety. Accept that this "feeling" is there and just tell yourself that it doesn't bother you. Accept it! It will fade as the anxiety lowers.
    Read up and understand mindfulness as this helped me to rid derealization in days after years of it. I hope you understand what I'm saying. As it is truly terrible. And still amazes me that it is a completely normal part of that brain functioning perfectly normal as it's designed. Good luck and get relaxing

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Minnesota, USA
    Excellent advice!

  5. #15
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    One other bit of advice that comes to mind is that i really slowed down the process of getting myself better by always "checking in". I know everyone experiences this anxiety feeling differently but for me the world just didn't ever seem to look quite right. It was terrifying, my street would look alien to me and would be constantly looking through my blinds to see if it was "still there".
    Understand that it is a feeling. Read or listen to audio books about the subject, educate yourself about it, take an interest in it and what is happening to you, and please please please do not think mindfulness is some hocus pocus new age hippy crap, it really works and works for millions of people, be kind to yourself and you will get your life back x

  6. #16
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jon mike View Post
    One other bit of advice that comes to mind is that i really slowed down the process of getting myself better by always "checking in". I know everyone experiences this anxiety feeling differently but for me the world just didn't ever seem to look quite right. It was terrifying, my street would look alien to me and would be constantly looking through my blinds to see if it was "still there".
    Understand that it is a feeling. Read or listen to audio books about the subject, educate yourself about it, take an interest in it and what is happening to you, and please please please do not think mindfulness is some hocus pocus new age hippy crap, it really works and works for millions of people, be kind to yourself and you will get your life back x
    Interesting. Do you know of any books or videos that can help with this "mindfullness" stuff. What exactly should I be doing?

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teafrenzy View Post
    Interesting. Do you know of any books or videos that can help with this "mindfullness" stuff. What exactly should I be doing?
    The Power of Now and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle are probably the best books I've read on mindfulness. The Power of Now is the most well known but I think I got more out of A New Earth. I'm thinking of getting it again actually because I'm still pretty hopeless at mindfulness and still get a lot of anxiety
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  8. #18
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    Oct 2013
    Put your earbuds on and go walk for several hours with this in your playlist. When your done, you'll have all the answers you need.

    Although I had to listen to it several times over. Actually now's a good time to start all over again.

    Edit ... I thought it only fair to include this link [below] as a primer to both his books The Power of Now and A New Earth + Stillness Speaks ... by Eckhart Tolle:
    The Best Eckhart Tolle Talk - Power of Now - A New Earth - Stillness Speaks
    Last edited by Ponder; 05-08-2017 at 03:10 AM.
    "...the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation" ~ Terrance McKenna → https://pondermovedhere.blogspot.com/

  9. #19
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    May 2014
    DP is exceptionally frustrating. It makes it hard to experience the moment. I went for a walk this morning and I couldn't even feel like I was in my own body. I was just walking down the road trying to see and experience but it's like a completely dysfunctional state of consciousness and it wasn't letting me

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Minnesota, USA
    I do believe mine is from not having enough to do. When our online store was open, I was busy all the time, packing orders, shipping, update the website, etc.. then we closed the store and suddenly I had nothing to do that took up much of my time, so my mind turned on itself. I did do a lot of research and this is one snippet of advice that fits me and maybe some others as well:

    Socialize: As mentioned, feelings of depersonalisation can be a result of cabin fever and if you don't allow yourself to interact with others you can very quickly begin to feel as though the world around you and your experiences are 'unreal'. It is possible this way to get into a vicious cycle as you avoid interaction as a result of your depersonalisation and this then worsens your condition. It is important then to 'force' yourself to go out and socialise and to make sure that you spend lots of time interacting with people and enjoying lots of unique and different experiences. This will help you to enjoy yourself and to re-engage with the world around you and your feelings. If you haven't been out in a long time then this may at first be nerve racking and distressing but you will find that after a while you get back into the 'swing' of social contact. If you are in the situation you are in because you have no means of socialising in your current circumstances then try taking up a club that you go to regularly which will help to get you out and about.

    I do force myself to go out on a daily basis, even if its to the store just for one item. I am trying to desensitize my brain and ease back into 'normal'.



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