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  1. #161
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered? Do I look bovvered?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Wow, dude. You're actually that bored and needy when it comes to gaining my attention (which seems to be gradually declining, by the looks of things), that you have to dredge up some old forum bullshit on here just about each day now, that realistically speaking, NOBODY else remotely cares about. Name somebody who cares, then. And you did it in relation to the Google support forum too, of all websites.

    Hilarious shit, my guy.

    Kind of like how you reply to your own posts with tons of aliases when no-one is around, then say a lot of pointless, shit stirring nonsense about how it's "other people" each time, and then not even quoting posts properly with the JamesBerichAussieDick persona I respond to you with (obviously seeing as how that's your real name, and you are ducking that fact, and all). AKA, you got rumbled!

    Keep spamming and stalking, but you know if the bogan cops came to your home, they'd know it's you from the proof they'd be provided with. Of course, I've never been to your country, and even I found out who you are long ago after your dope ass posted pictures and leaked your IP address from Spark, back in 2017. So I'm happy you choose to dwell on boring crap from 2004 about Resident Evil fan forums. There's not one person who forces you to love me the way you do. But if it bothers you that much, I'll resume talking about women, pigs and blacks, and send you the links and user IDs quite happily to where my novellas take place. Also, by you listing my pseudonyms, you kind of help me relocate message boards I'd forgotten about for a while. So well done.

    Fail troll, indeed.
    Nothing conveys insouciance quite like ALL CAPS and exclamation marks!
    If this is Peter's trying to look 'not bothered' vibe I'd hate to see what the cuntwomble's 'bothered' state looks like.

    To address some of your points:
    • Not bored (very busy actually).
    • If you are finding that your attention is declining, you should try to eat better and get some exercise.
    • Still not James.
    • There are no identifiable pictures of me online.
    • Never been to New Zealand.
    • Never used Spark.
    • Feel free to forward anything you consider relevant (just you being a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt - I don't care about any of the gaming stuff, except where you're also being a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt)
    • I'm quoting you verbatim.
    • You have no proof of anything, because I'm not James (also, because you are a moron).
    • Never even been anywhere near an RE forum prior to a few years ago; I don't play badly written console games.
    • I don't love you, Peter. Nobody loves you, Peter. Not even your own family. Not even your own penis.
    • Seems to be working just fine.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-07-2022 at 03:37 PM.

  2. #162
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - not a sentient life form

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGirlsNextDoor View Post
    This is rather funny how Peter thinks everyone is the same person.
    Yes, but to a pubic louse, all humans look alike

  3. #163
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2022
    You're an arsehole, Peter Ross Anderson.
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  4. #164
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2022
    You're a literal fucking faggot, Peter Ross Anderson. You are an idiot and always will be, you piece of shit.
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  5. #165
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Fighting back?

    One last post, as clearly Peter is finally quitting forums to take up a new career as Craigmillar's answer to John Virgo.
    As far as I know lockdown restrictions have been lifted now, so Peter will be busy filling in those small claims forms.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocolate Milk
    Legal Issues with Ex-Support Workers, from Autism Initiatives!

    Years ago, I had support from a company based in Edinburgh called Autism Initiatives. I lived in supported accommodation from 2011 to 2014, but I signed away my tenancy in 2015 after the boss asked me to put my name on a blank piece of paper, after I went to see her in her office. My diagnosis is PDD-NOS.

    Since there's a lot to cover, I reckon it would be best to abbreviate my story, so it at least makes a bit of sense...

    So, it goes like this: I had various support workers (men and women) and some guy who is a service user went and said stuff to my key worker, to cause trouble. Years ago, I was also in supported accommodation that they lease out to clients on the spectrum. The people in charge had also removed another lady because I asked her out. Without going into a long tangent about what occurred, this "key worker" is a Spanish woman and she did not want to work with me again because she knew I had a fancy for her. The same with the other woman. Their names are Sara, and Joanna. Sara is the one from Madrid.

    What gets me though, is how their bosses lied over and over again. The women basically asked to be removed. Meaning, it was their choice. But at every opportunity, their bosses (called the "Seniors") would try to pin their decision on my actions, somehow. So essentially, they screwed me over. They would even have me arrested and act like they did not know about it. For example, they kept saying after they removed them, that they were still my workers. That was false, however.

