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  1. Boy troubles
  2. CBT for somatization.. advice please
  3. Feels like I've gone insane
  4. Really weird feeling.
  5. Brain twitching / spasm?
  6. It burns!!!!!
  7. Bad chest pain amxiety after exercising
  8. The Anxiety Group of North Jersey
  9. Anyone have this?
  10. Cbt?
  11. Dentist!!
  12. Mabey the reason
  13. Sertraline advice
  14. I need some advice on how to proceed...
  15. Help!
  16. CT Scan
  17. not happy
  18. Going through a rough patch
  19. One oy my Biggest Symtoms?? Floating??
  20. Anyone got
  21. Assurance?????
  22. Adrenalin
  23. Upset and annoyed?
  24. Relationship Anxiety
  25. A question for Anxiety veterins
  26. Impending doom/health anxiety ugh
  27. Plateau
  28. Terrified
  29. Chest pain now!!!!!!
  30. Heart palpitations or not?
  31. Ugh
  32. Just for fun :)
  33. Is this anxiety? Errrrr!!!
  34. Extremely anxious - flying tomorrow
  35. Anxiety Symptoms
  36. question for people who have or had chest pain/discomfort
  37. Depersonalization Question
  38. Tingling ?!?!?
  39. Advice ?
  40. Why Does Caffeine Remove My Brain Fog ??
  41. Forced to go to ER
  42. Feeling really rough
  43. So fed up
  44. Tension
  45. Feeling really weird :( don't know what to do
  46. Dizzy durig cycle???
  47. Mitral Valve Prolapse
  48. Diet increase
  49. Fear of being in the car
  50. Ugh
  51. Weird feeling
  52. Just me?
  53. Im dying or have some rate disease i know it!!!!!
  54. Totally Losing my Grip
  55. My story
  56. Help
  57. New Odd symptoms -_-
  58. Strange
  59. strange feeling
  60. I can hardly breathe
  61. Anyone here trying to concieve
  62. Severe chest pain due to reflux
  63. Burning sensation on upper back and neck
  64. Sleeping sickness?
  65. Feeling Pathetic
  66. How do you keep believing?
  67. How do you hold strong?
  68. Weight loss? Help
  69. Psy-stable
  70. I dont believe
  71. Wtf
  72. Know the issue, but how to fix?
  73. Can Anxiety Feel Like Asthma?
  74. It's my life so get a new owner Anxiety!!
  75. Chest issues
  76. Dp/dr
  77. Old symptoms still scare the shit out of me
  78. ??
  79. Is it an Anxiety/Panic Attack?
  80. Relationship Anxiety
  81. Numb
  82. arms
  83. Joined university...
  84. New to the forum, first time trying anything like this, having bad anxiety
  85. Being normal:(
  86. Toe tingle
  87. Goosebumps
  88. Update
  89. how go I get rid of these anxious OCD kind of thoughts?!
  90. Marriage vs Panic Attacks
  91. Can anxiety Cause a contant headache?
  92. Update on my anxiety problem.
  93. when will it end
  94. help me please
  95. Anyone else get Emotional Calmness around people ??
  96. Scared... treadmill stress test tomorrow :(
  97. fear of dying in my sleep - anyone else have this?
  98. Having a horrible day...just wish I could run away from it all.
  99. first panic attack
  100. Heart activities
  101. Does anyone get this?
  102. Does anykne??
  103. todays panic
  104. Thinking of starting sertaline
  105. Help. Fear of insanity/causing harm.
  106. Ringing ears
  107. anxiety at work
  108. Are these actual panic attacks?
  109. who wants to be friends?
  110. New to this!
  111. Heart rate help
  112. Pain in left elbow
  113. Exhaustion
  114. Anxiety is taking over my life!
  115. Hi, new here. Hypochondriac anxiety is taking over my life.
  116. Anyone from Ontario, Canada?
  117. I'm new and I need help!
  118. heated argument with the GF today...help
  119. Can't sleep again!!!
  120. Buzzing/new symptom
  121. afraid of eating?
