Just wanted to introduce myself here. I'm Daniel, and I'm currently near the end of my psychiatry residency at the university of toronto. As such, I have vast knowledge of all things psychiatric, be it medication, alternative treatments,..anything to do with the mind!

I love helping others so I want you guys to know that I'll try to be here on the forum for as long as I can (clinic hours are a bitch) and available to answer questions. Please remember that I am a doctor in training still, and any advice that I give you MUST be approved by your attending doctor first before you attempt any changes.

I've also had my fair share of anxiety and depression in my life, so I can relate. I've made a full recovery, am doing the job that I love, and I'd you all to be able to rid yourself of these worries and just live life. And maybe I can be there to help.


Just a thought...maybe we can sticky this, mods?