    Eventually, I got remanded in jail after a series of incidents, and whenever I tried to offer an apology online after that, like on Facebook, the people involved would ignore me and just report me to the pigs. This happened again and again, and again. Like, for several years now, I've been kept in overnight at the police station so many times and been in court. The non-harassment orders for this Spanish lady and her former partner were meant to run out this year, but the court in Livingston had them extended 2 years ago, to run until 2028. This was due to multiple breaches. The court also had me seeing a supervisor years ago as well.

    This ordeal has been a major heartbreaking disaster. I've also been falsely accused of being a sex offender and everything. I've did time on remand, as well as being sentenced in 2018 to 140 days in prison, where I served half of that, but I got a concurrent sentence for something unrelated, so I was in jail for 4 months rather than 2 months. The prison wouldn't give me an early release with 'the tag' either.

    Now one non-harassment order had expired regarding the other woman, this year I think, and police came knocking at my door several weeks ago. Now I suspect they're just looking to go causing trouble, because they arrested me for talking about her in a video, but they said it was from way last year. One theory I have is that they want to try to slap me with a new non-harassment order for her, as hers has expired. Why else would they just show up like that after all of this time? Furthermore, when I was arrested, they broke into my flat with a warrant, and NEVER even explained what I was being charged with. Just that it was a "stalking" offence. So how the hell is one talking about a person's antics on a webcam and putting it on archive.org or YouTube, actually "stalking" somebody?

    Anyway, I got small claims forms sent out to my address, and I'm hoping to get money from them for rent arrears, and there are also people to do with films that keep slandering me. I'm hoping to take out small claims cases against them too, as I never got money refunded from Indiegogo. My lawyer tries to fob me off as well, because I am sure he does not want to bother helping me to take action against them. He wanted me to go to a police station one Friday recently to speak to this PC, but I refused to turn up because it was arranged for a Friday morning. I'd called 101 so many times too, and attempted to get the date for the interview changed, but they kept messing me about, and making it another Friday again and again.

    Hopefully, I can take all of their butts to court soon, if they ease the lockdown rules. The thing is, when I call the court about how to go about doing that, they do not seem to know how to help. Or maybe they do and are being awkward on purpose, but I feel like I absolutely must get this matter sorted out so that I can get this garbage removed from my record.

    Years before all of this occurred, I also had another support worker (a guy) who went around sending me nasty emails, with a nickname. He even confessed to doing that, insisting he was just trying to help me. So would I have grounds to sue any of these people, minus the guy who sent me emails, as I deleted all of those a long time ago?

  6. #166
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2022
    Peter Ross Anderson is a serial liar. Peter Ross Anderson will not be quitting forums, nor will he be done giving his insignificant and biased opinions about Resident Evil. The only way it all finally ends is when Peter Ross Anderson's life is over.
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  7. #167
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - same old same old.

    Well, that lasted hours.
    Peter has had to delete yet another Twitter account after being spotted in the wild breaching its court order. You'll need to think up yet another alias Peter, so you can get back to harassing dommes (and TalkTalk) asap.

    As an aside, I quite like Bella's get-tae-fook attitude. I particularly liked the retort "
    Quote Originally Posted by bella
    And no, I definitely don’t want you as a client. I would rather slide down a banister of razors and land in a pool of alcohol than EVER see you.
    This being Peter though, that probably translated in the fucknuggets head as playing hard to get...

    Meanwhile why not moan about it on a forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    Absolutely done with escorts and dominatrix types...
    Yesterday at 10:47 PM
    I am obviously not going to name any websites. But I am through with these broad ridden websites where all they do is call men names and give a thousand yard stare.

    I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I see now there's no point to continuing. They're just way too egotistical, and I probably got a lucky escape with a few of them.

    But yeah. There's always going to be the defensive answers where they deny they're like that. Yet you can tell from their tweets they're sadists. One woman has herself and another woman in a bathtub, and they basically gloated about being all covered in someone's blood. Like, what the hell?

    Tired of being slandered, getting the cold shoulder, etc, etc. It's a colossal waste of my time, because you cannot get through to them. They think the sun shines out of their effing you know what.

    By the way, I don't mean to sound narky, but why is there a blooming advert right over the box where you compose your post? It disappears and reappears as you type.

    I'm using Google Chrome!

    Also, if anybody makes excuses for their attitude, you'll be going on my ignore list.
    Yet again, Peter is complaining about BDSM dommes showing sighns of sadism, which suggests a failure of understanding that would be genuinely hilarious if Peter wasn't such a smegstain on the crotch of humanity.
    But anyhoo, cuntwomble, please, do go on...

