Hi Hanino and everyone else, just thought I would post a couple of things here about what helped me since it seems related. I had many years of panic attacks/anxiety and found out finally in Sep. of 2006 I was allergic to gluten. For those who don't know, gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and sometimes oats. Gluten has been found to block the absorption of nutrients in the foods we eat, in particular with people who are sensitive. I haven't had an attack since going gluten-free and had no idea before I went on this diet that this had anything to do with it. I hope this helps someone else and I wish I had only known this earlier because that would've saved me a lot of suffering. Life's great now though and I don't mind this type of a diet at all...I can eat all kinds of foods and have special gluten-free pizzas, pastas, breads, cookies, etc. There's always new stuff that companies are coming out with that are gluten-free and delicious! I am so glad I no longer have to worry that I might have an attack because I feel now that it was just an allergy.