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  1. #231
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - how does it get past the captchas?

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Not a chance. Everything the idiot says is circumstantial. Delusional as the psychiatric report states.
    Don't crush my dreams like that. You're correct of course, but we can at least hope for a comedy phone call video. Such a pity that charges of wasting police time can't be applied extraterritorially....

  2. #232
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - lost in the fog of its inability to Google

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    For as long as the idiot does not understand what the word circumstantial means the fun will continue. A new comedy video would be good laugh.
    True. And there are so many words the fucknugget doesn't understand - from the more technical like 'vapourware' to the more generic like 'no'.

  3. #233
    Peter's Conscience
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    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    The idiot does not even know what a hospice is. Thinks it's some sort of seaside resort.
    Well it's by the coast - and there are drugs, and ice cream...
    It's really not a nice way to go either but the fucker seems to be unable to show any sort of compassion or sympathy - If anything the little shit seems annoyed at her for having smoked.
    If it was anyone else I'd suspect that maybe they were compartmentalising, and just not sharing that aspect of their life online, but Potatohead can't even eat a salad without feeling the need to share it online.
    The moron seems to be a lot more bothered by games companies recycling ideas and assets, and the lack of fixed camera angles than the fact Tania probably won't make it to Halloween, much less Christmas.

  4. #234
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - Just how dumb can you get

    Every time you think Potatoface has reached peak stupid, it surprises you.
    At this point, I'm not even convinced that English is its native language.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 7:21 AM

    That piece of shit Australian James Berich was booted off of (ironically enough) an Australian forum for trying to cause trouble yesterday. Then he went back to that anxiety forum (because nobody maintains order on it) and he decided to take digs at my mum for being in a hospice near the sea.

    Fuck you, James!

    Well, his mother is a drongo cunt, along with his dad. He only exists because two bogans down under shagged in either the year 1985 or 1986, without using any protection. Now I'm paying for their mistake. So that's that.

    All of that said, I had a few guys visiting me to investigate a leak in my bathroom. I mean, it's not even my fault. The person up above me runs water, and it goes and pours through my extractor fan. But hopefully, it's gonna be sorted soon.
    No, Peter, you colossal moron, nobody was taking shots at Tania.
    We were discussing how shit her progeny are, specifically you.
    You'd think with your mum at death's door you might try to behave like less of a cockwomble and make her final days as pleasant as possible, but you are clearly utterly incapable of any sort of decent human behaviour.
    You just need to act like you have even the teeniest tiniest shred of decency (you don't even actually need to be decent, just a temporary pretence would do) but no, that's clearly beyond your capacity.

    (Also, still not James.)

  5. #235
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - Terminally incomprehending

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Anthony View Post
    One could spend a lifetime here reading all the interesting material the psychopath writes.
    Quite. It wouldn't at all surprise me if the source of the mystery bathroom leak it mentioned is due to it not realising that it needs to raise the toilet lid before urinating.

  6. #236
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Angry potato. Silly potato.

    Oh dear, Spudanus has its knickers in a right twist:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 6:08 PM

    I will tell you something.
    Good opening. This could be fun...

    If I ever live to be 100, I will likely still never, ever understand [...]
    Spudanus definitely won't live to be 100, but is correct that it will never understand. Oh, wait, there's more...

    [...] why people waste their time going online, just to go stalking and hating on people (or just a singular person) over petty online drama, that happened YEARS ago. It's like a full-time hobby to these dimwits. It truly is sad.
    Hang on, isn't that pretty much all Spudanus does?

    So if you don't mind, I need to call someone out. He won't appear here to respond, because he's too much of a pussy to sign up with a name that isn't one of my own, but here goes...

    James, nobody anywhere online co-signs with your spam, opinions, personal attacks, and random drivel in-between. No-one. We also know you don't have "back up" as you claim, and those accounts are all yours. As I have been telling you many times already. So quit thinking anyone is fooled.
    Still not James. These other accounts posting here are still not mine. I only create additional accounts on here when fuckface does, so as to push them off the front page, and I never post from them.
    They are all in my friends list.
    Go check.

    You are being reported to a law firm in Perth really soon, and giving the amount of proof and witnesses on hand, like Eve on Anxiety Forum from Melbourne, I wouldn't be bragging about shit if I were you and calling these Aussies 'Dave' and 'Edge Granny' (whatever that means).
    Surely English can't be its native language.
    What does that sentence even mean?
    (Whatever happened to Edge Granny?).
    The law firm in Perth thing could be funny though.

    You can get sued for a breach of the computer misuse act, even if my UK status prevents me from gaining an anti-molestation order.
    Ah, easy mistake to make if you are an idiot, unable to read or think and just think that things mean other things, just because they sound alike.
    The Computer Misuse Act is absolutely nothing to do with insults of forums. It's to do with hacking and unauthorised access to computer systems.
    So, for example, me saying that Peter is "a wretched worthless scumbag with all the charm of a rancid cunt wart" isn't a breach of the Computer Misuse Act. (It's not even libel, because it's clearly abuse not an accusation that might be taken literally). However, what is an offence under the Computer Misuse Act is obtaining articles for use in computer misuse offences, punishable by up to two years in prison or a fine or both.
    You know, like this.

