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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Talking New here... Anxiety is becoming too much!

    Hello, I'm new here. Read a few things posted before so thought I would join.

    Had anxiety since I was a teenager (I'm now 28). It's been up and down all the time but lately it's just becoming too much for me. When I first had anxiety it was mainly anxiety attacks that were the problem. Now it seems to be constantly worrying about stuff, mainly health related.

    Here's a few of the main things that are getting to me:

    I got back to work last year after not working for 5 years. I only work part time at the moment. When I'm at work I don't actually worry that much. I think it's due to my mind being busy that it doesn't give me time to think about silly things. It isn't a job that I want, it's quite stressful and I find it hard to go there because I actually hate it! Fingers crossed (if everything goes to plan) a new job could be mine. It's something I really want to do, they offer training and the manager seems really interested in me. Only problem is it is full time, 40 hours a week. I don't remember the last time I worked that much and it worries me. Has anyone else got back to working full time with anxiety?

    HIVES! The most annoying thing ever! Just before I got married I had a viral infection. Shortly after I came out in these awful hives. They were so itchy and were everywhere from my neck down. Luckily they were OK for my wedding but ever since (2 months) they just keep coming back. I seem to be hive free for a few days then suffer with them for a few. They are nowhere near as bad as they were when I first had them but it still really upsets me. Been to the Doctors twice and they just give me antihistamines. I have no idea what could be causing them but the doctor seems to think it was the viral infection. They wouldn't be so bad if I didn't freak out every time I get them that my face is going to swell and I will go into anaphylactic shock. This hasn't happened but I feel like I'm convincing myself it WILL happen. I'm constantly asking people if my face is swollen. Now I feel like I can't eat, drink or use anything as it could be the cause of the hives. Literally every time I eat I worry that my throat is closing over.

    Another worry is the fear of brain tumor or going insane. I sometimes convince myself that I don't recognise people I know. Like my husband, I know him, I know what he looks like yet I convince myself that I don't recognise him and it's because of something wrong with my brain (tumor or mental illness). My husband just puts it down to derealisation from anxiety. My doctor just laughs it off.

    Basically I just wanted to post this to see if anyone ever feels the same. It makes me feel much better when I know I'm not the only one that gets like this.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Southeast US
    WELCOME!! How's your diet? Any noticeable links to touching fruits? How about milk? Bread? Peace
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    My diet is OK. I have bread and milk everyday. No links to touching fruits. I haven't eaten anything I haven't had before either.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    Southeast US
    Where are the hives manifesting? Are they in specific areas? Our bodies change daily. Cellular speaking you're completely new every year. Store milk is a bad thing, now this is my opinion, I've researched it extensively as well as fake butter (margarine). Bread in the store as a whole is a real problem for people, even the whole wheat. Sugars as well. White sugar may be something you want to avoid there are alternatives, a good rule of thumb is don't place anything on your skin you wouldn't eat. I eat fruits, fruits are all sprayed radiated etc. Organic is a ruse, unless you grow it your self and have dirt that is alive. Genetically modified anything is to be avoided. Sadly our food supply is so degraded, as well as our water we are becoming ill, and not knowing it. Cleaning the "gut" intestines is a must right now. Again no chemicals, diatomaceous earth (food grade) only. Get on amazon type that into the search and see the reviews. You will see hundreds and hundreds of it eliminating yeast, depression, muscle aches, indigestion, it also regulates blood pressure, if it's high it will lower, if it is low it will raise it. This is a great secret product, that most people who don't research it well will be skeptical about. This also is great for joints, cartilage, and so many many more things. Arthritis etc. Dig in and read up on it, it's "dirt cheap" pun intended. Peace Keep posting please.
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Indiana, USA :)
    Welcome Pug!

    I have had (anxiety hives, and shingles too) and I would like to post some additional thoughts, ideas for you but I have a shopping trip planned for my (2) daughters atm...I WILL return..


  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hmm interesting.

    The hives are everywhere apart from my face and hands. If I am warm they are there.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Indiana, USA :)
    Ok I have to go but,...they generally follow the nerve endings. The last time I had them was a few months ago on my sides, tops of my feet, abdomen..

    I will be back shortly!!

    Chat soon..


  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Indiana, USA :)
    Take an anti-histamine if you have any, if not, go get some...any anti-histamine.



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