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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Anne1221 View Post
    Like Kirk said, he cannot just do things alone by himself like they can in other countries. Remember we have THREE branches of government and he is only ONE (Executive Branch). There is the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch. So he doesn't have the power like you would think from watching the news. Try to forget about Trump and just focus on yourself and set some goals and work each day on those goals. It will get better each day as we will hear less and less about it on the news.
    Nice one.
    Shadowcat you living with your grandma and I do not want to be mean or something but I am grandma too, I love my little one to pieces but when she sleeps over I am really tired........ older people have no patience for youngers. but it means nothing. She loves you but maybe two generation apart is difficult to cross. Calm down and stop analysing, take care of yourself , you are so young do not waste life worrying, please
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  2. #12
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    Thank you Anne, that really goes a long way to making me feel better about it. It's so much better when reassurance is backed up by fact

  3. #13
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    And Dahila, I understand the generation gap and I don't resent her for it. But it does make me feel worse when she tells me I'm killing her with all my worries.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anne1221 View Post
    Gypsy, I heard a reporter on TV say that in Australia you have to show up. You don't have to vote, but on voting day you can't just stay home. Is that true or false? Thanks!
    I showed up at mum's LOL but no, you can hide under your bed all day if you want.. Which is what I did when I heard haha. But seriously, this was the first thing where I've thought "I wish my brother was alive to see THIS!"
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  5. #15
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    Georgia, united states
    Age gap is not an excuse for people to be mean and rude to you. smh

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    I would worry about nuking the world if Clinton won. He is not so fast to do it.
    It is a shame she got rid of Sanders the only good choice for a president in this election. I had seen the protests in NY and Chicago and I think it is disgusting the way people behave. They chose and I do not think you should cry, The panic and paranoia in US right now is very upsetting. People should stop and think.
    I really understand your fear but you are going to be ok. Is your family not happy with the elect?
    The country looks like is very divided, I hope you guys will get together and solve all the arguments
    You don't know much about the us at all if you think Clinton is bad lol

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcat View Post
    Thank you, Kirk. That helps.

    Dahlia, no my family is not happy with the elect. But to be fair, they wouldn't have been happy either way.

    Justaspekt, I do have one or two family members who support me. Namely, my mother and father because they have the same thing. But I don't live with either of them. I don't contacy my father often, and I've been trying to talk to my mother but for the last day or so I haven't been able to get her on the phone. Which makes things worse because she is usually my outlet.
    But I live with my grandmother, and she is a little less than supportive.
    So sorry you haven't been able to get a hold to your mom D: I hope she answers soon. If you have any friends you think you can trust, reach out to them too.

  8. #18
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    I have, but it seems no one is answering. I have a huge tests tomorrow too, and no idea how I'm going to make it through it

  9. #19
    Junior Member
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    Not to mention, on top of that, I am worried about this mark on my leg where someone stabbed me with a pencil a week ago. My grandmother says it's okay, but I don't really know when to believe her

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Atlanta, Georgia US
    I think you'll be fine. I had a pencil stab and I was fine.



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