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    Yesterday at 10:55 PM
    Also, if you want to know why I am feeling mad, I sent a polite tweet to women on Twitter to propose an interest in being accepted as a sub, despite being socially inept because of my cognitive issues. Somebody who previously blocked me on WhatsApp stuck her oar in, saying to these people to blacklist me. But she's a weird one indeed.

    Tells a lawyer after paying like £1000, that I abused her. But she registered on a mental health forum pretending to be somebody else. So I like how they enjoy playing the victim, when they just don't want to admit that they blatantly pick and choose people to have as clients, because they're highly opinionated about themselves.

    Oh, no. Can't have people with autism in our midst. To hell with them.
    Ah, now, I think i see what Peter has done here. The fucker has confused "people with autism" with "being a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt persistently and aggressively harassing people". I'm not sure why though, because there is almost no overlap there. Given how much trouble Peter has with the meaning of words, it's quite possible that at some point the cuntwomble has mixed up the meanings of 'autistic' and 'abhorrent', or something like that.
    Anyway, like a nugget of dried shit, stubbornly clinging to a rectopubic hair, Peter wasn't quite finished on this thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    Today at 12:34 AM

    Their attitude sucks. I have met many decent women over the years, so it's definitely them.

    Also, you must have missed the bit where I said they're sadists. They generally DO NOT give a toss about your feelings, personal problems, or whatever. All they want is attention from saddos on the Internet, and even if people do "simp" for them, they display no gratitude for the money and gifts they receive. So trying to stick up for them is pointless.

    Now granted, I don't know an awful lot about the BDSM scene. But from my experience, they are pretty mollycoddled and highly unapproachable.

    Put it like this: If you were in a shop and the staff treated you poorly, would you go back there and give them your custom? Hell no. I would give them a bad review on TrustPilot or something to advise others not to suffer the same fate. But of course, this isn't quite the same thing.

    And again, no offense, but your need to spam these advertisements everywhere is slowing down my browser.
    The lack of mental capacity Peter displays is quite staggering, given that it apparently manages to feed and clothe itself (and pass the captchas).
    Not sure why Tree just locked the thread instead of nuking it - possibly let it slide because Peter avoided using any links or names. Anyway.
    So much for hopes Peter might manage even a week or two of behaving.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 12-11-2022 at 05:57 AM.

  8. #168
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Great roundup of events in Scottyville over the last 24 hours. Breaching court orders we can expect another visit to Sheriff Corke.

    Oh dear, such is life. It just gets better day after day.
    Maybe an early Christmas present for us all?

  9. #169
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Being a Cunt - Exhibit A (part 1)

    Peter in a PM denies ever being a cunt with the accounts I've updated the aliases for. The cockwomble's memory is clearly shorter than the cunt's defective tadger.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Pete
    Finally, my legal documents have come through...
    May 9, 2020
    At long last, I got sent the legal documents needed for to take up two small claims cases. One of them is to do with this dipshit actress in Scotland who keeps on slandering me, so I've missed out on being in a lot of films as an extra. Over and over again, people have rejected me because her and others said things about me to have me blackballed. I've also donated money on Indiegogo to back people's campaigns, then gotten declined for an acting role in their films, then not had the money I contributed refunded. Like, the list of movies that this woman made me lose out on being a part of is pretty darn long. The other simple procedures application pertains to issues with former support workers who completely took the piss as well.

    The only downside to these two matters, is that I don't know when the government intends to re-open venues. So all of the courts may be closed for the foreseeable future, except for custody cases. I've no idea when the lockdown will be fully relaxed. Regardless, I'm very happy that I'm fighting back now and not taken any more shit from these pathetic assholes. I've decided that NOW is the time to do something about them. Or what? I don't know. It's never going to end, unless I take measures to try to get it stopped. I've often told my mother that at my age, it may be pointless trying to pursue acting.

    Basically, I got abused by professionals that used to support me because I have a condition that is like Asperger's. This has lead to quite the commotion and heartache over the past God knows how many years, because this woman called Sara didn't want to support me anymore. In fact, I've not had any adequate support now from any company for a few years, due to social services jerking me off. These days, I feel socially isolated, and I can't really be bothered with the Internet that much any more, as I've also experienced a large number of trolling incidents from cretins on other message boards. In the UK, social workers have gotten so awkward and untrustworthy. It's their job to record what clients are like, but they overdo it.