  122. Heart Rate correlate with Blood Pressure?
  123. Kind of freaking out
  124. Medication advice
  125. Freaking out!!
  126. Does anyone ?
  127. Something is really really wrong
  128. Begging for help! Shortness of breath etc
  129. Hate this :-(
  130. Fatigue/light headedness
  131. new poster please read
  132. Careers and anxiety
  133. Difficulty reading
  134. Does anyone?
  135. I survived my stress test.
  136. Tapering questions:(
  137. Abnormal EKG! Now im really flipping out :(
  138. I hate this!
  139. Super anxious lately
  140. Help please
  141. :-/
  142. Endodontist tomorrow. Feel sick :-( Sorry for rant
  143. Brief anxiety episode today.
  144. Someone please talk with me!!
  145. Anxiety physical symptoms
  146. Stop torturing yourself! You are free!
  147. Here i go again
  148. Anxiety over mine and my childrens health
  149. Yesterday..
  150. twitching
  151. ?
  152. heart palpertaion/heart flutter
  153. :(
  154. Going out!!!
  155. I think I am dying
  156. Feeling nirmal causes me anxiety...
  157. How to Break the Cycle
  158. Awful head feelings
  159. Do You Feel Like You've Played Another Life?
  160. Yoyo anxiety feeling hopeless
  161. Anxiety and Work
  162. Heart flutters
  163. Changing symptoms?
  164. Night Driving
  165. What type of anxiety do I have?
  166. High Blood Pressure, Worried, What should I do?
  167. Can anxiety ever go away for good?
  168. night from hell :(, how is everyone?!…
  169. can some foods trigger anxiety?!!
  170. can upper back pain due to bad posture be felt in the chest?
  171. so scared
  172. anyone else???
  173. Does anyone here experienced anxiety?
  174. thyroid
  175. Im a wreck again over health anxiety
  176. Quitting smoking while dealing with anxiety!
  177. Absolutely. Friggin. Exhausted.
  178. arm pain
  179. Stupid weak arm plus numbness :(
  180. Please im about to lose it!
  181. Bad head again!!!!!
  182. Relaxation Drinks: Has Anyone Ever Tried Them?
  183. I told them I would go to the mental hospital they said stay in the hostel
  184. Guess I am getting sick
  185. Dizzy spells
  186. PLEASE HELP! Seriously worried about psychosis!!
  187. Anxiety is making me believe I have schizophrenia
  188. Chest is so warm
  189. manic episodes
  190. Am I experiencing depersonalization/derealization?
  191. Obsessive Thoughts or OCD
  192. Does anyone
  193. How do you STOP obsessing over blood pressure???
  194. chest pain
  195. How I Got Rid Of My Anxiety/Agoraphobia Once And For All
  196. Nausea/side effects escitalapram?
  197. Anyone
  198. Tonight I face it
  199. One of those days.
  200. They took my baby now I have nothing
  201. Are you a people pleasure?
  202. advice
  203. Pain!!
  204. Can anxiety ever be cured?
  205. Anxiety from marijuana?
  206. So. Stupidly. Tired.
  207. Oh lord....winter is approaching and anxiety is stronger than usual
  208. Hyper? Fear of mania.
  209. I need proof that anxiety is infact curable
  210. wakibg up thru night :/
  211. The linden method
  212. Early empty nest syndrome?
  213. urgh help!
  214. Freeking out help
  215. can tiredness cause a fuzzy/dizzy head?
  216. The start of a relationship??
  217. What's sort of anxiety am I suffering from?
  218. Toothache arghhh!!!
  219. Anxiety
  220. hb
  221. I have no life anymore
  222. Exercise and Heart rates..
  223. They took my baby yesterday but today I am happy.
  224. Shortness of breath
  225. MS obsession
  226. Am i going mad?
  227. I have a terrible disease
  228. .
  229. Stomach
  230. Overcome Anxiety by Defeating the Spirit of Fear
  231. Free manuals CBT for depression, anxiety, ocd
  232. Dentist today
  233. i survived!
  234. Help me
  235. So frustraited
  236. Getting through University with Panic Disorder
  237. Depressed at afternoon?
  238. Terrified about schizophrenia
  239. Meditation
  240. Anxiety disorder and Panic disorder
  241. Heartburn
  242. can not shake this health impending doom feeling
  243. No sleep
  244. Psychotherapy
  245. Worried
  246. Its 4am freakig out
  247. feeling rubbish.
  248. Please someone help
  249. Tablets
  250. Relationship Issues causing Anxiety