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  1. #1

    B Vitamins for anxiety??

    I've heard so many mixed things about B vitamins. I've heard that the B complex vitamins can actually increase anxiety, but the B12 vitamin by itself is helpful for anxiety.

    Also, I'm taking Vitamin D 50,000 IU every week. I'm also taking Calcium/D3 twice a day. These are both doctor's orders. Sometimes I take magnesium in the morning (125 mg). Would B12 be safe to take with all of these? Also, should I increase my magnesium intake?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    East Coast, USA
    Hmmm. Not sure of how well they mix.

    I am not a big fan of supplements. I try to get what I need from food

    I wasted lots of money for years trying to find the cocktail that worked to no avail

    But that was me. Some people swear by them here and say it really helps.

    I am sure someone that knows supplements better than I will chime in
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Read the sticky at top of forum about amino acids and magnesium. As Nixon said it works for some people. Just make sure you consult a pharmacist or your dr about possible interactions with anything your taking/

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by prouddad View Post
    Read the sticky at top of forum about amino acids and magnesium. As Nixon said it works for some people. Just make sure you consult a pharmacist or your dr about possible interactions with anything your taking/
    Thanks prouddad. I actually read that thread and I have been taking tge magnesium. I stopped taking it though because sometimes it made me feel a bit depressed. Not sure why, but I have started again as college has started and is making me a bit anxious.

  5. #5
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    You can try a b complex. It may be too stimulating for you or it may give you great results. It wont harm you though. B12 is safe to take with all of those things you listed. Yes you want to up your magnesium to at least 400mg a day. If they are 125mg pill maybe take 1 breakfast lunch and dinner? What kind of magnesium is it? Oxide, Citrate, Taurate, Glycinate?

  6. #6
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    I take VB complex and it does not interfere with other meds. It suppose to help with managing stress. I take it, for a different reason, my doc is happy about my taking it. D3 she told me that I can go up to 8000 u a day no more.
    I agree with Nixon, the best way is to deliver it through food, organic food, a lot of dark green leaves. Kale, okra, romaine lettuce.
    I would like to believe in supplements but it never helped me so I do not. I had a long conversation with my friend, she practices the medicine in huge hospital in Toronto and we talked about supplements. It is not regulated, not checked, like medication.
    Black cohosh was checked, I do not remember the company name, and there was not black cohosh in it at all, now I know why it does not work on me. Black cohosh is expensive herb. Supplements can claim anything. They are not regulated in Us and Canada. Maybe in Europe is different.
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  7. #7
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    Lots of interesting replies and information here.
    As far as I know, and would like to add, a deficiency of B12 can cause drowsiness, fatigue, lack of energy, loss of focus.
    A lot of place around here will conduct testing to see if one is deficient.
    And then of course administer a B12 injection.
    The B vitamins are responsible for how the body creates its energy levels and also for the correct firing of nerves as well.
    Some people can't take additional B vitamins because it "can" create a nervousness or internal abundance of energy especially if not deficient in these vitamins.
    I take a low dose of B complex to assist me with fatigue caused by auto immune system diseases.
    Essentially I break the tablets in half as I would get an over abundance of "internal" energy from a whole one.
    I also take vit D, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and a multi vitamin too because of some of these medications that I am on will deplete certain vitamin reserves in my system.
    Along with a adequate diet for without the presence of fats, fat soluble vitamins won't even be absorbed.
    Just some thoughts...
    Enjoy the day friends!

    I made a sock puppet,..and liked it. SO THEN I JUST TOOK A PILL.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by nf1234 View Post
    You can try a b complex. It may be too stimulating for you or it may give you great results. It wont harm you though. B12 is safe to take with all of those things you listed. Yes you want to up your magnesium to at least 400mg a day. If they are 125mg pill maybe take 1 breakfast lunch and dinner? What kind of magnesium is it? Oxide, Citrate, Taurate, Glycinate?
    On the magnesium thread, someone mentioned that a person of my size should take no more than 270 mg of magnesium I think. I'm pretty small. 5 feet, 105 lbs. Also I'm taking magnesium taurate. As for all the other answers, thank you. Maybe I will try a b12 vitamin. I feel fatigued throughout the day in class and afterwards when I need to study. But I also wake up nervous so I hope the b12 doesn't wake me up even more nervous.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Vb complex are part of my everyday routine (with Omega 3 and vitamin D).



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