    My sister has a Functional Neurological Disorder, yet rather than understanding how hard that illness makes her life, they completely stopped her contact with her kid last year, and she has had difficulty acquiring another lawyer after her previous one passed away. Hell, she hasn't seen her other son since 2013 because her ex and his family made up lies, and basically "kidnapped" her children when she was recovering. So we're practically in a similarly annoying situation where we're trying to take up court cases to see justice for what we suffered, but not by breaking the bank. Some cases can cost thousands of pounds, and I live on welfare. She's supposed to get a phone chat with her son up to 4 times a year too, but her ex hasn't rang up since December. He's probably just taken advantage of the COVID-19 situation, and he knows she doesn't have a lawyer either. He applied for a residence order and everything, which the court were happy to grant.

    Anyway, I used to get these outreach workers from this autism agency, and they all had a hand in messing up my life. One guy used to send me obnoxious emails, pretending he knew my ex-girlfriend, and mentioned shit concerning this deceased wrestler. My ex on the other hand, was a real cow. When I got back with her after nearly 7 years of not knowing where she was, she had me getting her an iPod and a whole lot of other stuff, and she was an ungrateful lying leech. Well, this support worker had a drinking problem I believe, and emailed me crap and abuse for 2 years, but he initially did it with a nickname. He admitted to doing it too. I'm not sure if he was fired at the end of it all. The company aren't even allowed to divulge info like that, but the guy is an absolute arsehole and should never be allowed to work with vulnerable people.

    Apart from his nonsense, I had these two women removed from my rota amid concerns that I fancied them, which I did. This ordeal was compounded by other service users and support workers flapping their gums behind my back, unfortunately. Although I could see everything was being blown out of proportion, they didn't want to listen, and basically did a swerve and turned against me. The seniors in charge also got the police to my door to stop me meeting my former key worker in a Costa back in 2014, and they had lied for months, saying she and that other lady were just busy after I suddenly stopped getting sessions with them.

    The pigs got the spare keys to walk into my flat, since I was in supported accommodation. The next day, the staff denied knowing anything about it like morons do. They frequently lied about other things too, so a pattern began to form. One other time, I just wanted to talk to my ex key worker in front of a neighbour and she more or less told me to fuck off, which is bang out of order. It's never fine for a caregiver to speak to a client like that, but it wasn't even the first time I was spoken to as if I'm a piece of shite. So I started kicking the door, and I had enough by that point. After being remanded in jail following a few arrests for alleged stalking (although I was sitting on a bench in a park when they traced my mobile), I was assaulted by my cellmate for asking him to turn the TV off in the middle of the night. The staff just said to my mother on the phone once, "We could have handled things better". Since then, my life has sucked ass. I'm not able to prove anything because they didn't have anything in writing, so I'm just going to be challenging it on the basis that it's morally considered to be bullshit.

    Thankfully, I spoke to people at the court, and even prison personnel and other inmates said that I was 'fucked over' after I explained what they did, dismissing their betrayal as petty. They also got me to sign away my tenancy on a blank sheet of paper in 2015, because I was by myself when they requested me to do it. There was nothing on the sheet of paper, so why that counts, I don't know. But they knew there would be no backlash if I couldn't verify that they did this. The manager said if I put my name on it, that would stop the rent arrears, so I did what she asked of me. But after I called the council, they said I didn't really have any outstanding arrears. My rent was paid by the DWP anyway. So clearly, I was the victim of a perpetrated sham.

    With that said, I'm relieved that I'm gonna actually start getting the ball rolling on having my lonesome life sorted out, if I can do so. Unfortunately, some sheriffs can be real dicks and bitches, as my sister and I found out the hard way. It's rare if you go up in front of a sympathetic judge and they understand your point of view, without being a biased cunt about things. Most of the time, they just go by these social worker's reports, that could be a pack of lies. They say you have to choose your battles wisely, but sometimes you just gotta go out swinging for the fences.


  10. #170
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Being a Cunt - Exhibit A (part 2)

    And the cunt continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Pete
    Jun 4, 2020

    Sometimes, I cannot be bothered with the Internet. It's one of those things you have a sort of love-hate relationship with. You wouldn't want it to be gone entirely, but at the same time, it's hard to find peace on it at times with all the tossers that inhabit a lot of gaming websites. My sister said to me recently that forums are full of "lonely and psychotic" people, and that I should stay off them as they're inclined to worsen my stress.

