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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teafrenzy View Post
    When you post statements like "some people just don't want to be rid of the anxiety" then I am going to protest.

    When you make statements like such and such supplement is the key to getting better because you used in the course of your recovery but research has never shown it to be effective I am going to protest.

    You are taking your own unique condition and method of getting better and saying anyone who hasn't gotten better hasn't "done the work" when you don't have any evidence to support that as well.

    When I am watching a tv show like "game of Thrones" I know the creators are not trying to write a true story. When I am watching the news, I will hope the newscasters will have done the research to bring me actual facts.

    And that is why you still have a panic disorder and me and some others do not. Keep up the protests, and the arguments and the fighting, it is getting you far in life. And of course I never said, " such and such supplement is the key to getting better". So keep protesting with your moral self-righteous outrage. Actually why don't you join Black Lives Matter and protest white privilege and systemic racism, or better yet, protest and shut down free speech at every college campus since we all need your moral authority to protect the innocent from horrible monsters like me.

    "some people just don't want to be rid of the anxiety"-YEP! True. Absolutely true.

    "You are taking your own unique condition and method" Yeah because "you need to do the work" or my Stop Panic Attacks method here http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showth...-Panic-Attacks is so specific to me that the common person couldn't possibly use it.

    But you got THE FACTS! Watch out- here comes TeaFrenzy with the FACT BOMBS! He owns THE FACTS!

  2. #52
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    And something you don't get, Teafrenzy and Gypsylee, if you go back and read all the posts here minus you 2, we were actually having a very intelligent and civil discussion and exchange of ideas. That is the part you don't seem to understand. My posts always drive good discussions and it is not until they are hijacked by people like you both, that it falls apart.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teafrenzy View Post
    When you post statements like "some people just don't want to be rid of the anxiety" then I am going to protest.

    When you make statements like such and such supplement is the key to getting better because you used in the course of your recovery but research has never shown it to be effective I am going to protest.

    You are taking your own unique condition and method of getting better and saying anyone who hasn't gotten better hasn't "done the work" when you don't have any evidence to support that as well.

    When I am watching a tv show like "game of Thrones" I know the creators are not trying to write a true story. When I am watching the news, I will hope the newscasters will have done the research to bring me actual facts.
    This is a really good post and sums up my feelings, too.

  4. #54
    You know, several years ago I was a member of a massive, politically flavored board. It had a lot of subfourms,one of which was used to debate religion. There was a poster there that I just couldn't stand. She was a holier than thou "if you don't feel god in you you're just not trying hard enough or lying to yourself" type. I got along with a lot of her buddies though. So I privately asked one of them what was up with her friend. This is what she said:

    Her faith is like a new pair of shoes. Bright and shiny, they're all she wants to talk about. Even though she hasn't developed the callouses she needs for them yet. My faith, my faith is like that old beat up pair of comfortable slippers. I don't have to point them out. You look at me and instantly know I'm comfortable in them.

    Seems like maybe a similar situation is occurring here. Just something to consider...

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synner View Post
    You know, several years ago I was a member of a massive, politically flavored board. It had a lot of subfourms,one of which was used to debate religion. There was a poster there that I just couldn't stand. She was a holier than thou "if you don't feel god in you you're just not trying hard enough or lying to yourself" type. I got along with a lot of her buddies though. So I privately asked one of them what was up with her friend. This is what she said:

    Her faith is like a new pair of shoes. Bright and shiny, they're all she wants to talk about. Even though she hasn't developed the callouses she needs for them yet. My faith, my faith is like that old beat up pair of comfortable slippers. I don't have to point them out. You look at me and instantly know I'm comfortable in them.

    Seems like maybe a similar situation is occurring here. Just something to consider...

    I would offer you a response if anyone had any idea what the hell you were taking about.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by martin05 View Post
    This is a really good post and sums up my feelings, too.
    Oh more from the Peanut Gallery. Yes validate your friends here, which is the most important. Groupthink is strong with you guys. Because we all know disagreeing with me and supporting other assholes here is the key to helping your anxiety.

