It's been a while since I've written on this forum. I just wanted to update you all on my progress.
I have been taking celexa for more than 8 weeks now and though I see improvements with my overall anxiety I am nowhere near where I thought I'd be by now.
I feel like I've went from anxiety to depression. I'm not sleeping well, I have no appetite, I find no joy in anything anymore, I isolate myself from my loved ones, and only leave my house when absolutely necessary, etc.
I saw my GP today and we discussed all my current symptoms, and decided it's time for a change. Although I'm apprehensive about it, I feel like it's probably a good decision.
I will begin Zoloft 25 mg tomorrow morning. My GP, as well as a pharmacist, said I can just stop one and begin another without tapering the first one. Has anyone had any issues with withdrawal when doing this? They both assured me that because they are both SSRI's that I shouldn't have any withdrawal symptoms. Also, the pharmacist said that because I've been on the celexa and it's already in my system that I shouldn't have too many side effects from the Zoloft. And apparently, Zoloft has less side effects than celexa.
Anyway, if anyone out there has any advise to share it would be greatly appreciated.