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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    A story and a new self-diagnoses

    Hey everyone,

    It was either I start an account on here or end up back at the clinic. I thought I would try this first. I have had a long drawn out relationship with anxiety and being somewhat of a hypochondriac. I have gone through the ALS and MS fears and spent alot of time on the BFS forums.

    I was off my medication until one incident occured and three months later I am know on a new anxiety medication (cipralex) and seeing a repetion in my old ways of thinking. However, I am experiencing new symptoms which are causing this latest streach of anxiety. For the first time ever I had a risky sexual experience with an individual I did not know as well as I should (we met through a dating app). She was 22 years old female. Since then I have experienced symptoms such as skin rashes, headaches, increased twitching and sweating at night. For the firsttime in ever I am also going through gastrointestinal issues; constant gas and feeling like I have to go when I dont. Of course, WebMD pointed towards HIV. I did all the testing and came back fine. However, also on WebMD was that it may have been to close to exposure to get a good test (2-3 weeks). I have approached her about it and she has said that she has been tested and fine. of course the way i handled it ruined the relationship.

    My doctor who has been with my through this fight with anxiety said I was fine and should focus on my mental health. however, I feel that the test was invalid and these new symptoms should be taken seriously and the duration after the test was not long enough to feel confident in the results. I am also to unstable to retest at this time.

    anyway, there is my nightmare. Any advice would be awesome. I guess I just need to chat with someone.


    Last edited by JonSnow; 03-06-2015 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Took out a description



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