I am doing my Phd in a foriegn country with totally new language. From my childhood I avoid going out and never been out with my friends. Though excel in my studies, my social anxiety was always been a problem. But in my country it didnt do much harm, but here I am really sufferring to the level of totally avoiding the situations and skipping the school. I dont have any problem to go out and interact with people. But in the school I dont want to go for coffee breaks or lunch or any where my colleagues are together. I totally avoid them other than saying hi in the room. I want to change.. I am sure I cant carry on like this. I am not having fear attacks but just run away before they leave for lunch or coffee breaks. So now I feel terribl lonely and totally not going to school. I am more worried about the mistakes I will make in front of them or how will i talk or wat i will talk?? I dont know to behave like them or mere thought of this make me loose my concentration and I am living in hell now. Since I paid too much to come here, I cant go back. Really I want to fight this back and achieve for what I came here. Once in a conference I got a fear attack and i just ran home. That was the first and last time I tried to attend something, after that I merely avoid all the meetings and I think I am getting a very bad name from my bosses. Pls help me. I want to change. I have never attended any party since I dont drink. Please help!