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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Disorientation on the streets

    Have a fear that I'll loose control, attack someone or do something inappropriate...told by my Therapist to simply ignore it and never deal with it..not to analyse it..however I had fought it so long that there is a residual disorientation when I'm in public...never existed before...I should have ignored it months ago. I have started to ignore it as she said...and it is getting better..

    But I'm slightly worried about how I conduct in public.... Any suggestions?

    Simply do my own business in public, what I want to do...and not worry?.

    I realise that this is irrational....but hey anxiety often is....and that's why I posted here...to get it out.


  2. #2
    In the past, I encountered a 2-3 year experience with this...the light head, imbalance and confusion. I recall walking was very trying.

    Essentially its a form of dissociation called derealisation. It manifests itself in people due to over analysis. You were too aware for too long, basically. An over active brain.

    Do you have issues with negative thoughts? Do the bad ones seem to outweigh the good?
    Are you self consious of yourself while walking down the street?
    [size=7]Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity[/size]



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