Hi..I am Nea. I recently turned 26 and since the past year have been going through anxiety which I think was triggered by events in my personal life, a break up etc which left me doubtful of my choices in life. I recently visited a psychologist who was no help really; he just said I have very high expectations from myself. I have spoken to my friends about my anxiety and though I am very thankful to them for being there for me but more often than not I feel I am not really understood. More than half the time I am ashamed of the fact that I have lost my confidence and do not really feel like the same person that I used to be and now it is hampering my life/work. I have also started to feel very old already. Though you may say I am 26 and I know that is not considered old, but I feel I have seen too much already and have no hope for the future. There are times I would be hopeful about life but very soon despondency creeps in and I feel life is purposeless.
I am here because I have a feeling that if I connect with people who go through the same anxiety as I do, I might feel a bit better and less isolated. The thing is that I am unable to understand why all this is happening. I would also like to help others relieve their fears and anxiety. I hope this works.
- Nea