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Thread: help:(

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2013

    Post help:(

    I'm now 14 years old witch might be young to you but every ache or pain i get so much anxiety i just end up crying so much. i have had help (counselling) before and it did help at the time. but now I'm not having it anymore its just to much. as I'm only young I'm going through a lot of changes and that just makes it so much worse because the main thing my anxiety come down to is cancer which is so terrifying. i have this fear mainly because my granddad died from it and i was with him and watched what happens to you every day. i also had a lot of viruses and things when i was really little and that scared me. so anyway right now it seems like each day its a new problem for my anxiety to feed on and its just making me feel so scared its horrible my main one at the moment is well my growth because things are aching and growing and reacting it makes me feel so scared and sick because it all comes down to me being ill in my head. also because my breast are growing with is normal they are hurting and also they react more so they get all lumpy and sore and then they're normal again and each time that happens i get so scared but i know its natural and normal in my head, however something manages to convince that its not and i panic so much
    I've you have any tips please help i will do the same for you , thank you.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2013
    You are a very smart young girl, knowledgeable. If only I had that knowledge at your age!! Yes honey, you are young.. But anxiety does not have an age limit! What your body is doing is completely normal, it will do all kinds of horrible things when your that age.. And as you get older also. Plus being your age has alot of hormonal changes, and us women all know our anxiety rises during that time of the month, and unfortunently you have that feeling alot of the time.. Counseling may be too much, but trust me you want to bit this anxiety in the bum as soon as you possibly can! See anxiety is like smoking a cigarette. The first one you have may not affect you as much.. Then you continue to have them.. Then all of a sudden your consumed by it. The sooner you quit.. The easier it will be to over come. Look as much up as you can about anxiety, figure out what type of anxiety you have ( sounds to me like health anxiety), go to the doctor tell them all about what your feeling, and also ask for a general health check.. This will ease your mind, and they may have suggestions to help you.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    thankyou so much for replying i realise its normal but something convinces me its not! and i can't stop it, at the moment I'm just so panicked about this one thing its terrifying and I've asked my mum to put me back on the waiting list for the place i used to get help from. and also thats something i can't do! i can't go to the doctors i hate its so much and the dentist i won't go for a check up because I'm terrified of what they will find same with the dentist i won't even have a x ray my mind just convinces me that everything leads to cancer or an illness. I'm hoping my hormones with settle down and this one thing with stop and i won't panic about it because this one thing only stared about 3 days ago, I'm used to it now but the slightest thing different and it scares me so much like i said thank you so much for talking to me it means so much.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    We are all here for you, in sure shortly you will have alot of people here telling you the same thing. Honey, you can't avoid doctors forever.. I did this for years because I had a phobia of needles.. Now I'm fine at the doctors and give blood without even blinking because I forced myself.. As you grow older you see the bigger picture. Sometimes you need to bite the bullet.. For yourself! You do need help babe, not many of us can do this on our own and it only consumes us.. Some people can't even leave their house because of anxiety.. You don't want to end up like that.. You are young and have the world at your feet.. There is no limit for what you can achieve.. I havnt suffered with anxiety my whole life.. I only became a sufferer recently.. So I know what it feels like to be 'normal' and it is crippling.. I used to be independent, and now I'm not.. I have to build myself back.. Piece my piece.. Don't let yourself break like I did.. You can do this! Doctors don't want anything but to help you.. Truth be told I'm 99.9% SURE you won't have cancer.. If anything it's just normal body growing.. Hormone changes and you becoming a beautiful young lady.. Try not to fret dear. And for the love of god DON'T GOOGLE!! That literally makes everything 10x worse.. My advice, head to the doctor, with your mum.. Have support with you.. It WILL be ok, your a strong girl..
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    thank you and deep inside i know i don't but sometimes its just hdd to fight of the horrible feelings. if you do know this place, its called 'cahms' and they helped me so much but then my sessions stopped and thats when every things getting to much so i am i think going to go to the doctors and let them refer me to them again because i am struggling and many times i have found myself breaking and falling apart like you and i really believe you can over come this, you know what its like to be normal and not fear so much and i think that will push you to help yourself and get back to the old you. I'm here for you, and having you tell me that I'm okay and normal helps me so much , you honestly have no idea how much that make me feel better about myself, now all i have to try and do is not think about anything happening like growing or reacting because i know that will make my anxiety start up again. but thank you so much you to are strong for helping me and for overcoming your anxiety which i know you can do.

  6. #6
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    Goodness, you are an amazing young lady! I do have will power and motivation to get better. We all have good and bad days, it's apart of being human. Growing up isn't easy, neither is being an adult.. Nothing in life is easy. Unfortunently.. I'm glad I could help you lovely, and thank you for your kind words x
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Indiana, USA :)

    Definitly wayyy to young to deal with this..

    Don't run off either, you'll need the forum support group to get outta this mess.

    Welcome by the way!




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