Peter Ross Anderson - I've seen penile chancres exude more charm
Originally Posted by
The Scottish Pedro
Well, your useless trivia (that nobody is remotely interested in) is so not appreciated.
Even by the dismally low standards of the Anderson clan (who are, let's face it, clearly paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool and can seemingly barely muster a single digit IQ between them), Spudanus is clearly an embarrassment.
What the fuck is it blithering about now?
Peter Ross Anderson - two nuts short of a sack
Originally Posted by
In Scottys world all news is good news. I told them it's a journalists fundamental right to be able to report and comment on all news. And if they don't want it reporting on then they should conduct their affairs in private. They didn't seem too happy about that.
They didn't seem to understand that what is said and done in public is news and can be reported and commented on.
Also you will note they don't know how to write in gender neutral.
Thanks for the context. It seems to be a compulsion. The moron seems incapable of not posting; Even when it tries to hold back it inevitably ends up releasing a tirade of idiocy when the pent up drivel breaches some internal threshold.
Peter Ross Anderson - Dumber than the average potato
Originally Posted by
The Scottish Pedro
But that's (ironically put across, right?) what you do though, after following me about like a dumb fuck.
Correct - you are a dumb fuck, and that's why I follow you around.
Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
Yesterday at 3:32 AM
Well, I reserve the word 'simp' more so for those puppets who pay for ladies to publish wank fodder on their OnlyFans....
Also Spudanus:
Originally Posted by Poison Dart
Fucknugget should stop harassing sex workers and just stick to talking bollocks about video games:
Peter Ross Anderson - delusional potato
Originally Posted by
The Scottish Pedro
You're better off just ignoring this cuck. He is that obsessed with me, he even asked me to publish some porn on YouTube, putting my popular channel at risk of being suspended. Not to mention the various forums, Blogger and Twitter accounts trying to pretend to be thesaunderschild.
Surely, now we have proof this is satire?
Which part of the following sounded like encouragement?
Originally Posted by
Then again, I guess that's a redundant question, isn't it?
When has Spudanus ever understood the word 'No'?
Interpreting 'No, Fuck off, leave me alone you fucking creep, never contact me again!' as 'Yes, please, be my boyfriend!' is pretty much the fucker's entire MO.
And what are we counting as a "popular channel"? This one (1 subscriber, no videos?).
Jesus fucking christ.
Peter Ross Anderson - Potatowatch Part I
Apologies if this is a repost - I honestly can't tell sometimes as the ass-clown has been posting pretty much the same drivel for years.
Anyhoo, down to business.
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Well, off to a cracking start, aren't we? Nice touch with the edit comment too - Spudanus has plenty of experience when it comes to sentencing
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
As if AW wasn't a waste of time as it is, it continues to be worse than ever.
Basically, I have had my time wasted on that site for years, usually due to snooty users not being interested in my emails, and just because of the massive slew of dummy profiles on there that are set up to plug their OnlyFans, private pictures, or whatever. Even OnlyFans as a whole is a waste of cash, and talking about meets on there is actually taboo. But it mostly boils down to the two a penny, ten a penny type broads with an ego, expecting horny idiots to act like sheep.
Well, such a busy, productive potato, it's not like it has time to waste, right?
It's almost as if sex workers can spot a wrongun (and in this case smell it too).
"Ten a penny", it says, but still still out of the potato cuntflap's league.
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Once you're no longer required, they expect you to do them the biggest favour of the lot, which is go fuck yourself. Right?
It had never previously occurred to me that fuckface might have ever lived up to anyone's expectations, but when you put it like that, at least in this instance the rancid little onanist tuber can chalk up a success; The floor of that apartment must look like an explosion in a PVA glue factory....
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
I added somebody on WhatsApp a few years ago, who variably calls herself ashtray, Bella, or something else. It's the member called LadyBellaBird on AW, currently listed in London, although it's normally Glasgow she works in.
Granted, I didn't make a good first impression, I suppose.
A poor first impression?
Ya think?
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
For a lot of people, I reckon that's the key to making or breaking somebody's decision to meet you. But this one is a ditzy cunt, and so many women like her are apparently suffering from ADHD, bipolar, or something like that.
With such a genteel, charming demeanour, it's surely inconceivable that she didn't warm the smegstain immediately!
