Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Let me introduce myself. Hello :)

    Hello all,

    Just wanted to introduce myself quickly before I post anything else as I do have some questions hopefully some of you will be able to answer.

    I'm 21, from the south of England, and until recently, a healthy, highly active and outgoing person who seems to be slipping back into old habits.

    I am always a happy, loving person but have always been a 'worrier' I was bullied very badly through secondary school and attribute this to my developing an anxiety disorder when I was 16 or so. It began with breathing issues - I was taken to the doctor by my mum, who at the time diagnosed me with gentle asthma - I didn't have asthma and it was lucky I didn't in a way because I was too terrified to use the Inhaler - that's how insanely OCD I became about my breathing.

    I've read briefly about how people go through various phases of their disorder and how we can often focus on different medical possibilities in which we root our 'fear'. A month and a half ago I started getting chest pain during exercise, and a month ago had a painful attack which resulted in me being hospitalised. I underwent a (brief) ecg, chest scan, blood test etc. The doctors attributed it to a possible viral infection and that I should simply ignore the pain. My GP also mentioned to me the possibility of this chest pain being anxiety based, but very kindly offered me a full week long ecg test and another blood test, which I am doing tomorrow.

    I suppose what worries me now is that the root of my anxiety disorder re-emerging is not psychological but physical. The last few days I have had moments when I was feeling perfectly happy/focusing on something i.e. driving along feeling fine and then WHAM will feel one big heart beat - as if it is going to fly out of my chest, then it goes back to normal. But it scares me. And what scares me even more is I can't tell if the fear/anxiety comes before or after this feeling. I.e. whether it is a cause or a symptom.

    Is this a common anxiety disorder symptom when going through a phase of worrying about my heart? I will of course mention it to my doctor, but would like to hear if anyone else has experienced this.

    Thanks in advance

    P.S. I feel before I should expect anything from you lovely people in advice, I would share the one piece of advice I find most helpful, to the extent where adrenaline rush panic attacks no longer plague me - just anxiety. This is being Busy I went through a period in my life from the age of 17 to 21 without ANY symptoms of any sort. When It came back I realised I was no longer as busy as I used to be. Concentrating on something, whether it be writing a blog, watching an interesting video, cooking dinner, doing cross words etc. really really really helps me, and I can push past anxious feelings by propelling myself into some constructive that requires my full attention. So that would be my one piece of advice as a way of saying hello.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    United States
    Welcome! :3

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hello I'm sort of new on here too. Iv always been a worrier had anxiety for 2 years since I lost two close relatives to me. last month I also had a panic attack which tipped me over the edge and caused me to have really bad anxiety thinking, I had heart problems, unable to control it what happens if it occurs again etc. over the past couple of years iv had counselling, anxiety classes, joined a gym read books and Internet. I have recently been put on medication and fingers crossed its working. I still worry a little bit but I'm now in control of it and can function normal. Maybe some treatment like iv mentioned above might help.

  4. #4

    The trick you learned about being busy (like doing crossword puzzles) reveals to you that the mind can really only do one thing at a time. It cannot worry and do the crossword puzzle simultaneously. True, the negative thoughts can intrude and distract you while you do the crossword, but thats different. If you find that being busy is an aide, keep going to it. Also, work on the anxiety specifically if you can too. Its the only way to help prevent recurrences.



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