  7. #57
    I agree so badly. The only way to get out from panic attack is to actually set goals. Even if we fail, we have to enjoy the process somehow. I mean it's life. Its the way we need to pay our bills & feed ourselves. As long as we don't hide our identity, that shall be enough. Besides, anxious people are also best known as the 'intelligent' one. The good thing about me, I've been told I'm "persistent & never gives up because I know, we won't be calm till we get it." Maybe we should discuss about how to deal with being judged?
    Last edited by FloraRistic123; 03-06-2017 at 10:44 PM.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by FloraRistic123 View Post
    I agree so badly. The only way to get out from panic attack is to actually set goals. Even if we fail, we have to enjoy the process somehow. I mean it's life. Its the way we need to pay our bills & feed ourselves. As long as we don't hide our identity, that shall be enough. Besides, anxious people are also best known as the 'intelligent' one. The good thing about me, I've been told I'm "persistent & never gives up because I know, we won't be calm till we get it." Maybe we should discuss about how to deal with being judged?
    Ah someone here who actually wants to discuss the subject at hand. Very great post! I think goal setting for anxiety is great! My goal was to get better no matter what and not stop until I was.

    Until the coup d'état led by Admiral Gypsylee was enacted and the insurgence took hold, along with BrilliantSide, richierich25, Ponder, Kirk , salvator here , Anxiousexplosion, fixmybrokenmind and now FloraRistic, we could actually have a good discussion.

    I think subconsciously some people do not want to get better because they identify with anxiety and do not want to lose that identity.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by PanicCured View Post
    I would offer you a response if anyone had any idea what the hell you were taking about.
    I don't want to insert myself into the middle of an obvious pissing match. I was just trying to explain the way I perceive this argument, and it appears I didn't do a very good job.

    Simply put, when someone is "cured" (or "saved" in my little story above) they want to rush and tell everyone how they did it, and they tend to think their way is the either the only way, or at the least the best way. Which is totally understandable, and even commendable to a degree. It's obvious you want to help people. But you will put some people off with your methods. I.E. 'tough love'.

    In my opinion, unless one is a trained therapist, doctor, etc, and further, well informed regarding the patient, it is downright dangerous to tell them what they should or should not do in their search for a "cure". It's quite conceivable someone could die (either by killing themselves, or by drug/supplement interactions or any number of other ways). The goal here should be one of helpful advice in terms of what to talk to your doctor or therapist about. What kinds of things helped you that maybe they could explore with their own doctors.

    For instance, if you're dealing with someone who has self-esteem issues which have led to anxiety and depression, telling them they have to set goals could ultimately send them into a downward spiral. As easy as it is to say "well if you don't meet your goal, set a lower goal" or "just keep trying", to someone with self image issues, failing to meet those goals may well set them on a downward spiral towards suicide.

    I just think actual instructions are best left to the professionals. Our "job" should be one of support and encouragement. That includes not telling people whether they should or should not medicate, telling them they should take X supplements in such and such a dosage, and things like that. One of the most fundamental problems with anxiety / panic disorder is that it affects people differently, and different people respond differently to different treatments. There is no slam dunk "cure". In fact, I don't think there is a "cure" at all. At best, you learn to manage it such that it no longer affects your life. I've gone long stretches where I thought I was "cured". 10 years in fact. But under the right circumstances, it can come back in a heartbeat.

    So my previous post was drawing a parallel to a recently "reborn" Christian who can't stop trying to save people by getting in their faces and telling them they know how to do it if you would just listen to them. As opposed to those comfortable in their faith who offer support and encouragement to those who seek it. The intentions are good, but the method puts off more people than it attracts.

  10. #60
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    I believe that some anxiety is just part of life and you have to learn how to deal with it the best you can.



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