I see anxiety and related conditions as symptoms of a Fractured Mind. Below is some technics that work:

Everybody, I mean everybody with a Fractured Mind has this poisonous habit of allowing too much distorted thoughts howling through the head. It is called Mind Chatter or Rumination. For example, when in your car and just avoid an idiot that didn’t assure himself, we tend to ruminate in our minds the consequences of the event that just DIDN’T happen. We start to imagine the horrifying car wreck (although it didn’t happen and if it was to happen probably wouldn’t been more then a minor collision…), imagine yourself dead or mutilated etc…Or when we hear the news of tick infested forests we tend to imagine and ruminate inside our brains the perils and dangers of Lyme disease.
This is sick and must stop. It helps no one. It is pure toxin for the mind. Your mind is trapped into a vicious circle of gratuitous worrying about all possible things. So give up Mind Chatter. Give up symptoms checking, internal screening, obsessing about what might be wrong with you. When you do this, you would have made a HUGE progress.

I give you right here, right now two tools that you can use to get ridd of this bad habit:
- Prectice becoming conscious of your mind chatter. It takes practice because ussualy you are drawn inside it without even realizing it. So practice realizing it. The sooner the better. And when you realize, say “STOP”. In your mind say STOP. This will brake the habit eventually, retarining your brain to stop the mind chatter.
- Be mindfull. Use the mindfulness meditation tips. When instrusive worrysome thoughts make a way inside your head, observe them, be an observer. Don’t feed them. Objectivise them. See them. Eventually they will pass. And concentrate on something. I propose an Aikido technique as I call it The Everlasting Point as follows: once you realize the Mind chatter, stop and divert your attention to an imaginary POINT inside your stomach. Just put all your attention there. You will find out that somehow you will still drift into mind chatter. No matter, just let your thoughts wonder and observe them and gently come back to you imaginary point. Practice it, it will not be perfect the first time.

Hope it helps!
