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  1. #1

    anxiety sared i have angina and im 17

    hi, i just joined this forum because i need help or im going to brake down :/. so ive had anxiety for about a year now it has its bad times and good times, but i cant stop worrying about my health all day everyday and its driving me insane making me feel helpless... ive been researching around for what i have and i have some of the symptoms of stable angina, every time i exercise or get really exited or hyperactive i get pain in the back of my chest, i have always been very very anxious about my heart since ive had anxiety there has not been one day where i haven't worried about my heart, so my question here is is it just anxiety? can anxiety cause chest pain as i described it? thank you alot i just need the help because im so worried there's something wrong and im only 17, and i left my apprenticeship 4 months ago and have been just sitting around playing games with no social life, and ive been body-building for 1 year if its got anything to do with a muscle problem maybe? thank you again

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by leojoyce1998 View Post
    hi, i just joined this forum because i need help or im going to brake down :/. so ive had anxiety for about a year now it has its bad times and good times, but i cant stop worrying about my health all day everyday and its driving me insane making me feel helpless... ive been researching around for what i have and i have some of the symptoms of stable angina, every time i exercise or get really exited or hyperactive i get pain in the back of my chest, i have always been very very anxious about my heart since ive had anxiety there has not been one day where i haven't worried about my heart, so my question here is is it just anxiety? can anxiety cause chest pain as i described it? thank you alot i just need the help because im so worried there's something wrong and im only 17, and i left my apprenticeship 4 months ago and have been just sitting around playing games with no social life, and ive been body-building for 1 year if its got anything to do with a muscle problem maybe? thank you again
    My advice: Go to a medical doctor and get a thorough physical. If any medical problems are identified, address those. Assuming no cardiac or other medical problems are identified, get some treatment for the anxiety -- start with a reputable therapist. And stop googling symptoms. That will just increase your anxiety. You are young. Address the anxiety now, proactively. Don't let it become a lifelong problem.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    East Coast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by leojoyce1998 View Post
    hi, i just joined this forum because i need help or im going to brake down :/. so ive had anxiety for about a year now it has its bad times and good times, but i cant stop worrying about my health all day everyday and its driving me insane making me feel helpless... ive been researching around for what i have and i have some of the symptoms of stable angina, every time i exercise or get really exited or hyperactive i get pain in the back of my chest, i have always been very very anxious about my heart since ive had anxiety there has not been one day where i haven't worried about my heart, so my question here is is it just anxiety? can anxiety cause chest pain as i described it? thank you alot i just need the help because im so worried there's something wrong and im only 17, and i left my apprenticeship 4 months ago and have been just sitting around playing games with no social life, and ive been body-building for 1 year if its got anything to do with a muscle problem maybe? thank you again
    I agree with above. Get checked out to be certain

    But you don't have angina. You have anxiety and those symptoms are right in line with so many symptoms I had with heart anxiety

    You are fine. For real

    Treat the anxiety and not the false symptoms
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  4. #4
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    Mar 2015
    Dr Google is almost as devious as the anxious mind is. Put those guys together and you have a super villain and his misdirecting henchman.
    From my experience angina is not the very first symptom you will feel from any kind of heart trouble.
    I second the advice in getting a doctor to give you the all clear. It will make you feel better and may even give you some insight on what's really going on.

  5. #5
    thanks guys, yeah Google really doesn't help me lol in the end it tells me i have about 5 different diseases and problems and it just gives my mind more ways to eat at me. i went to the doctors about 5 months ago and had a ECG and blood tests and they said there's nothing wrong and my heart is strong, so hopefully like you guys said it probably is just anxiety... the mind is a powerful thing i suppose, and i know anxiety can mimic other diseases so thank you at least you shed some hope into my head XD

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by leojoyce1998 View Post
    thanks guys, yeah Google really doesn't help me lol in the end it tells me i have about 5 different diseases and problems and it just gives my mind more ways to eat at me. i went to the doctors about 5 months ago and had a ECG and blood tests and they said there's nothing wrong and my heart is strong, so hopefully like you guys said it probably is just anxiety... the mind is a powerful thing i suppose, and i know anxiety can mimic other diseases so thank you at least you shed some hope into my head XD
    So now you know that it is anxiety causing you to feel this way. Then what are you going to do about your anxiety? As I said in my post above, you really don't want to live with anxiety for your whole life if you can avoid it. It can diminish the quality of your life. There are lots of things people do -- meditation, yoga, psychotherapy (of various types), even medication. And other things. I can't tell you what you should do, but I would suggest you make a plan. It is worth your time and effort to try to address your anxiety so that it will not follow you around for the next, say, 70 years!



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