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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Please help me. This is going to kill me.

    I've been dealing with extremely painful anxiety for about a year, I am 23 years old / male. It started with depersonalization / derealization and worked it's way into a general panicky anxious feeling 24/7. Every physical symptom you can think of has hit me in the past year.

    The last 4 weeks, a new symptom arose that is making me borderline suicidal. I've always felt a bit unwell in the mornings, but the sickness that I am feeling now is UNBEARABLE. Unbelievable restlessness, extreme nausea, body aches all over in the worst way, dry heaving feeling like I'm going to throw up, more nausea feeling from my lungs oddly enough.

    I need help. I need advice. I need anything at this point. I tried Lexapro and had the worst panic attack I've ever had (Thought I was schizophrenic the first couple days) and had to get off of it. Tried therapy which relaxed my body but not my heart / mind / restlessness. Nothing seems to be working.

    Will this ever go away... Can antidepressants really help it subside or is this something else? I have never felt this sick in my life in the mornings, I dont understand it. What can I do to get rid of this feeling.

    Am I ever going to be ok?... I am so, so, so , so tired of this. I want to die every single day.

    Please help me.

  2. #2
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    I had those same feelings since July of this year because I was forced to move in with a parent, lost my home, lost everything because of a disease.
    I've lost 35 pounds since April and also had the same general nauseated feelings in the morning, which essentially is just high anxiety, stress, apprehension.
    It has gotten a little better over time and I can actually eat a little bit now too although I'm not real hungry generally.
    Yes, anti-depressants can be of assistance to you in helping to normalize your systems, mind, thoughts.
    I would get in to see a doctor and explain everything that's going on so they can come up with a plan to help you through...just have to be patient.
    You will learn to manage this, given the right treatment options, medications, therapy, and support.

    I made a sock puppet,..and liked it. SO THEN I JUST TOOK A PILL.
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  3. #3
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    You have absolutely got to find a good therapist and get some help. I've known lots of people who have been helped by medication and I think you can too, but you have got to get professional guidance for this. The medication is supposed to help and it has helped me and millions of others. But you need a professional to guide you. He/she will dwelve into why the Lexapro gave you a panic attack and what medications can be of benefit to you.

  4. #4
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    In what ways will the medication help me? I'm afraid it will completely change who I am. Will I ever be able to have a drink with friends again? Can an SSRI actually reduce this feeling and is it possible to ever feel normal again?

    I feel like I have the worst flu you could imagine 24/7. Mornings are just terrible though. I have so many things coming up in my life, and if it doesn't get better I won't be able to take advantage of them. I'm suffering, as I'm sure most people with anxiety are. It feels awfully physical, I just want some relief...

    I don't want to "manage" this feeling. I'm fully able to control my reaction to it, but that doesn't change the fact that it is painful. Managing it doesnt cause it to leave, is that all medication does? Or can I actually feel relief...?

    I'm terrified of antidepressants, withdrawal symptoms, and the way they affect brain chemestry. I know i'm nothing special when it comes to anxiety, but I cant take any more.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody Storch View Post
    In what ways will the medication help me? I'm afraid it will completely change who I am. Will I ever be able to have a drink with friends again? Can an SSRI actually reduce this feeling and is it possible to ever feel normal again?

    I feel like I have the worst flu you could imagine 24/7. Mornings are just terrible though. I have so many things coming up in my life, and if it doesn't get better I won't be able to take advantage of them. I'm suffering, as I'm sure most people with anxiety are. It feels awfully physical, I just want some relief...

    I don't want to "manage" this feeling. I'm fully able to control my reaction to it, but that doesn't change the fact that it is painful. Managing it doesnt cause it to leave, is that all medication does? Or can I actually feel relief...?

    I'm terrified of antidepressants, withdrawal symptoms, and the way they affect brain chemestry. I know i'm nothing special when it comes to anxiety, but I cant take any more.
    Deal with the real issues Cody. "My brother died, my mom is an alchoholic, my girlfriend left me for a woman" digging deeper into these emotions will lead you to connected feelings and other events. They are all tied together. When these things happened, you spoke to yourself in the middle of trauma. These self suggestions because of the emotions behind them became beliefs. Now altering one belief, will change many of them across the board. Your problems are conscious, so you can get at them as I have described.

    For example, witnessing your mom drinking as a child "this must be my fault, my mom is drinking because of me, I must have been bad, she doesn't love me, I hate myself, they will surely abandon me". Now just an example, these beliefs would have footing to take hold because of the severe nature of the event, thus the adult would carry the same beliefs if never looked at, as I suggest you do. Effectively destroying any chances at fulfilling relationships and personal achievement, and you would never know why. All you would know is you have anxiety and feel terrible, never making the connection, but reverting back to that little hurt boy, and his emotions. He was never able to speak, and he got a raw deal.

    Your posts are distractions, because they mask the issues with symptoms and powerless-ness, period, every attempt fails long term if the effort is not placed in healing these memories. That is your challenge. Your freedom.

    And see a regular doctor if you haven't already for a checkup. As of May, you haven't.

    End of message.
    Last edited by Im-Suffering; 09-08-2014 at 03:57 PM.

  6. #6
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    Medication can help by making you not so depressed. You say you're borderline suicidal. That's not good. It won't change who you are. Some people say they feel "flat" on them but they are rare. Most people feel lifted up and not as bogged down by anxiety and depression. I don't drink so I don't know about that. Don't be afraid of withdrawals. As long as you get off slowly, very slowly, you can taper off okay.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody Storch View Post
    I feel like I have the worst flu you could imagine 24/7.
    You MUST get in to see a doctor friend before you do anything else or continue to think that this is just anxiety, it may be any number of things but must be diagnosed properly.

    I made a sock puppet,..and liked it. SO THEN I JUST TOOK A PILL.
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  8. #8
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    Yes, go see a doctor first! I agree!



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