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  1. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by kthotti View Post
    Hi i Have severe palpitations and confusion and always cry.I have haerniated disk and sciatica. Dr prescribed painkiller and flexiril as MR, Can I take amino acids and magnesium,if Okay what type and brand? Please help me I am confused
    I would ask your doctor if he or she thinks the supplements will interact with your current medications, just to be safe. I'm only taking the supplements now--I even went off birth control, because it made my anxiety worse--so I don't have experience with this regimen and medications.

    The brands I use are Twinlabs Amino Fuel Lean Muscle Liquid (30 mL), Vitamin Shoppe brand magnesium citrate (200 mg twice or thrice a day, though I used to take 250 mg till they changed the mg for some reason), and Vitamin Shoppe Brand l-glutamine powder (1 tsp dissolved in water). I take the liquid, a magnesium, and the powder first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then wait an hour before eating or drinking anything. I also take another magnesium at night right before bed, and used to take magnesium any time I felt panicky (I don't anymore--no panic attacks in over two months now!). I had the same symptoms as you too, palpitations (and tachycardia, which I have inherently but in a panic attack it was much more painful), confusion, crying...I honestly thought I would be this way till the day I died. But within one day of starting the regimen, I felt better. One month later and I was 50% improved overall, and now (about six months later) I'm 99.99% better, and only get faint "twinges"--little one-second feelings of panic--very occasionally, but personally I think that's more like PTSD/remembering the panic attacks.

    If your doctor gives you the go ahead, try the regimen! It changed my life and I thank God every day (literally) for guiding me to this thread.

  2. #382
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    Thanks Tayloraine. I tried to take magnesium I felt sleepy and heavy head immediately for 250mg why? Will it take 6 months to be cured?

    Please can you answer for this please?

  3. #383
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    Does amino acid increase weight?

  4. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by kthotti View Post
    Thanks Tayloraine. I tried to take magnesium I felt sleepy and heavy head immediately for 250mg why? Will it take 6 months to be cured?

    Please can you answer for this please?
    No problem

    Magnesium is naturally relaxing, which makes it great for panic sufferers and overall health, but that means some people also get sleepy after taking it (like my brother, who only uses it at night for that reason). For me, it stopped making me sleepy after a couple weeks, so I'd wait it out and see if you notice improvement. You could also try taking a lower dose in the morning and using a high dose at night. Just my opinion, do what works best for you!

    Hanino, the original poster for this thread, said he took the regimen daily until about the six-month mark, and then started taking it just a few times a week--but that he was "cured" before that. For me, I saw huge improvements immediately. The first day I took it, I felt a difference. By the end of the first week, I felt even better. I'd say I felt "cured" 4 months in, but I was getting better every week and could feel it.

    My particular anxiety came in days-long episodes, where for 3-10 days for no reason, I'd feel constantly anxious, depressed, and panicky, and within those days I'd get panic attacks on top of it all. I also had strange physical symptoms during those days--dark urine, headaches, stuffy nose, upset stomach, fever and chills...it was ridiculous. No doctor could figure out what was wrong with me--especially since I was completely normal between the episodes, sometimes even happier than usual (which I later learned was mania).

    Finally, a doctor who listened and a few good Google searches led me to the problem: I had quit Abilify (taken for compulsive hair-pulling, for only two months) cold-turkey in January 2012, when all my symptoms and anxiety started. I had never had panic attacks in my life until that. My doctor called it "pharmacologically induced bipolar and panic disorders;" another called it PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome). They both mean the same thing: my brain's neurotransmitters were not working properly anymore, and were actually depleted. This is why I believe Hanino's regimen worked for me--it gave my body and brain everything it needed to restore my brain's normal function, and it also helped my hormones level out after the birth of my child in Dec. 2012, when my "episodes" became worse than ever because of postpartum depression.

    So, long story short, I felt the healing happening very quickly, and about two months ago I had a mild, two-minute anxiety attack--and none since. I get occasional twinges where I feel panicky, but like I've said before I think that's like PTSD...just me remembering those old feelings, since honestly that time in my life was traumatizing in many ways.

    Everyone's different, so I don't know how long it will be before you consider yourself cured if this works for you (it seems to have worked for almost all of the people on this thread!) Even if your anxiety, unlike mine which was new to me, is something you've struggled with a long time, there's still a good chance it could improve/go away very fast--Hanino and others in the thread have mentioned feeling better in a few days, and 100% around one month.

