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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Question Tips on Battling Hypochondria?

    Hello, I just wanted to reach out to the forum and ask for tips on battling hypochondria. Every time I feel an unorthodox pain, I get incredibly worried that something is wrong. This mindset has made it difficult for me to live a normal life, because now I constantly worry that I have a terminal illness or something. I'm 99% sure that most of the pains I feel are from anxiety, but it's hard to convince myself of that. I've been struggling with head/neck tension for a month or so now. I went to the emergency room once for it, but the doctor told me I was experiencing a tension headache and that it was from anxiety/stress. But, I can't help but think that something else is wrong. I'm also scared of taking my anxiety medication because I researched the side effects and they were terrifying. If anyone has any tips, I would really appreciate it. I'm desperate for any help at this point. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Michigan, USA
    I am experiencing similar issues myself. It is very difficult to convince yourself there is nothing wrong when your body keeps telling you there is. Anxiety sucks!!!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2015
    Same boat here.

    I had the flu a month ago and the urgent care doctor took blood tests. Then called me and terrified saying my inflammation levels and liver enzyhmes were high and listed loads of diseases it could be.

    I went into melt down for the first time ever over health anxiety. I had body aches for a few weeks after and my Dr. told me it is the virus working itself out coupled with the anxiety. Anyway, had mt bloods re-checked and everythingis normal again, my proper Dr was angry tests were even done when i was sick.

    The thing is I am still feeling aches, interemittent numbness, arm/leg weakness, sharp pain in my little toe etc. Been the doctors twice who examined me and said everything looks fine. If everything is fine why am I feeling these things, why won't she send me for an MRI or something, So hard to believe anxiety is causing this when she hasn't ruled everything out, sometimes these symptoms are there when I am not even feeling anxious.

    Sorry not so much help as opening up here. Don't want to sound crazy to people in the 'real world'.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Michigan, USA
    It doesn't sound crazy to me. I have been dealing with a multitude of physical symptoms from anxiety now for almost 15 years. Anxiety can do all kinds crazy things to us.

    For me, I can usually talk myself down from the negative "what if" thinking. But every once in a while, something new pops up, and away my mind goes. It's so frustrating.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Hi all..

    Same thing going on with me.. I had a minor heart thing go on, SVT heart rate just started beating very fast, and since then ever little twinge is a heart attack.. I have had multiple cardiac tests and all came back basically normal.. this is slowly taking over my life.. it's hard to even get up and go to work.. I feel my doctors are beginning to judge me, as other people.. I go into full blown panic attacks when I start Googling my symptoms and come up with these horrible diseases that I am sure I have.. today I had a panic attack, came out of nowhere and my blood pressure started rising (I have a mechanical machine) I was convinced that it had to do with my heart and not that I was having a panic attack.. 1 hour later, I can recognize it was probably panic raising my BP and pulse.. I go to see a psychitrist monday, currently taking ativan, not helping much and have a therapist scheduled for wednesday.. I have to do something, I have to get out of this downward spiral.. the little light at the end of the tunnel is reading things like this, understanding that other people are going through it....

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Here We Go View Post
    Same boat here.

    I had the flu a month ago and the urgent care doctor took blood tests. Then called me and terrified saying my inflammation levels and liver enzyhmes were high and listed loads of diseases it could be.

    I went into melt down for the first time ever over health anxiety. I had body aches for a few weeks after and my Dr. told me it is the virus working itself out coupled with the anxiety. Anyway, had mt bloods re-checked and everythingis normal again, my proper Dr was angry tests were even done when i was sick.

    The thing is I am still feeling aches, interemittent numbness, arm/leg weakness, sharp pain in my little toe etc. Been the doctors twice who examined me and said everything looks fine. If everything is fine why am I feeling these things, why won't she send me for an MRI or something, So hard to believe anxiety is causing this when she hasn't ruled everything out, sometimes these symptoms are there when I am not even feeling anxious.

    Sorry not so much help as opening up here. Don't want to sound crazy to people in the 'real world'.

    Anxiety is an ugly creature.. I'm sorry your doctor isn't ruling things out.. that isn't fair to you but even when they do rule things out its sometimes hard to convince yourself this is "just anxiety" because the physical symptoms are real....



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