Hello all,

The title pretty much sums it up. I have had GAD my whole life and am now 32. My wife of two years ago left me for better opportunities. I only make limited money but am hit with legal stuff all the time from her. She's very mean and on top of dealing with learning to cope with anxiety slowly, I start to make progress, then she does something that makes my whole tower of progress crumble as I desperately try to keep it upright. I've been starting over from the bottom for as long as I can remember and am getting tired. Sometimes I will make incredible progress over months, then bam, hit with something scary and new. I am very strong overall, even a state champion martial artist, but I'm so weak in my anxiety state. I promised I will never give up, but I feel like I'm doomed to repeat this cycle forever with 0 hope of good management.. Has anyone ever been here?? I make wonderful progress otherwise. Had I never been married, I would probably have made great strides in my anxiety journey by now. Thanks guys and girls. So tired.