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  1. #121
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    I'd think maybe Peter didn't notice the whole succession - it was all very low-key. Hardly even mentioned at all in the media, I'm sure. But even then, who does fuckface think "King Philip" is? The late Duke of Edinburgh?
    Maybe there's some toothless old alcoholic in Scotland who's been sucking him off he's talking about.

  2. #122
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Maybe there's some toothless old alcoholic in Scotland who's been sucking him off he's talking about.
    True. That hardly narrows the field, though.

  3. #123
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    True. That hardly narrows the field, though.
    Scotty wont have a clue what he meant. It all depends what planet he is on at the time. From a babbling idiot to a demented psychopathic killer. There was a video of him yelling at his mom, he was so off the planet and demented if she was in the same room he would have killed her.

  4. #124
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Scotty wont have a clue what he meant. It all depends what planet he is on at the time. From a babbling idiot to a demented psychopathic killer. There was a video of him yelling at his mom, he was so off the planet and demented if she was in the same room he would have killed her.
    I vaguely remember that. The fucker was having a go at Tania for having a Facebook account, or something similar.

    Oh, or was it the one where Peter was clad in prison-appropriate orange, and looked like the fucker might yeet itself out the window with rage?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-21-2022 at 05:47 PM.

  5. #125
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    Click this link to view a video where Peter Ross Anderson screams at his soon-to-be-dead mother. No doubt he is a primary contributor to his mother's decline in health if these are the kind of conversations he has with her.

    She probably no longer has the strength to tell her son that he has always been a huge disappointment and a disgrace to the family. I bet all this mother ever wanted was a son she could be proud of: a man who grew up to be handsome, successful, and with strong offspring to continue the family legacy. Sadly, Tania Marusia Anderson will never see any of these things come true. Instead, her son turned out to be a retard buffoon.

    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  6. #126
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - too dumb to be allowed out

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    James listing my user names in his dumb (primary) profile is really just so he can stalk me slightly easier.
    No Peter.
    (Still not James.)
    Listing your aliases and emails is so that when you abuse someone else, and that victim searches for you by the username they have encountered, then they can tie it back to you prosecute you, where appropriate. Clearly this works, as evidenced by your recent encounters with the legal system.

  7. #127
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - No karma chameleon

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    reddit dot com/user/Ape_OK_Me_Fly/

    James missed one!
    Still not James.
    Thanks - I'll add it to the list. Looks like a dead account, but as it includes your usual rabid nonsense, I guess it merits listing. All those 0 replies - no wonder it flew below the radar.
    If you've any others you want taken into consideration, please add them below.

  8. #128
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - what a cunt.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrimReaper View Post
    Click this link to view a video where Peter Ross Anderson screams at his soon-to-be-dead mother. No doubt he is a primary contributor to his mother's decline in health if these are the kind of conversations he has with her.

    She probably no longer has the strength to tell her son that he has always been a huge disappointment and a disgrace to the family. I bet all this mother ever wanted was a son she could be proud of: a man who grew up to be handsome, successful, and with strong offspring to continue the family legacy. Sadly, Tania Marusia Anderson will never see any of these things come true. Instead, her son turned out to be a retard buffoon.

    It's a wonder Peter is single, eh?

  9. #129
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - stupider than average potato

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Of course, we know you won't list any user names I create that just so happen to include your actual name, right?
    Not my name because I'm not James. I'm also not going to cooperate with your harassing of him.
    Did you not read or understand my response?
    The purpose is to help people in other forums being harassed by you and searching for you to find your details here.
    Anyone reading posts in this thread has, by definition, already achieved that.

  10. #130
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Absolute aresgravy

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ross Anderson View Post
    Keep bumping the thread Peter...



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