Hi my name is Jessica. I've dealt with depression off and on for about 15 years now but as of 3 or 4 years ago I was fine until anxiety started to really take over my life. I always thought anxiety was bearable as everyone gets it from time to time, that is until it hit me hard in my rear end one day causing me to think I was surely going to die. Now I'm to the point where I just cry and cry for no reason when anxiety strikes, not to mention the other goodies that come along with it such as numbness, nausea, loss of concentration, etc. You get the picture. I just get so embarrassed when this happens at work or other public places. My crying especially is uncontrollable at times. I want more than anything for it all to go away. I want to love myself again. I want to have motivation again. I want to be the wife and mother I use to be.