    I will tell you this for free. The world owes you nothing, because you are nothing. You're not even remotely relevant. You're just known as the nutter who harasses thesaunderschild (me, Peter). That's it. So you can keep thinking you are above every other dime-in-a-dozen troll, and keep on calling me fat and retarded, because...
    Another fine example of Peter regurgitating things its parents and others have told it all its life.

    I am not fat whatsoever, and I have high functioning autism. I also type just as well as anybody else here. You have seen what I look like from videos and pictures (that you illegally stole), just as I have seen you. Also, you are fatter than I am, so your immature potato jokes don't hold water.
    Ha! I'm sorry, what? My arse, "high functioning"! Possibly high, but nowhere near functioning.
    Potatoface has certainly seen pictures of James, that it treasures and keeps in its hoard of stolen materials.
    It probably takes them out and wank over them late at night.
    James is (or was) certainly chunky, based on what material fuckface has chosen to regularly share.
    I, however, am not James.

    Also, potatoes are mostly starch and therefor excellent at holding water.

    Yes, this Australian nutball is actually like 33 or 37 by now. It is conflicting, because he has different years displayed on these profiles. But he is at least 30 something anyway. But still acts like he's all of 4 for some reason.

    Again those (clearly poorly researched) attributes are regarding James.
    I am not James.
    Ah, poor potato.
    Life is hard, eh?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 09-04-2023 at 07:22 PM. Reason: Peter gets all wet for an edit. What was changed? What did it miss? Exciting!

  7. #237
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - FFS it's still here

    Guess who's back?
    Back online.
    Spadanus is back.
    Back to whine.

    Like a dipsomaniac tremulously listing towards the bar at the end of Dry January, Potatoface has come back hard (well, as hard has the flaccid worm can get) in full incel mode.Aside for a rather hilariously non-self-aware rant about its co-spawn, there is this gem:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    More waffle than Bird's Eye...
    Today at 1:44 AM

    Don't mind me. I just feel like ranting a bit.

    So I sent money to a ho online, for a booking. A sex worker, obviously. You can probably guess what happened next. She scammed me. Now to be fair, I didn't wait on a full confirmation, as she asked for a reference. But hell. Call a spade a spade. I just feel so tired of putting up with this crap. It is always gonna be a problem for punters, because their attitude is just bad, in general. Deposit or no deposit, they simply don't care. All of that sexy talk they plaster on their main profile page is just fish bait.

    I actually bought one of those fleshlight wank things, and I believe a good imagination and lots of lube goes a long way. But in all seriousness, escorts on adultwork.com, OnlyFans and X are just scammers. They don't even give a damn about the guys who simp for them either, so why believe otherwise? Do the majority of these men not understand that they just see their so-called fans as a bunch of horny losers?

    I am 38. At my age, I feel like the clock is ticking to like, do stuff. I hate being single, but I might as well face up to the harsh truth. I ain't gonna get a real woman to love me. They are not intetested in nerds with autism, or glasses. In fact, I ain't gonna be able to do anything about my past problems either, as I rang up so many people to discuss that stuff. Advocacy companies. Law firms. The pigs. The court. It was a colossal waste of time each time I dialed these people.

    As a matter of fact, 98% of the Internet is practically dead today too, with scams and trolls running amok, ruining it for the people who actually care. You likely noticed it on this very forum a lot. People just never post much any more on message boards, so it often feels pointless to continue. But I know I get the cold shoulder on some other forums. I just know they don't like me spreading the truth about Capcom making shitty games, or whatever. So they see my new threads, but rarely respond.

    The reason I don't care about dating sites is because they purposefully retain deactivated accounts, then kid on that someone viewed your page. Right? Only you log on, and gee. Nobody looked at me after all. It was the site, trying to dupe me into paying to go from bronze to gold.

    Even YouTube sucks. Wanna make money on that platform? Well, you have to fall in line and say the things these companies want to hear, or else. People will sell-out in a heartbeat for the right price.

    It is just utterly ridiculous how many simps get conned for being a lonely fool. But all the same, I know you probably feel tired of women being snooty assholes as well. But we might as well get used to it.

    Deception is here to stay.
    Honestly, no need for further critique, I'll just leave it at that; the denizens of the forum did a fine job of putting the little shitbag in its place, so much so that it immediately ran off to other forums, crying:

    Quote Originally Posted by Otis B. Driftwood
    Today at 4:29 AM
    There's a forum about crime stories I post on sometimes. The users still active there seem to like taken the Mickey when I submit any topics.


    Should I just leave it?
    And it should leave the rest of the internet while it's at it.

  8. #238
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 02-04-2024 at 09:15 AM.

  9. #239
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - Pissing in the wind

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Mate, I'm not remotely bothered about your nonsense on such shit forums.

    In fact, you claim you don't like me, but you always rejoin my YouTube channel regardless, and spam on here.

    Nah, man, I know you quite like my videos, so there's no need to keep it bottled up, James.
    Has Spudanus ever met anyone who did like it?
    Disappointed to know it apparently isn't bothered.
    I shall have to try harder.

  10. #240
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 02-14-2024 at 10:27 AM.



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