    I hope the regimen works for you! Just give it a fair shot and stick with it--I was skeptical when I started but I'm SO happy I went for it!

  5. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by kthotti View Post
    Does amino acid increase weight?
    It didn't for me--in fact, I've lost over 20 lbs since I started this regimen, 15 or so without changing anything about my diet or exercise (like I said in my previous post, I think the supplements helped my body regulate my hormones again after having my daughter). I think amino acids, when body builders use them, are meant for muscle regeneration, not bulking up like those protein powders you see in the big barrels in GNC/Vitamin Shoppe and such.

    There's less than 100 calories in 30 mL of the Amino Fuel (at least the kind I take), and 15 g of protein--I wouldn't worry about bulking up Good question though, because I worried endlessly about the same thing. That's actually why I bought the Lean Muscle variety, haha!

  6. #386
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    Oh, I should add one more thing: I don't know if you use alcohol or caffeine, but I would consider giving them up for a few months until you see how the supplements affect you. For me, they greatly worsened everything and seemed to counteract the good the regimen was doing. Now I can enjoy some caffeine and alcohol in moderation (once or twice a week, tops), but for the first few months I was very sensitive to it.

    Of course, that might be because of my withdrawal from Abilify--my nervous system being overly sensitive to stimulants and depressants. So those things might not have any negative effect for others. If you don't already, maybe keeping a log of your emotions each day would help. I started doing this about two months before the regimen, and it helped me a LOT in terms of figuring out what was working for me and what wasn't. Just a thought Good luck and keep us posted!

  7. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    All this is placebo effect, no mangnesium or vitamin cure anything they may help, but if you have a good diet you should not have deficiency
    Dahila, I'm sorry but I have to disagree. While placebo effect can be a very real thing for some, these particular supplements Hanino suggested have worked wonders for many on this thread, including myself. True, no one knows for sure what causes anxiety or depression--if the whole neurotransmitter thing is true or just a wild guess, though doctors like to act like it's proven instead of just a theory--but my life has completely changed since using the aminos, magnesium and l-glutamine. I started getting anxiety attacks and extreme depression after quitting Abilify cold-turkey in Jan. 2012, and for nearly two years no doctor could figure out what was wrong. I *knew* it was the Abilify that had done this to me, because I was taking it for compulsive hair-pulling. Not a mood disorder. I'd never had a panic attack in my life until the day after I quit that nasty drug.

    I tried tons of supplements, terrified of any prescription meds after that, and none worked beyond the placebo effect you're speaking of, for a day or two at best. But within a month of the regimen Hanino posted, I felt 50% better. Four months later I had my last panic attack, and haven't had one since. (For the record, I'm not against rX meds--if they help you, that's great. I just think they're prescribed too flippantly, not monitored closely enough, and do more harm than good for most people. I also know, however, that many owe their life to them, and I respect everyone's freedom to choose the treatment they feel is best for themselves. The point of this thread, at least I assume so, was to offer an alternative to those who didn't want or couldn't take rX drugs anymore).

    Will it work for everyone? Of course not. But it could very well work for most. I believe anxiety is a symptom, not its own illness, and it makes sense that (with the exception of "anxious thinking") it could cure the root cause of anxiety, if that root is linked to any kind of imbalance or deficiency. Which you did touch upon. I totally agree, a good diet is important--for the same reason these supplements can and do work: they give the body, and therefore our brain, what it needs to function at its best.

    Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant somehow, or if I came across as mean or something--definitely not trying to! Just respectfully disagreeing. This regimen has completely changed me for the better. I'm back to who I was before the Abilify took my life away, and finally able to be the mom I couldn't be the first eight months of my daughter's life. I cried from happiness when I realized it had been one week since I'd had a panic attack, then two weeks, then a month...and now two months; when I realized I was planning my wedding and actually *excited*; when I was able to care for my baby in the mornings instead of crying in the shower through another episode. That can't possibly be chalked up to placebo.
    Last edited by tayloraine; 05-05-2014 at 01:37 AM.

  8. #388
    Hey everyone my name is Mark A. Camacho and my age is 40 and I am suffering from the problem of panic attack from the last 5 years and my problem is getting severe with the passage of time

  9. #389
    I have been taking vitamin B as well but these vitamins don't lead to any solution and my problem is getting severe and severe.

  10. #390
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Hi Mark,
    Welcome to the forum. Have ever been to a doctor and or been prescribed any meds at all? Are you having just panic attack or anxiety and panic attacks.



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