I'm now 14 years old witch might be young to you but every ache or pain i get so much anxiety i just end up crying so much. i have had help (counselling) before and it did help at the time. but now I'm not having it anymore its just to much. as I'm only young I'm going through a lot of changes and that just makes it so much worse because the main thing my anxiety come down to is cancer which is so terrifying. i have this fear mainly because my granddad died from it and i was with him and watched what happens to you every day. i also had a lot of viruses and things when i was really little and that scared me. so anyway right now it seems like each day its a new problem for my anxiety to feed on and its just making me feel so scared its horrible my main one at the moment is well my growth because things are aching and growing and reacting it makes me feel so scared and sick because it all comes down to me being ill in my head. also because my breast are growing with is normal they are hurting and also they react more so they get all lumpy and sore and then they're normal again and each time that happens i get so scared but i know its natural and normal in my head, however something manages to convince that its not and i panic so much
I've you have any tips please help i will do the same for you , thank you.