Hi, I am new here. Have never really done this sort of thing as well. I am a 22 year-old guy...and all of this is super hard to face, being a man. Also I guess I should point out that I am very super sensative. I know I have an anxiety disorder, I just do not know exactly what it is. Either way, I need some advice, maybe even some hope. Lately life is just handing me pretty crappy cards, and I am trying so hard, and being so patient for things to get better! Basically, in the passed year or 18 months I have gone through a turn of unfortunate events. I learned that my parents were divorcing after 20 years of marriage. Also, I found out that my mother (whom I was always very close to) was a severe drug addict, therefor causing the divorce. Six months later, around the time hurricane sandy came over NJ (where I reside) my manipulative and emotionally abusive father sucks me back into living with him,partially effecting my decision to end my long term relationship. Some time after..shortly before christmas..my mother leaves and disappears, cutting off contact with my 14 year-old sister and I. I lose my job.. 2013 rolls around and I finally get a job (thankful and positive). I have been living with my dad for 3 months, and we are already constantly at each others' throats. Then, I find out my mother is in jail. She has been gone at this point for 8 or 9 months, with no contact. Fortunately, we get in touch when I...not her, decide to find her and confront her about what she has done. We talk here and there, but I know she's not herself anymore. Fast forward to last fall of 2013...still living with my dad, and it is hell. I am working hard, trying to get back into school and get out of there as soon as possible. He starts bringing women around the house, and it's really weird. More for my 14 year old sister who is still going through all the strife from my mom. Finally, he meets someone (his friends ex wife of 7 years) and moves her into our home within 2 weeks. Nothing was said. We came home one day and all of her things we're in my house (in place of my mother's). She's there for good, and things get even more heated between my dad and I. Now..after another Christmas, this one with a strange woman and her family around, I finally got sick of everything and left for good to live with my girlfriend that I was with some time ago. We patched things up and things are great. However...I am still having a very hard time. I'm sorry that was so long, but all of that has had an effect on me and still is now. I am very happy, and very thankful that I was able to get out of that toxic situation, and I do see the positive in what I do have. I am just having such a rough time with myself (anxiety wise). I am having some financial trouble, which seems to stress me out the most out of everything. I was raised around constant fighting about money, and my dad always SO paranoid and nervous about bills etc. I know that I have some sort of insecurity or something when it comes to that aspect of life. With all that being said (and sorry if I am all over the place)..I am having these panic attacks since the weekend that seem more severe then what im used to. It's scary, and I just want to know that it gets better. I'm looking for someone to give me hope, faith..something! I feel like I am suffering from all of these bad feelings, and stress, and problems because of something I did in life. The thing is I've never done anything to anyone or anything. Never been in trouble, I always try to make people happy, and just be an all-around good person. Yes I have made some poor choices, and I'm not just going to lay it all on self-pity. I really just wanna know that it gets better, and maybe even when?! Thank you to all that can help. I appreciate and am grateful for every little tidbit of positivity that comes my way!