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Essentially, she went to a mental health forum last year and replied to a thread that wasn't even about her, then called me a cunt in a private message. I didn't know it was her, as she had created an account with a random pseudonym.
Must be tough for the rancid little turndnugget, having stalked and harassed so many people over the years that it can't be sure which one it is currently talking to!
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
She then emailed me with my full name and address because I kept contacting her, trying to work out why she wouldn't just shut the fuck up and hear me out, because I wanted to express regret over what apparently occurred. She either got that information from this creepy Australian troll who is known to abuse me on other forums, or she was looking at his spam posts elsewhere, which she likely found after looking up my YouTube handle, when I was ranting about people in videos. Her included.
Yeah. He is a weirdo, who is way worse than she is.
Brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn't it.
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
So she moans to a lawyer in Tayside, Scotland. I then had to do a video link to a court after I received documents from sheriff officers. I secretly recorded it (at the time).
Surely not? That would be a contempt of court, and Spudanus would never....
Also by 'secretly' does it mean 'posted it on YouTube'? To me, that doesn't seem a very good way to keep something secret, even if you have no viewers.
So it's definitely not this one then?
(As an aside, I take it that's the cuntwart's favourite t-shirt, and the closest thing it has to decent clothes, given it wore it to court and also to visit that escort recently?)
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
The police are bent anyway. I experienced years of hassle from them, because of two support workers and other people, who they would always cater and pander to. So when they pester me, I just call them bent pigs, or Wayne Couzens.
I think Potatoface has far more in common with Wayne than any of the local constabulary, when it comes to proclivities...
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Her mistress Scarlet Domina used to be one of the top dommes in the UK, but she has seemingly fizzled into being yet another lazy part-timer obviously too picky when it comes to vetting for newbies, and using their past success to still feel important.
So no. I wasn't stalking her. I am however, very firm about my feelings, having had tons of harassment online and in person, from numerous people. That can really change a man's perspective.
No definitely not stalking her. Just following her, defaming her and constantly harassing her, whining about her on forums, and making videos about her, but not in any way an obsessive psychopath stalking her. Nope. Definitely not.
(Also, "man" - lol!)
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
Apart from that, if LadyBellaBird tweets crap about me, other dommes (including one named "Victoria" I previously apologized to for doxxing), then talks shit about me as well. A lot of them do this. And Victoria even agreed to meet me. But the meeting was cancelled, because my mum ended up in hospital. She was notified in a text message. So it seems like they just enjoy blackballing guys they just don't like.
I know Bella's actual name, as it appears she was hunting for me on Facebook, so I seen her profile. And I told her I do work as an extra in films. So to be honest, there's a reason why you shouldn't blurt out your business online.
Besides that, she puts up tweets of her own ass cheeks covered in fecal matter. That's fine, hen. Just tell the whole world you like to publish photos and videos, revealing you like to play with your own poop. What would her family think of that, exactly?
No, still not sounding stalkery at all. Perfectly normal.
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
I don't like to judge people. I really don't.
You fucking wot mate?
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
I believe sex work is a job like anything else. But that's not where my beef lies. It's because their attitude is incredibly unappealing, scary, and rather unpleasant. And on X, you see people getting berated all the time, prompting others to join in.
Almost as if the nasty little shitstain is a complete bellend and people take an instant dislike to and are repulsed by the obnoxious little fucker - even those with an otherwise very high threshold of disgust. I can't imagine why.
What this clearly calls for is some sort of public spirited charity sexworkers' organisation. Like a Salvation Army soup kitchen, but catering to the unmet needs of incel pariahs, staffed by brave souls prepared to swallow their pride and any sense of personal safety or hygiene to serve those least deserving of compassion.
I can practically see the fundraising charity shop now....
Originally Posted by Fruit-tella
But, yeah. Take it from me. is full of shallow tossers, and all they care about is your money. If you tell them you have personal problems, they don't give a fuck. They either block you, ignore you, or both. But then if they should post sob stories of their own accord, act all pretentious, or demand gifts from their Amazon wishlists, you're expected to dance to the beat of their drum each time, like some simp or loser with no standards would. And if you piss off one of them, you've seemingly offended their cohorts too.
It's crazy. So it is...
You make your bed and you lie in it. And in Potatoface's case, lying is all it does.