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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Anxiety only occurring at night.. linked to social problems?

    Hi, Ive been suffering from anxiety for about a year and a half. Im not quite sure why it started up.. there was no extreme event or anything so its not post traumatic stress. What did happen when my anxiety started is my ears got messed up, like... it felt like there was pressure in my ear all the time so I started CONSTANTLY popping them. I have yet to remove this problem but ive been the doctors multiple times each leading to no real cure because they were all general practitioners and what I really need is to go to ENT(ear nose throat). But luckily I went to the doctors yesterday and they scheduled me an appointment with ENT. BUT back to the anxiety.... It started out.. really bad.. constant anxiety 24/7 and at night I had EXTREME panic attacks, now a year and a half later ive pretty much gotten rid of close to 80% of the anxiety I havent had a panic attack since like march of 07. This all started early january of 07. Now.. Im a gamer.. a hardcore gamer.. or I was. I played World of Warcraft for 3 years(and continue to play on and off.. not NEARLY as much). I was constantly inside.. but my friend started taking me out like almost every day and night in march and it actually freed me of anxiety when I was out.. until I got back into the house and then I felt like shit again. He left, he went to the navy.. then things went downhill.. I started doing drugs to cope... weed.. and ecstasy.. but I quit that about 5 months ago because I saw how stupid I was acting.. and how much I didnt need that. I realize now.. my anxiety only occurs when I'm in the house for long periods of time. Im only 18.. and have been since Jan. 27. I just dont understand why I go through anxiety when theres no reason... in reality I'm content with my life now.. I like what I'm doing.. but the anxiety STILL OCCURS. If only for a few hours a night it never fails to miss a night unless OF COURSE im out with my friends.. thats why I put this in the social phobia section of this forum because... being around my friends seems to be the only cure for my anxiety and its temporary.

    Does anyone know a permanent cure for me.. is there anything I can do.. and not pills.. medication is just another thing ill get addicted to. This has gotten bad because i am starting to rely on my friends to keep me happy.. and they are getting sick of me being around 24/7 because everyone needs some alone time you know. If anyone has a similar story.. or any idea what may be causing my anxiety and a way I can relieve myself of this and just go on with my life please help. I'm going to college in a few months and I don't need anxiety to hold me back.

    Thankyou for reading.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    nevermind.. i read "Self-help to get cured of social phobia --By Dr.Heixi"... helped a lot... I think I may be ridding myself of those feelings.. im one step closer to being a confident, not selfconcious person

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good for you. Sometimes you don't get a reply on these forums bec. there are so many people on......you know. Don't take it personally.



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