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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Unhappy Very worried over symptoms of emotional numbness

    Hello, I'm Lee and I'm 21 years old.
    I decided to join the Anxiety forum because I am worried about the symptoms of anxiety that I am suffering from.

    I've recently had a massive panic attack (burnout) from a school work I spent the night over until exhaustion.
    I screamed at the computer and started feeling extremely anxious and dizzy, my heart was beating extremely fast and I was afraid to die from a heart failure.

    I was extremely agitated and I couldn't calm myself no matter how hard I tried. I was on the brink of insanity and I begged my parents for sleeping pills.
    I went to sleep to calm myself, it was really hard because I was so startled I couldn't soothe myself.
    I was scared of becoming crazy because of all the irrational thoughts going on in my head.

    I miraculously slept, but I woke up feeling terrible, the anxiety had ravaged my mind.
    I felt like I was going to die for a whole month afterward, my respiration was heavy and my heart was beating extremely low.
    So I went to the doctor and he gave me a EKG test, a blood test, some Ativan and told me it was just anxiety.

    Ever since this panic attack, my brain doesn't register sleep patterns anymore and it is hard for me to find out when to go to sleep because I never get the signal to sleep.
    My head feels numb to any emotions, it's been one month since the panic attack and it does not improve one bit.
    I have massive brain fogs, usually really heavy when waking up in the morning.
    I am not feeling any anxiety anymore, but I still have the symptoms of physical, emotional numbness and brain fog.

    Music is a big part of my life and I can't enjoy it anymore.
    I want to spend some time with my family for Christmas time.
    I want to have a blast seeing the new Star Wars movie with my friends.
    I don't want to be numb all the time, I'm feeling terrible.

    Has anyone else been through this?
    Is it normal to feel symptoms of a panic attack a month after the attack?

    I am begging anyone for help, I'm scared to stay like this forever.
    Last edited by Lee29; 12-21-2015 at 10:47 AM.



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