    To be honest, at the age of 34, I don't think I am going to gain any real acting jobs with all of this commotion. Typically, you require an agent to find you work, and my mother reckons it would cost money, or my record would be too much of a hindrance. And I kind of want to stop with the background or bit parts stuff now, and get to have a line or two in a decent film. The year started off terrible after I was rejected for a Netflix film with Vanessa Hudgens. All seemed promising, until I got a text saying I was being stood up. Uh!

    About 3 years ago, I was supposed to have a speaking part in a Christian drama about a Cantonese student. My part was reduced to me just walking by on a path for a few seconds, but the main character was meant to spot me and ask for directions to a house. I didn't find this out until my sister and I went to see the film at a special presentation. My mood just... sank.

    To be honest, we both felt like we had wasted our time. The pastor who directed it, removed a lot of our scenes. There was a scene in a gym hall that was removed where we were kneeling down. Another scene by a river got cut, because of the sound of the water, apparently. Although he did another scene with his sister-in-law, and another girl next to a big well by the same river at roughly the same spot, so that seemed like an excuse. My sister had important appointments that she gave up to come along to the shooting. Another time, we couldn't reach him because our phones were acting up because of the signal and the battery. He was late too, and didn't properly explain where we were to meet anyway. This really disappointed us.

    The guy denies that anybody contacted him about me, but when I did put it on Internet Archive, he sent me a message on Facebook. In fact, I know this Australian troll contacted him. The guy has been annoying me since 2017. He was recently editing pages on Fandom, and he was mucking around on IMDb and Filmogs too.

    I really wish the pastor had just been honest about whether somebody said something to him or not. He said nobody had done that, but I had a hard time believing him, all things considered. Like, why would some person intent on ruining my ambition by slandering me with just about everyone else in the local filming clan decide to skip talking to him? That seems unlikely.

    Plus, the bitch that started the blackballing crap, tries to act like I am stalking her. All I did was direct message her on Twitter, telling her to stop talking about me behind my back. That's really not stalking anyone because Twitter is open to anyone. Apart from that, I was in court ages ago due to her and other people. The police came to my door recently as well. And I was arrested after they broke in, but I have no idea how they knew I was inside. Turns out there was some nonsense from last year that wasn't property dealt with, so my lawyer got me off the hook. But it was a crappy experience, because I got a night's stay in the police station because it's a petition case, so the desk sergeant has to treat that more seriously. They never gave me anything for my acid reflux so I was sick a lot, and the cells only have a hard bench and a steel toilet in them. My lawyer didn't call in until half 10 at night, and I got there at half 12 just before lunch, and I was never giving any lunch. I couldn't rest up either as someone checks on you every 20 minutes all day and all night. Then the cops came to my door to give me a letter in regards to a Viper identification parade, which I have to attend next Friday. Well, I don't know what the other card they left me is about.

    I don't think this film is going to get me on the Hollywood 'actors to watch in 2020' list, but it is kind of funny. I'm hoping to do another one soon with a whole plethora of classic horror creatures, and a villainous butcher with a pig's head. 藍
    And continues...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Pete
    Jun 5, 2020

    I'm not sure why he posted my correspondences. He works in a church and my sister and I met him, when I was looking for acting jobs in 2017. My sister and I thought that due to his profession, he'd be fine to be in a film with. Unfortunately, that's when that Aussie pest (Gimpy, etc) started following me on Love Forum, Wikipedia, and whatnot, as well as when the actress blocked me too.

    I mean, maybe John isn't lying, but like I said, that actress wrote to everyone else. So it was either her or the troll, for sure. It was definitely Gimpy who told him about the film being uploaded to archive.org, as he was on there leaving spam comments.

    He also does it on Fandom, so I told the admins he was making multiple accounts, even though he edits normally otherwise.

    and continues...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Pete
    Jun 5, 2020
    The last thing I will say is that I don't 100% know if John was told anything while the shooting was underway. If he was, I would have simply appreciated that he display a degree of honesty. Plus, I was glad I got to be in the film, but if someone had been saying things to come between us, he should have been truthful instead of ducking my questions the last 2 years.

    Anyway, I finished the first letter about the former support workers. It's like 6 pages long, because there was quite a bit to explain about what the company did. Hopefully that will convince the court they messed up as well. I've been troubled by this for far too long.
    And for some stupid icing on the layercake of stupid...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Pete
    Jun 6, 2020
    You're an idiot. You called me Peter. Do I call myself Peter on here, huh? 

    Ummm... yes... the fuckwit literally signed off the first post as Peter



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