Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    new here and really needing some help and answers

    Growing up I was a star runner at my high school. I had a few anxiety attacks but nothing ever too major. I have had Asthma since I was born so I always assumed they were asthma attacks. I went on to run in college and things were fine for awhile until the stress just really started to build. I was a full time athlete, student, and worker. I believe I just put too much pressure on my self and that is when things really started to get bad. I began to sleep less and less because I would feel so restless and uncomfortable. And then the attacks happened more frequently and more intense. I get tunnel vision, shortness of breath, my stomach hurts, sweaty palms and numbness in my toes and fingers. When this happens it makes it very difficult for me to calm down because I get racy thoughts of thinking I am going to have an asthma attack. And so I guess what really brings me to this board is because on February 21st, 2012 I was admitted to the ER. I had experienced a stress induced panic attack caused by anxiety and lack of sleep. My weight had dropped 21 pounds, I was severely dehydrated and had electrolyte imbalance. I had been sleeping maybe 3-5 hours a night and therefore was immensly stressed. The doctor diagnosed me with GAD and MDD. He referred me to another doctor which I will be seeing next week. In the mean time he prescribed me 300mg neurontin to be taken three times daily. He also prescribed me Remeron, and Ambien. My sleeping has certainly improved however I am still having anxiety attacks. They will just happen out of nowhere. For example, my last one took place at 2 in the morning. I woke up abruptly from sleep with tunnell vision, shortness of breath, immense tension, sweating but I felt cold, stomach pain, sweaty palms, numbing in my fingers and toes, and a very dull lonely feeling. When I go see my doctor next week, is there anything he can give me to use only right when I start having one? Something that would maybe kick in fast and calm me down. I can't handle this anymore. This is literally terring down everything I was. I went from a collegiate athelete to rock bottom in a matter of a few months. I fear the worst if this doesnt get under control.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2011
    Florida, USA
    Free, yeah you could ask for Ativan but he'll have his own ideas based on his training and experience. Ativan(just plain old ativan tabs) can be disolved under the tongue for even faster action. It will taste like sugar. That should be used as a temp measure until a med like Zoloft, Celexa or Paxil(most any ssri), which have no risk for dependence, can work to limit/eliminate panic attacks. Those meds take weeks to work so often docs will start an ssri and a benzo and slowly remove the benzo as the ssri has the time it needs to kick in but in the mean time the fast acting benzo does the work of killing panic attacks. Reserve xanax for really bad panic that other benzos don't work so well for but Ativan would be my recommendation as it has a longer half life yet is still potent. If he starts you on the ssri stay on it and give it a long, fair trial. I speak from experience. PM any time. Alankay.
    Last edited by alankay; 03-16-2012 at 06:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    My Doctor has me on 5mg Valium, which I can take as soon as I have symptom onset or bad enough symptoms (I try to wait until I get to the numb hands and feet stage, rather than just take it for discomfort). It kicks in within 20 min and of combined with breathing (I use the relax application on my phone to counter the hyperventilating), can knock me out (if I'm laying down trying to sleep) or get me functioning normally (if I'm trying to do my thing).



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