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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2015

    A story and a new self-diagnoses

    Hey everyone,

    It was either I start an account on here or end up back at the clinic. I thought I would try this first. I have had a long drawn out relationship with anxiety and being somewhat of a hypochondriac. I have gone through the ALS and MS fears and spent alot of time on the BFS forums.

    I was off my medication until one incident occured and three months later I am know on a new anxiety medication (cipralex) and seeing a repetion in my old ways of thinking. However, I am experiencing new symptoms which are causing this latest streach of anxiety. For the first time ever I had a risky sexual experience with an individual I did not know as well as I should (we met through a dating app). She was 22 years old female. Since then I have experienced symptoms such as skin rashes, headaches, increased twitching and sweating at night. For the firsttime in ever I am also going through gastrointestinal issues; constant gas and feeling like I have to go when I dont. Of course, WebMD pointed towards HIV. I did all the testing and came back fine. However, also on WebMD was that it may have been to close to exposure to get a good test (2-3 weeks). I have approached her about it and she has said that she has been tested and fine. of course the way i handled it ruined the relationship.

    My doctor who has been with my through this fight with anxiety said I was fine and should focus on my mental health. however, I feel that the test was invalid and these new symptoms should be taken seriously and the duration after the test was not long enough to feel confident in the results. I am also to unstable to retest at this time.

    anyway, there is my nightmare. Any advice would be awesome. I guess I just need to chat with someone.


    Last edited by JonSnow; 03-06-2015 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Took out a description

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2013
    East Coast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by JonSnow View Post
    Hey everyone,

    It was either I start an account on here or end up back at the clinic. I thought I would try this first. I have had a long drawn out relationship with anxiety and being somewhat of a hypochondriac. I have gone through the ALS and MS fears and spent alot of time on the BFS forums.

    I was off my medication until one incident occured and three months later I am know on a new anxiety medication (cipralex) and seeing a repetion in my old ways of thinking. However, I am experiencing new symptoms which are causing this latest streach of anxiety. For the first time ever I had a risky sexual experience with an individual I did not know as well as I should (we met through a dating app). She was 22 years old white female. Since then I have experienced symptoms such as skin rashes, headaches, increased twitching and sweating at night. For the firsttime in ever I am also going through gastrointestinal issues; constant gas and feeling like I have to go when I dont. Of course, WebMD pointed towards HIV. I did all the testing and came back fine. However, also on WebMD was that it may have been to close to exposure to get a good test (2-3 weeks). I have approached her about it and she has said that she has been tested and fine. of course the way i handled it ruined the relationship.

    My doctor who has been with my through this fight with anxiety said I was fine and should focus on my mental health. however, I feel that the test was invalid and these new symptoms should be taken seriously and the duration after the test was not long enough to feel confident in the results. I am also to unstable to retest at this time.

    anyway, there is my nightmare. Any advice would be awesome. I guess I just need to chat with someone.


    Yeah - asking a girl if she gave you HIV before you know if she did tends to be a relationship killer

    But the good news is, there are other white girls out there

    Anxiety symptoms change often. Especially once you have been reassured so many times about something that you actually believe it. But since you HAVE anxiety, you didn't think that symptom would be replaced by an even cooler symptom. So no worries about the symptoms. They evolve and revolve

    Don't focus so much as the symptoms but of anxiety itself. That is always the answer.

    Take your irrational beliefs about yourself and stop giving them any power. Anxiety throws that stuff out and you have a choice how you want to react. Your habits are caused by how you believe and perceive yourself. Just change the thinking and you will be not having anymore HIV conversations.

    Be well
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2015
    thanks for the response. probably shouldnt have been as desricptive in my details about the girl.

    can you clarify "Especially once you have been reassured so many times about something that you actually believe it" do you mean me thinking I have something makes these symptoms more or less come to fruition?

    once agian I really appreciate it. I dont get mad at myself anymore about stuff like this because our minds are stubborn

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    East Coast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by JonSnow View Post
    thanks for the response. probably shouldnt have been as desricptive in my details about the girl.

    can you clarify "Especially once you have been reassured so many times about something that you actually believe it" do you mean me thinking I have something makes these symptoms more or less come to fruition?

    once agian I really appreciate it. I dont get mad at myself anymore about stuff like this because our minds are stubborn
    I didn't mean it exactly as you said above but what you write is ultimately true. Anxiety will send a little pain, tingling, numbness, etc....to any part of the body if you dwell on a self diagnosis long enough

    WHat I meant was that you can believe you have MS for example. After 10 times to different specialists, you may actually believe that you don't since you have been so reassured. That is when your anxiety will throw out a new deadly disease you have or something else to worry about
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Welcome JonSnow how's life on The Wall?
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Haddenham (Cambridgeshire)
    Here's a little tip regarding googling symptoms and or using webMD


    For future reference if you must Google "Anxiety" plus whatever symptom you have so you can trace it ALL back to ANXIETY.

    I spent over three years Googling symptoms. I started with panic attacks and cehst pain and palps. Nowadays i've gone through over 100 symptoms caused by anxiety thanks to Googling and fretting about all manner of diseases and illnesses. Take it from me, STOP with Googling. You don't have these conditions. You're just allowing your mind to get the better of you.

    That old saying "mind over matter" that's what anxiety is. If you worry enough anxiety can and will cause any symptom imaginable. Do yourself a favour and read up about anxiety. Google symptoms with anxiety in the search bar too and you'll see there's hundreds of people with similar experiences to you. you're not alone and...not offence, but you're not special enough to get these rare diseases.

    Last edited by raggamuffin; 03-07-2015 at 07:27 AM.
    How strong, how costly, the urge to fight our fate and turn back time. But life is meant to be consumed, not preserved to ward off doom. One can surely die from fear, before the end is ever near.



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