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Thread: Sinus Headache

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Haddenham (Cambridgeshire)

    Sinus Headache

    It's been 9 days since my ccold. I still get a tickly chesty cough in the morning. And this forehead pressure won't budge. The past two days I focused on it a bit too much. The day before it'd cleared up almost entirely but the past two days I worried it wasn't clearing up and so the pressure feels more pronounced. It's not even a headache anymore. My sinuses feel clear throughout the day, no excessive sniffing or a blocked nose. But there's just this constant pressure sensation in my forehead and sometimes aching at the back. With the worrying came the dizziness. Im kinda frustrated that I went down the anxiety Road and made it worse

    Tomorrow I'll see the GP if it's not improving just as a precaution. Anyone got any advice as I Google anxiety forehead pressure and found plenty of posts from people experiencing sinus issues with anxiety.

    How strong, how costly, the urge to fight our fate and turn back time. But life is meant to be consumed, not preserved to ward off doom. One can surely die from fear, before the end is ever near.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Madison, Wisconsin

    What's making you play the game again, brother? You know this routine.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by raggamuffin View Post
    It's been 9 days since my ccold. I still get a tickly chesty cough in the morning. And this forehead pressure won't budge. The past two days I focused on it a bit too much. The day before it'd cleared up almost entirely but the past two days I worried it wasn't clearing up and so the pressure feels more pronounced. It's not even a headache anymore. My sinuses feel clear throughout the day, no excessive sniffing or a blocked nose. But there's just this constant pressure sensation in my forehead and sometimes aching at the back. With the worrying came the dizziness. Im kinda frustrated that I went down the anxiety Road and made it worse

    Tomorrow I'll see the GP if it's not improving just as a precaution. Anyone got any advice as I Google anxiety forehead pressure and found plenty of posts from people experiencing sinus issues with anxiety.

    Hi Ed, I know this post was a while ago but I was wondering how you are feeling now and if it did go away? I've had dizziness/ foggy head and head pressure and it does feel like it's coming from my sinuses (i also need to pop my ears a lot etc.) but like you said, I get pains at the back of my head, and tingling in my forehead. I know it's not just down to my anxiety because it's waking me in the night with pains in my forehead from breathing through my nose. I am a bit worried to go to my doctor as she knows I have anxiety. I basically have anxiety about brain tumours (nothing else medically really!) and the head pressure makes me scared that it might be that. I'm sorry to post this & don't want to trigger anything in you if you are feeling better now. Just wanted to know if it went away & how you got it to go away.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Man check your blood pressure, maybe due the cold and sinus infection you are getting it a bit high. Forehead and back of had is typical for high blood pressure, Pain behind the eyes would be sinuses. Docs do not want to treat me anymore for sinus infection, I have a chronic condition for 5 decades or so. I know when the sinuses and how they hurt. Sinuses will hurt all day
    I know you do sinus rinse, continue doing it
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
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